You call into question my understanding and yet you contradict yourself right from the get-go!
You say that we don’t find human weakness in the word of God? I would say that a lack of memory by St. Paul certainly is a human weakness (unless you believe God has a bad memory)…much more so than an author saying that he hopes his summary of history is well-written and entertaining to the reader.
I don’t know what you mean by “if what he wrote is well”. I do know that here you say St. Paul is demonstrating human weakness. However, just above you said:
So then by your own admission, since there is no human weakness in the Word of God, and Paul demonstrates that he is a weak human in his epistle, his epistle is therefore not the Word of God.
I don’t understand, so it is the Word of God, but it isn’t the Word of God? Your logic, unfortunately, doesn’t work. Furthermore, you have not demonstrated the the author of 2 Maccabees does not know that he is writing the word of God. Certainly a comment concerning his writing ability doesn’t negate that possibility…even less so than Paul’s lack of memory.
Actually no, what I am witnessing is someone who through their his hardness of heart and disbelief considers the Word of God to be the words of men. Truly tragic

Here is the whole problem with you, my friend: you don’t know what is the place of human elements in the Scripture.
David committed a big sin, but when he wrote about it in his Psalm, he was writing the INFALLIBLE Word of God.
Paul didn’t remember, but he was sure that what he wrote was infallibly Word of God.
Jesus didn’t know if there are fruits in the tree, but he was not less than God. When He spoke, He didn’t say that He is not sure if what He says is right and well, and that this is all what He could say!
While the author of Maccabees declares clearly that he is not a prophet, and that this is all what HE HIMSELF could do.
Ok. I will not give lessons now in human elements in the Scripture.

I know that RC need to know the basicas yet.