Attack on Pope Francis Must Stop

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There’s an issue of intent. Did Jesus mean for all his words to hold true for all mankind at all stages in history, or was he giving advice to those He was speaking to at the time?

If he meant it for all, then it couldn’t be clearer: divorce and remarriage is against God. If he meant it for an audience, then I’d say that compassion and understanding of modern people and their lives must surely come into play.

I don’t know if you are mentioning me, but I said something like this-- but not specifically with respect to marriage and divorce, I think. In general, it seems to me that most of us need to get over concern about words, and focus more on our spiritual condition and the acts that come out of them.

I’m satisfied to embrace all, and let God sort them out in the end.
Again it is just One video, and yet you make it sound as if priests want to kill the pope. I remember when liberal/progreeisves/solicalist/communist/dogooders/busybodies would disagree with JP2. They had no problem with disagreeing with him. Now today we have a pope that is flexible with church teachings and the very same people are saying all to disagree with the pope means youre a poor catholic. You must follow lock step with him no matter what he says. He is right and youre wrong.
Luckily, we have the Gospels, the Magisterium, the teachings of previous popes and saints, and the Catechism to guide us if things go off track…
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I ache for the many things that are going on in the Church today that would have been met with stern admonishments during previous pontificates.

Throughout the life of the Church, we had popes who were made saints, and we also had popes who deserved the worst condemnation. As Pope Emeritus Benedict correctly stated recently: “How much more water can our ship (the Church) take before it capsizes?”

My faith is with Christ who promised us the Holy Spirit always protects the Church from the gates of Hell. I will always pray for our Holy Father as he is the rightful shepherd of the Church and a successor of Peter.
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It was just a matter of time before the “holier-than-the-Pope” crowd chimed in. This thread needs to die.
No need to resort to mockery and condescension to shut down debates. Healthy debates and disagreements are good as long as good manners are observed.
I ache for the many things that are going on in the Church today that would have been met with stern admonishments during previous pontificates.
Some things in the Church today are certainly accomplished with an “Obama approach” - sorry for all we have done; we apologize for all of the harm we have caused the world; somebody else please teach us how to be better; feel free to criticize and denigrate our ignorance; no, we really are not better than anyone else; despite all previous word, our mark on society and the world has been more negative than positive; in order to be accepted and welcoming, we must abandon our old ways and embrace the ways of the rest of the world; those who have been our most vocal enemies and critics should actually advise us now; throw our old traditions out the window - they are a relic of the past, an embarrassment, and an impediment to anyone liking us; we will show our humility by being self-deprecating and constantly apologetic; and we will hold some of the most degenerate people and cultures in higher esteem than our own to show our enlightened understanding of the modern world.

I do not think this approach is what the Holy Father himself intends, but many of those who surround him take advantage of his demeanor in order to propagate this type of mindset.
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Equating the workings of the church to sleazy American politics is absurd. The USA is hardly the be all end all model for how people should behave.
When people attack Pope Francis, it tells me much more about them than it does the pope.
I’m sure that most of those who we now call “saints” ruffled some feathers along the way, which is also why they stood out. Jesus also was one who wasn’t always welcomed and who shook things up.

Pope Francis, even though he came from a religiously conservative family and was originally conservative himself, was moved by the poverty he saw and the unwillingness for many political and religious authorities to take a stand against those who stood and stand in the way of implementing Jesus’ message of justice and compassion for all. For many people, this is not the message they want to hear, but that also was true in Jesus’ day.

Take care and have a most blessed Lord’s Day…
Other figures in the Catholic Church Hierarchy such as Martin Luther, John Calvin, Arius, etc… also ruffled feathers too. Look what happened to them!! Ruffling feathers in itself is not exemplary. The difference between these people and the saints is the saints exemplified lives of faith and obedience to Christ and the Magisterium. The heroic examples set by the saints clarified and illuminated the faith—not brought confusion, disunity or division within the faith, nor undermined the words of Christ Himself.
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Me too. I am very frustrated with the current state of the Church for example Ireland who passed sodomy into law should never have a ‘world meeting of families’ held there and so many other scandals and outrageous things not to mention the sheer propaganda in the west. ‘Jesus I Trust in You’

How can Francis visit a nation who just passed sodomy into their laws for a meeting on the family? Outrageous. Cancel and hold it in a Country like Poland or something who actually have some idea on family.
Not to mention the fact that a certain Jesuit priest who promotes everything LGBT happens to be keynote speaker at said World Meeting of Families. Go figure.
Me too. I am very frustrated with the current state of the Church for example Ireland who passed sodomy into law should never have a ‘world meeting of families’ held there and so many other scandals and outrageous things not to mention the sheer propaganda in the west. ‘Jesus I Trust in You’

How can Francis visit a nation who just passed sodomy into their laws for a meeting on the family? Outrageous. Cancel and hold it in a Country like Poland or something who actually have some idea on family
Jesus says this to you on why the Pope visited Ireland. We must understand the Gospel aka Good News of Jesus Christ. Ireland need the Pope and Jesus Christ more than ever now.
Mark 2:17 New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition
17 When Jesus heard this, he said to them, “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick; I have come to call not the righteous but sinners.”
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