"Baptism is a grace from God, not something we do for God. And grace does not depend on our intellectual achievements any more than it depends on any other human achievement. This is one of the many ironies of opposition to the ancient Christian practice of infant baptism. For to refuse baptism to a baby on the grounds that “It isn’t able to understand what is happening” is to presume that God only gives grace to those who are smart or old enough to figure out how to get it. This is, paradoxically, an implicit assumption of salvation by intellectual works specifically condemned by Scripture and Catholic teaching.Baptists teach adult baptism for those who have already accepted Christ as savior. That doesn’t mean that children aren’t born sinful. God takes care of them, somehow, some way. There are verses that imply they are taken to be with Him. I can dig those out if you want. There is a verse which Jesus states that “their angels” are watching over them. He also stated that everyone must come to God like a little child. To us, it implies they are humble and have not “rebelled” against God as yet.
Original sin is what the name implies. It was inherited by us all through Adam and Eve’s transgression. Romans 5:12 shows this.
Accepting Christ involves repenting, confessing and putting faith in Christ and constitutes the sin-removing act for all time. Baptism as you pointed out, is for public affirmation only.
Besides, baptism means nothing less than the miracle of the Blessed Trinity coming to take up residence in a human person and make that person fit to dwell in union with the Eternal, Unimaginable, All-Powerful, Immortal and Invisible God of Heaven and Earth. Do you understand the magnitude of such a cataclysm? Of course not. So why should we quibble that babies understand it slightly less than we do? It’s never too early to bear the grace of God to a human soul." (Mark Shea)