The richer the person, the less he/she cares about others because empathy does not suit well with material riches.
You eternal salvation is based if you helped those in need. Jesus gave this stern warning. Don’t be caught dying and never have done some of these things. All your sacraments, going to mass on Sunday, praying to Mary, etc… won’t save you unless you did what Jesus asks of you.Please by all means give me a quote of Jesus, or one of his disciples that advocate for the forced removal of wealth (and not that particular, over quoted,misinterpreted Gospel reading AKA give unto Caesar ) Or the teachings which advocates for the ethnic replacement of a native population. All too often the left will try and infuse their politics with Christianity in a attempt to guilt conservatives into socialism
I have not seen these. Can you point me to them?guidelines promulgated for the Diocese of Rome itself
Isn’t it beautiful? Modelling the humility of Jesus.But then…
You’re barking up the wrong tree by politicizing this, plus it’s obvious that you don’t understand what the “social gospel” actually is. Again, Matthew 25 and the Sermon On the Mount, amongst many other verses, will spell it out for you as that is what the “social gospel” is largely about.Please by all means give me a quote of Jesus, or one of his disciples that advocate for the forced removal of wealth (and not that particular, over quoted,misinterpreted Gospel reading AKA give unto Caesar ) Or the teachings which advocates for the ethnic replacement of a native population. All too often the left will try and infuse their politics with Christianity in a attempt to guilt conservatives into socialism.
Actually not. I didn’t convert until I was 30, taught the RCIA program for 14 years, had a change in belief about Jesus whereas I joined a synagogue (not MJ) for around 20 years, co-taught the Lunch & Learn program with my rabbi for about 10 years, but have moved back into the RCC over the last three years after an “experience” that I never though could ever happen to me. I’ll not cover that today, but if someone is interested I’ll cover it tomorrow. However, if you read what happened you might well conclude that I fell off the turnip truck-- it’s that nuts. I couldn’t even understand what was happening and why for most of this 3 year “experience”.Wow, 50 years Catholic. Pretty amazing. You were what 23 when you switched teams?
Thanks for the reminder but I’ll have to be fairly brief.I would like to read it, so please, go ahead!
Thank you for bringing up this issue.Recently I’ve seen several attacks on Pope Francis by other Priest and Catholics.
You really want to see the vid of our Pope being attacked by another Priest? Its really bad.A video? One just one.