Attack on Pope Francis Must Stop

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Why don’t you study every criticism made against the Pope?

Here’s what I think your problem is. Your earthly father wasn’t perfect, and your spiritual father Pope Francis isn’t perfect. But that doesn’t mean somebody criticizing your father or the Pope should just stop. If there is a legitimate criticism, we must be willing to hear it.

So, my sense is you need to do far more research.

Now, about burning with lust after a failed marriage, do you believe it’s possible for people to contain themselves? How do you suppose single people are living these days?

I don’t see marriage “errors” as needing fixing via divorce. I think most need fixing with much sacrifice.

You may one day realize your father was weak and shouldn’t have left his first wife. But it’s hard to be the product of the second marriage, and see your fathers actions as not good.
I thought that the Divine Savior, Jesus, gave the Pope the power to bind and to loose? Do you say that He did not do so?
So Jesus was wrong when He said that the Pope has the power to bind and to loose? BTW, did you read post #92 with the article from Lifesite news?
“Pope Francis has written a letter of thanks to the Patriarch of Lisbon, Cardinal Manuel Clemente, regarding his recent instructional note in which he appears to interpret Amoris laetitia as permitting Catholics who are divorced and invalidly “remarried” to receive Holy Communion even if they are sexually active, a practice forbidden in the Scriptures and canon law of the Catholic Church.”
In describing papal critics as Judas like you place the pope on the same level as Christ.
"one should never attack a priest ,even when he’s in error, Rather one should should pray an do penance that I will give him my grace again. He alone fully represents me even if he does not live by My example. 'When a priest falls we should extend a helping hand through prayer and not through attacks, I Myself will be his judge. whoever voices judgement over a priest has voiced it over Me.‘My children never let a priest be attacked, take up his defense.’ [Our Lord’s revelations to Mutter Vogel , feast of Christ the King 1937, Pieta prayer book] God bless
If you believe that a priest is above public criticism then you deify him and insult God.
The Pope, like any other person, is a sinner. One of the spiritual works of mercy is to admonish the sinner.
I thought about this and do not see how this can apply. The criticism spoken of is not to the Holy Father, not in private, and has no effect of admonishment. The criticism is to others, about the Holy Father. I will not go into motive, as that is too varied. I would think anyone who would rely on this spiritual work of mercy as stretching the point for self-justification. I speak not of this poster, but of the various commentators referenced in the first post.
And that is the very question. It is not expected that we will agree here. The bishops to not all agree on what is doctrine and what is a practice based in doctrine.
Can you please demonstrate from Amoris Laetitia where the Pope has attempted to change the Church’s teachings in re Communion for the divorced and civilly remarried?

I’ve read the entire document at least half a dozen times (including the footnotes) and find nothing but a constant re-affirmation of what the Church has always taught.

So please cite paragraph numbers and footnote numbers so that I can look them up.
That is the doctrine in which the practice is based. What constitutes adultery will never change.
AL states nothing of the sort. Please give a direct reference to the text itself.

Anyone who is even vaguely familiar with interpreting Church documents knows that when an official document is vague or ambiguous in its language, we always interpret in light of Tradition.

Cardinal Mueller himself has said that it is completely possible for AL to be interpreted in a totally orthodox manner. I’ll give the former head of the CDF the benefit of the doubt on that one.
His Holiness Pope Francis is a successor to St.Peter , we do not put him on the same level as Jesus. The office of the Papacy was given to Peter by Jesus to look out for what Jesus said "I must call my church} there have been many who follow in those footsteps and we should respect them,God bless::🦋
I would disagree. First, we are actually called to test one’s preaching and teaching. Second, while I agree that we should not “attack” anyone, priest or otherwise, there is a difference between a personal attack and a rejection of false doctrine. I agree that our first impulse should be to correct rather than “attack” a person who is teaching false doctrine, however the idea that a priest should not be confronted for error is unbiblical. Last, I disagree that I can make amends for someone else’s sin through penance.
Jesus in the Sacrament of Confession is the only thing that can forgive mortal sins (unless one is near death without a priest, one may receive a plenary indulgence by reciting the name Jesus.

Pope Francis said in a later comment:
‘Eucharist can never be received in a state of mortal sin.’

According to Catholic teaching: remarriage without annulment from the Catholic Church, is adultery. Jesus even says so in scripture.

But the Eucharist may be given in extreme circumstances such as before death.

So Our Lord in His providence provided your dad with a catholic priest, and catholic eucharist in an emergency situation; being near death.☺️
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