Everyone was saved!! This fact is totally missed by Evangelical Protestants because they are so worried about themselves. They can’t imagine a God who isn’t as selfish as they are. The redemptive work of Jesus Christ on the cross saved everyone.
You are assuming that I don’t hold a place for man’s cooperation with grace because I didn’t mention it. However, I do. But, unlike you, I place man’s works second in God’s work of salvation. You, however, have placed man’s
exercise of freewill (which by definition is a work) first in the order of salvation.
Your claim:
- free will act of faith on the part of man (perhaps saying the salvation prayer)
- salvation
The Catholic Church has taught me:
- salvific grace
- man’s cooperation with salvific grace
- more grace to cooperate further
- further cooperation of man
- more grace to cooperate further
- further cooperation of man
and on and on…
Your claim boils down to salvation by works. The Catholic position boils down to by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not from you; it is the gift of God (Eph 2:8).
Few are chosen, because few choose to cooperate with God’s grace to the extent that Our Blessed Lord commanded. We have the grace to completely abandon ourselves to God, but how many actually say yes to this grace? I have no clue, but God will know when salvation
is accomplished. Being saved, you see, has a past, present and future. I was saved by Our Blessed Lord’s work of redemption two thousand years ago (along with everyone else) (Eph 1:7). I am being saved by my baptism and the grace that God gives me now (Phil 2:12; Rom 6:3-5; Gal 3:27). I will be saved if I persevere to the end (Matt 25:31-46).
You still have not addressed my points regarding Our Blessed Lord rendering spiritual benefits and healing for people on account of a third party’s faith. If such a thing as healing an infant on account of a parent’s faith was impossible, then certainly it wouldn’t be in the bible??