Pax Vobiscvm!
Here’s your answers to #45:
Here’s your answers to #45:

The Holy Spirit working through humans decided what to write.Did those humans DECIDE what to write, or did the Holy Spirit inspire them what to write.?

One was inspired by the Holy Spirit and one was not, only the Church can determine which is which, in light of Matthew 18:15-18.What is the difference between a poetic inspiration and the Inspiration of the Word of God?

Before anyone wrote anything, God spoke to him or her. Before there was Moses, there was Adam and so all events from the fall until Moses were the oral traditions of the Jews. St. Jude records things about Moses that are not found in the Torah, that is the tradition of the Jews as recorded in the non-canonical Assumption of Moses. Jesus, who is God, spoke to his apostles, telling them to preach his gospel to all. They did this, both orally and through writing. Whether the Gospel is written or spoken, it is still The Word of God.BEFORE the Inspiration was written down, did anyone know anything about what God wants us to know about Him?

Did the early Christians know about Christ before there was Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John? Actually there are 12 gospels: Peter, James, John, James, Jude, Simon, Bartholomew, Matthias, Thomas, Philip, Matthew, and Andrew. 16 if you count: Paul, Mark, Luke, and Barnabas. There are two Epistles of St. Paul mentioned in scripture, which are not part of the New Testament, again, only the church can determine the canon. Why wasn’t everything written? Because as St. John put it, there was too much to possibly write.Is there not any other God breathed word in this world? If yes, then why is it not added to this Word of God and called WORD OF GOD? Did those humans know anything about what God wants BEFORE God inspired it?