Full Of Grace
The teachings regarding Mary, the Mother of our Lord, are the most disturbing to Fundamentalist “Bible Christians.” Kimberly Hahn, a convert from Presbyterianism to Catholicism, said, before she became Catholic, that there were only three more things that kept her from converting: Mary, Mary, and Mary.
As do most Protestants, GATR believes that those Marian doctrines are extrinsic to the Bible and rob the Lord of his glory and honor. Quite the opposite is true, however. The first three teachings on Mary we will examine are her being the Mother of God, the fact that she was conceived without sin and thus remained sinless throughout her entire life, and her
glorious Assumption.
The Mother of God
Protestants do not like to refer to Mary as the Mother of God. They believe it elevates Mary too much. They say Mary is only the Mother of Jesus. GATR notes:
The Bible…never calls Mary the Mother of God for a very simple reason:
God has no mother. As someone has rightly said, just as Christ’s human nature had
no father, so His divine nature had no mother.
Now, however nice this may sound, it is nonsense. By calling Mary the Mother of God, we make it clear that Jesus is fully divine, and so this actually elevates Jesus rather than Mary. The fact alone that God has chosen a woman to bear his only son, who is divine, already elevates Mary to a status that no human being could transgress by venerating her. After all, Jesus drew his humanity from Mary. Christ was a real son of Mary; he was
her child!
Jesus Christ is God. Women who bear people are called mothers. If the person a woman bears is God, then, consequently, the woman is the Mother of God. It’s that simple. Now, GATR claims that Jesus’ divine nature had no mother. This is true, of course, but the Church does not teach otherwise. We say that Mary is the Mother of God; mothers are not mothers of natures, but of persons, and Jesus was a divine person who took on a human nature. Karl Keating explains it this way:
Was your mother the mother of your human nature? No, she was the mother of
It is a
person who is conceived and born, not a
nature [only]. What person was born of Mary?
A divine Person only–not a human person–but a divine Person who took on human nature.
The one born of Mary “shall be called the son of God” (Lk 1:35), and “God sent his son,
made of a woman” (Gal 4:4).
So if we do believe that Jesus is God, and that while on earth, he had a human and a divine nature in one person–namely, a divine person–, which fundamentalists do believe, then we must conclude that Mary is the Mother of God. There is no way out. Even Martin Luther used and defended the title “Mother of God.”