Peace be with you!
This is what I wanted to say, but you understood me according to your prejudice.
As for your problem with Ron, I know what is happening. But my reply was to tell you both that the Fathers are not the Authority, but the Scripture.
In Love,
And the students of Jesus ( disciples ) would say: Halleluia!As my students would say: Huh?
If Elijah ascended to Heaven, this doesn’t change anything in what Jesus said about His descending from Heaven. For you know that no one descended from Heaven other than Jesus! So Mary didn’t descend from Heaven. Therefore she is not the Ark of the Covenant.Obviously, Jesus didn’t mean what you think he means. Elijah ascended to Heaven.
These observations aside, you’re off the point. Ron (who apparently thinks he is the final arbiter of what is and is not acceptable doctrine) said that no early Church writer equated the woman described in Revelation 12 with Mary. I merely pointed out that he was wrong about this.
– Mark L. Chance.
This is what I wanted to say, but you understood me according to your prejudice.
As for your problem with Ron, I know what is happening. But my reply was to tell you both that the Fathers are not the Authority, but the Scripture.
In Love,