Biased posts?

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Just as a for example-

Three threads here, all the same agenda, all posted one after another, all with no posts on 'em.
I reserve the right to post news items I have found of interest - you do the same. No one here need account to you, for what they post - heaven knows the hot air provided by others is enough to blow a great number of any good posts and posters away.
I’m not having a go at you, just saying that the same can be said on both sides, wouldn’t you agree?


If I am honest, when I first came here I was looking for answers about the war. I post on another forum and thought I could rely on my Catholic brothers and sisters for a clear American anti-war perspective. I was amazed to find virtually all the posters here were ardent supporters- really, I did not expect it at all! That’s not to say you’re not entitled to your views, just it’s an amazingly different perspective, and one that seems to be driven by national loyalty.
I’m not having a go at you, just saying that the same can be said on both sides, wouldn’t you agree?


If I am honest, when I first came here I was looking for answers about the war. I post on another forum and thought I could rely on my Catholic brothers and sisters for a clear American anti-war perspective. I was amazed to find virtually all the posters here were ardent supporters- really, I did not expect it at all! That’s not to say you’re not entitled to your views, just it’s an amazingly different perspective, and one that seems to be driven by national loyalty.
I would not call myself an ardent supporter of the war. I call myself a regretful supporter of the war. I could give you a host of reasons why I support the war, most of which boil down to a lot of evidence that Saddam Hussein held malicious intentions towards the United States and was offering safe harbor to others of the same mindset.

On the other hand, there are a lot of reasoned arguments to make against the war. Whether or not the war is just boils down to a prudential judgement. One problem is, at least in the US, most opposition to the war hasn’t been thoughtful, just reactionary posturing against any policy of the Bush administration. That posturing has undermined any legitimate criticism against the war. The other problem is that there are many war critics who seem incapable of making a stand against evil. That mindset and its close cousin pacifism makes it easy to dismiss critics as ideologues who would reject war for any reason.
Great post! I agree! Much of what I have read and heard has had an unfortunate political undertone which has meant many have just discounted it!
I’m not having a go at you,.
Well you certainly had me fooled.
just saying that the same can be said on both sides, wouldn’t you agree?.
No I wouldn’t
If I am honest, when I first came here I was looking for answers about the war. I post on another forum and thought I could rely on my Catholic brothers and sisters for a clear American anti-war perspective. I was amazed to find virtually all the posters here were ardent supporters- really, I did not expect it at all! That’s not to say you’re not entitled to your views, just it’s an amazingly different perspective, and one that seems to be driven by national loyalty.
Then I would say you came to the forum with unreal and preconceived expectations and because you were disappointed in that regard, somehow it is our “fault”. In all candor you appear to have the problem, not the rest of us. As Dennis Prager points out in his column which I posted earlier, there is “moral confusion” in many places today.
I’m not having a go at you, just saying that the same can be said on both sides, wouldn’t you agree?

If I am honest, when I first came here I was looking for answers about the war. I post on another forum and thought I could rely on my Catholic brothers and sisters for a clear American anti-war perspective. I was amazed to find virtually all the posters here were ardent supporters- really, I did not expect it at all! That’s not to say you’re not entitled to your views, just it’s an amazingly different perspective, and one that seems to be driven by national loyalty.
Traditionally, Catholics in the United States have been very patriotic. Unless we have a real reason not to be. This war isn’t it.
Great post! I agree! Much of what I have read and heard has had an unfortunate political undertone which has meant many have just discounted it!
What political undertone? I didn’t notice any political undertones.😉 Oh, you’re just being biased 😃 .

I’m with you Fighting Fat, there’s enough bias to spread around. I’m unabashedly biased…to my point of view. As long as biased viewpoints are argued and countered with charity, I enjoy the discussions.

One of my favorite telecasts to catch are the “Questions for the Prime Minister” shown on CSPAN. Lots of bias on both sides, but a very engaging interchange! Any fellow americans who haven’t seen it, should check it out. It’s much more fun than any footage of congressional monologues.

God Bless,

I agree this forum is riddled with biase. Just look at what we have:
  • Most contributors are American.
  • Most contributors are Republican.
  • Most contributors are right wing
  • Most contributors are anti Islamic
  • Most contributors think the sun shines out of GB’s ****
  • Most contributors hate anyone having an opinion other than theirs.
  • Most contributors label anyone whop disagrees with them as Left Wing Liberals
Yep, I would say this forum is biased!!!:rolleyes:
How do you have any idea what political party anyone belongs to? These points are your opinion and some are very un-Catholic in nature.
I’m not having a go at you, just saying that the same can be said on both sides, wouldn’t you agree?


If I am honest, when I first came here I was looking for answers about the war. I post on another forum and thought I could rely on my Catholic brothers and sisters for a clear American anti-war perspective. I was amazed to find virtually all the posters here were ardent supporters- really, I did not expect it at all! That’s not to say you’re not entitled to your views, just it’s an amazingly different perspective, and one that seems to be driven by national loyalty.
Dear Fighting Fat,
I’m against the war, for what it’s worth. I think it was a big mistake. My priest is adamently against the war. I also believe our Holy Father was against it.

Here in America, unfortunately, there is a lot of propaganda at the moment, under the guise of “Free Press”. Since most of the population is totally plugged into the ever present media, they are heavily influenced by it in one way or another.
Since this thread was started as a discussion of biased posts, I am pleased to see that one such poster has again been suspended. If he comes back under yet another name, I hope he will have learned some charity and be able to engage in some meaningful discussions.
Me too! God Bless and thanks for the info,that said poster is dare I say a big part of this thread being created.God Bless
Dear Fighting Fat,
I’m against the war, for what it’s worth. I think it was a big mistake. My priest is adamently against the war. I also believe our Holy Father was against it.

Here in America, unfortunately, there is a lot of propaganda at the moment, under the guise of “Free Press”. Since most of the population is totally plugged into the ever present media, they are heavily influenced by it in one way or another.
This, whitedove, is really just a subtle way of showing disdain for those that disagree with you. Do you have some special information that the rest of us who are swayed by the “propaganda” don’t have? Why do you assume that we don’t have reasonable and rational arguments for believing that this is a just war? Why do you put quotes around free press? What’s unfree about it?
This thread is labeled biased post because I tried to post it under more specific names and it wouldn’t post. So, I had to laugh in the end because I know we are all biased. I did not want to imply that I wasn’t. I have been transparent in my beliefs and I give reasons. Don’t call me names for it. Don’t imply that I am stupid for my beliefs. And don’t act like yours are sanctified because they are: yours, European, better, inspired or just that you think you are smarter.

Look we all read, listen to a variety of news sources, have personal jobs and experiences that shape us, and we are almost all Catholic or some other Christian denomination. I won’t put you down for that, but you need to listen to other posters too.

We all have our non negotiables: abortion, cloning, euthanasia, homosexuality, and embryonic stem cell reasearch. I don’t have to accept your point of view on any of this because the church tells me what I need to know. If you want to defend any of these non negotiables, then I have to question you and tell you what I think. I don’t have to bend.

When it comes to war, I have to listen, but I don’t have to accept your point of view. We all have to remain Christian in our comments. We have all been quilty. Most of us. I resent those that go over the top with their criticisms because let’s face it: History is in the making here. Unless you are God, the conclusion is not in yet. We need to share our thoughts more respectfully.

One exception: If you are antisemitic or dispespectful to people by swearing or some such nonsense, then you might be reported.
Just as a for example-

Three threads here, all the same agenda, all posted one after another, all with no posts on 'em.

You see an agenda here?! I looked at two of the posts and see only an attempt to bring items that some might feel newsworthy. I saw no attempt at controversy, thus the lack of posts in not notable.

charitably disagreeing with your point.

Mr Norwich!

Its simply NOT TRUE that most here think the sun shines out of GB’s butt…

…actually, most here think that after Jesus himself, a Holy Halo of Truth & Light emanates from his lips whenever he speaks. 😃
This, whitedove, is really just a subtle way of showing disdain for those that disagree with you. Do you have some special information that the rest of us who are swayed by the “propaganda” don’t have? Why do you assume that we don’t have reasonable and rational arguments for believing that this is a just war?

Some of us have off days others not. Some of us are more outspoken than others and some reply to posts without having either read or understood the comments made. It happens to us all.

Yesterday I upset a number by making comments that they resented, that was done on purpose, my intention? I was trying to point up the different degrees of hypocracy that exist.

I do not have any opinion on Hillary Clinton, she is not my politician and I know very little about what she says or does, what I do know is that she, like the rest of us, is a product of God. As the church teaches she is made in the image of Our Lord, AS ARE ALL OF US. Now on this forum many of us are very quick to defend our point of view and our faith and quite rightly so but, when we attack others with such vehemence and such outright hatred that is often expressed what happened to our christian values? When I attacked GB the result was a litany of “what an un-christian comment” but much of it came from the same people who attacked Hillary Clinton and Michael Moore so vehemently.

Please explain to me how one is justifiable and the other not?

Any justification based on their “Being controlled by the Devil” is unfounded, the teaching of the Church expressly states you condemn the SIN not the SINNER. If Hillary Clinton is pro abortion, as I suspect she is, in my opinion and the opinion of the Church she is wrong but, I AM NOT THE JUDGE, God is and it is up to him to pass judgement on her behaviour, not me, I will pass judgement on the result of her behaviour, abortion and I will fight to end the practice, I will not kill or destroy one of Gods creatures in the process.

Michael Moore is another point in case except that his actions are not an attack on the Church but on some peoples interpretation of a particular event. Whetther you like it or not he has a point of view, you may not agree, you may think he is totally off base, but again HE IS ONE OF GODS CHILDREN and to respond with the degree of vitrolic comments and observations is neither christian nor, dare I say, democratic.

The subject of this string is Biase. I think everyone should be biased, not towards GB, not towards America or Europe or Britain or anything like that but biased towards God, towards his church and towards the way he taught us to behave to him and his people. Humility is a wonderful tool invented by God to allow us to reconcile ourselves to him, maybe it’s a word we need to pin to the top of our computers before we type anything.

Yours in Christ.

Some of us have off days others not. Some of us are more outspoken than others and some reply to posts without having either read or understood the comments made. It happens to us all.

Yesterday I upset a number by making comments that they resented, that was done on purpose, my intention? I was trying to point up the different degrees of hypocracy that exist.

I do not have any opinion on Hillary Clinton, she is not my politician and I know very little about what she says or does, what I do know is that she, like the rest of us, is a product of God. As the church teaches she is made in the image of Our Lord, AS ARE ALL OF US. Now on this forum many of us are very quick to defend our point of view and our faith and quite rightly so but, when we attack others with such vehemence and such outright hatred that is often expressed what happened to our christian values? When I attacked GB the result was a litany of “what an un-christian comment” but much of it came from the same people who attacked Hillary Clinton and Michael Moore so vehemently.

Please explain to me how one is justifiable and the other not?

Any justification based on their “Being controlled by the Devil” is unfounded, the teaching of the Church expressly states you condemn the SIN not the SINNER. If Hillary Clinton is pro abortion, as I suspect she is, in my opinion and the opinion of the Church she is wrong but, I AM NOT THE JUDGE, God is and it is up to him to pass judgement on her behaviour, not me, I will pass judgement on the result of her behaviour, abortion and I will fight to end the practice, I will not kill or destroy one of Gods creatures in the process.

Michael Moore is another point in case except that his actions are not an attack on the Church but on some peoples interpretation of a particular event. Whetther you like it or not he has a point of view, you may not agree, you may think he is totally off base, but again HE IS ONE OF GODS CHILDREN and to respond with the degree of vitrolic comments and observations is neither christian nor, dare I say, democratic.

The subject of this string is Biase. I think everyone should be biased, not towards GB, not towards America or Europe or Britain or anything like that but biased towards God, towards his church and towards the way he taught us to behave to him and his people. Humility is a wonderful tool invented by God to allow us to reconcile ourselves to him, maybe it’s a word we need to pin to the top of our computers before we type anything.

Yours in Christ.
Norwich, I accept your offer of Peace and hope that going forward my posts and yours will be in a spirit patience and respect. Your post was not an attack on GWB, it was a personal attack on the posters who support him. Stating that I think the sun shines from a certain part of his body is not an attack on him but on my veiws.

I am starting that tonight Lance. I thought for some time that I should ignore, but I was always tempted to put my 2 cents in. I am not a good debater so it was disasterous. I am turning over a new leaf.
Fitz, I appreciate your posts. If we were to ignore all the people we disagree with the forums would be so much less interesting. When we get frustrated I think the best response is to just take a break for a day or two. I find your (name removed by moderator)ut valuable.
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