Win by truth? What is that?
Haha, close-minded! Hilarious!
Good luck!
errr… disease? wow… talk about extrapolation going wrong!
Self-delusion means that a person deludes herself (or is it himself? I don’t know how these things work in English)… of course, that only works if the person is unaware of the possibility for that delusion.
Myself, being aware of it, my mind has naturally shielded itself from such phenomena… I’m sure the shield is not perfect, but it seems adequate.
A delusion is exactly like a deception… you see, the two words are synonyms:
However, deception is usually used when a negative outcome is intended on the person being deceived.
Delusion is usually used when a benign outcome is intended.
The action is similar (or even equal), while the intention is different.
Sigh… “is irrelevant” to the point I was making…
So… I attribute a low probability to the possibility of existence of any extra-corporeal conscious entity, hence my working hypothesis for life is that no such things exist… and that, somehow, becomes a belief?!
I get the feeling you’re not following the line of reasoning…
Buhahaha!!! LOL! ROFL!!
Dude, baseless?
It’s even present in the corporate world!
Your brain is faulty. It’s far from perfect. It is open to a wide range of faulty decisions. Imagine how many more you have to make based on faulty data, or incomplete data, or faulty and incomplete data!
Knowing that, I avoid anything that feels like it exploits those faults. And religion does that.
Notice, I say religion.
The religious experience and how people are induced to believe is something that can be detached from the actual existence of a god.
Here’s some actual research done on the matter:,
And it seems that it’s been a field of research for quite a while:
You’re the one who brought the sticks in… I’m not very fond of analogies… PRmerger already knows this.