Attack on Pope Francis Must Stop

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The richer the person, the less he/she cares about others because empathy does not suit well with material riches.
Please by all means give me a quote of Jesus, or one of his disciples that advocate for the forced removal of wealth (and not that particular, over quoted,misinterpreted Gospel reading AKA give unto Caesar ) Or the teachings which advocates for the ethnic replacement of a native population. All too often the left will try and infuse their politics with Christianity in a attempt to guilt conservatives into socialism
You eternal salvation is based if you helped those in need. Jesus gave this stern warning. Don’t be caught dying and never have done some of these things. All your sacraments, going to mass on Sunday, praying to Mary, etc… won’t save you unless you did what Jesus asks of you.

Faith without works is dead!!!

Matthew 25:
41 Then he will say to those at his left hand, ‘You that are accursed, depart from me into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels; 42 for I was hungry and you gave me no food, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, 43 I was a stranger and you did not welcome me, naked and you did not give me clothing, sick and in prison and you did not visit me.’ 44 Then they also will answer, ‘Lord, when was it that we saw you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison, and did not take care of you?’ 45 Then he will answer them, ‘Truly I tell you, just as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to me.’ 46 And these will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life"

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Thank you. Looks like you can only get the full guidelines in Italian. 😝 But I suppose that makes sense. As you said, it’s not intended to be binding on all bishops. So there’s no need for the Vatican to translate it into every language.
Please by all means give me a quote of Jesus, or one of his disciples that advocate for the forced removal of wealth (and not that particular, over quoted,misinterpreted Gospel reading AKA give unto Caesar ) Or the teachings which advocates for the ethnic replacement of a native population. All too often the left will try and infuse their politics with Christianity in a attempt to guilt conservatives into socialism.
You’re barking up the wrong tree by politicizing this, plus it’s obvious that you don’t understand what the “social gospel” actually is. Again, Matthew 25 and the Sermon On the Mount, amongst many other verses, will spell it out for you as that is what the “social gospel” is largely about.
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Wow, 50 years Catholic. Pretty amazing. You were what 23 when you switched teams?
Actually not. I didn’t convert until I was 30, taught the RCIA program for 14 years, had a change in belief about Jesus whereas I joined a synagogue (not MJ) for around 20 years, co-taught the Lunch & Learn program with my rabbi for about 10 years, but have moved back into the RCC over the last three years after an “experience” that I never though could ever happen to me. I’ll not cover that today, but if someone is interested I’ll cover it tomorrow. However, if you read what happened you might well conclude that I fell off the turnip truck-- it’s that nuts. I couldn’t even understand what was happening and why for most of this 3 year “experience”.
I would like to read it, so please, go ahead!
Thanks for the reminder but I’ll have to be fairly brief.

When a sophomore during my undergrad years, I met this petite Italian Catholic woman at a dance, gradually fell in love with her, and she was simply the nicest person I had ever met-- so loving, caring, not bad-mouthing anyone, etc. And she was a very devout Catholic, weekly attending mass by herself. As one who grew up in a fundamentalist Protestant church, I loved the mass when I went with her-- it was special and she was special.

Even though she dropped me after five months, I had already signed up to take a Catholic theology class for the winter semester, and I loved it, taking another one for the fall semester next school year (Catholic Moral Theology). However, not only did I not convert, I thought that I’d never use this information. I was wrong.

A year and a half after being dumped, I met and gradually fell in love with another petite Italian Catholic woman who was so much like the first. Same qualities, but this time I treated her like a woman and not just like a saint like the previous one. Then as “fate” would have it, the other one came back into my picture, and this time everything was different, and we both fell in love with each other.

So, I had two women at the same time that I loved so very much, were living saints to me, and for some reason they both loved me. For a couple of months, I had no idea how this would end, but then Mother Nature made the choice for us, And the single most depressing conversation that I have had in my life is when I told the first woman what had happened and that we must part. It depressed me to the core to hurt someone I loved and admired so very much.

So, the latter woman and I got married, I eventually converted to Catholicism because of a gradual acceptance of its theology but also was influenced by the fact that I had two very devout Catholic women who served as guardian angels. We’ve been married 51 years, have three “kids” and eight grandkids, and we love em!

To me, it’s just amazing how much one person can influence another as I experienced, and she and later my wife have made my life wonderful.

BTW, what’s happened over the last three years to me that I mentioned earlier sort of relates, but in a really bizarre way.
Yes, I did, and I was very active in my synagogue.

The priest at our church I’m now working with and he knows my situation, so I plan on putting on “the finishing touches” within the next month. Technically, I was never excommunicated, but by leaving the church for another religion means that I have to get his permission to resume the sacraments which will not be a problem.
I see you are graced with the blessing of both humility and insight into others motivations that I am not. Congrats.

I always chuckle at topics about something being scurrilous (“attacking” the Holy Father) that end up rife with posts involving attacking other people we know even less about than the Holy Father.
Recently I’ve seen several attacks on Pope Francis by other Priest and Catholics.
Thank you for bringing up this issue.

It’s distressing to hear Catholic moms in my homeschool group lament about how Pope Francis is a sign that our Church is being “hijacked.” Not all of the moms are that way, but the sheer divisiveness makes things uncomfortable for many of us.
Earlier in the thread I think something was said about following the spirit and not just the letter of the law or teaching, with respect to marriage and divorce.

Jesus says in Luke 16-18: “Everyone who divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery, and the one who marries a woman divorced from her husband commits adultery.”

In what way is the spirit of Jesus’ words different from the the letter of his words?
How about I show a great vid of our Pope instead! 🙂

Watch “Pope gives sweet answer to heartsick boy who lost his papa” on YouTube

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I can’t imagine a Pope who could more perfectly embody God’s love and understanding than this one.
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