Please tell me where the list of inspired books is spelled out. No more sidetracks. No more “but first we need to…” Where in scripture is it defined?
Thank you.
Thank you.
Psalm45:9:Who told those Bishops that Jesus is God?
Did they know the Holy Spirit, and how? Who defines the Holy Trinity?The Holy Spirit, that guides us to all truth. Do you not understand the Holy Trinity?
Psalm45:9:Who says that Jesus in fact turned and told the apostles those things?
How do you know that the apostles in fact said those things?That is what the apostle told the early christians, as the Church fathers state.
Who says that God in fact told the apostles anything?Because God told his apostles what to say, the Holy Spirit told them what to say. Wheter the Gospel is written or Spoken, it is still the Word of God.
How do you know that the Church Fathers recorded what God says?Because in light of Apostolic Tradition, which is recoreded by the Church Fathers, The Church is still preaching the same message that Christ did.
Psalm45:9:How do you know that those apostles are in fact apostles?
How did the Holy Spirit tell you that? On what are you basing your faith?The Holy Spirit told me, it’s called faith.
Who tells you that what HUMANS are telling you today is WORD OF GOD?Yes, the word of God, whether it is Written or Spoken, it is still the Word of God.
The Church said that montanism is a heresy, and thus, Tertullian, who is called “the father of the Latin theology”, is declared heretical because he followed Montanism!Only the church can determine a heresy, take it to the church.
Psalm45:9:Oh, friend, who said that Jesus told anyone anything?
Who says that the apostles really said these things?The Apostles and the Church Fathers, read the letters of the Church fathers sometime.
Psalm45:9:Did anyone know about Jesus before Jesus came and told them?
When the Christ told them, how did they know that what He is saying is WORD OF GOD? Did the Church exist to tell them?No, they only knew the Christ was coming, they did not know it was Jesus, until the Christ himself or his Apostles preached the Gospel
This is very far from martyrdom.Thank you Jesus for making me a martyr!
Psalm45:9:2. Was there a Christian Church before the Christ and the apostles preached the Gospel?
*No there was not, how is this related to the subject? Was there a new testament when the apostles **preached ***the Gospel?
Psalm45:9:In fact, this is the HEART of the subject!
If the Church didn’t exist before Christ and the apostles preached the Gospel, then who decided if what they are saying is WORD OF GOD?
And by the way: the Word of God is Word of God BEFORE it is called anything ( New Testament or whatever ).
But the Church didn’t exist in that time to do anything! Didn’t anyone believe in what Jesus said as WORD OF GOD, until the council of Rome?The Church did! Through various councils starting with the Council of Rome.
Psalm45:9:*Why do I have to remember all this if this is not the Word of God. So we must first understand what the Word of God is.
For instance, who said that apostles even existed?
Are the words of the Church Fathers true? And how do you know that?The Church Fathers
Who told them about the Holy Spirit?Through Apostolic Tradition, the Church Fathers stated what is the Holy Spirit.
Who told you that the Fathers were saying the truth?The Church Fathers attested that the apostles existed, they were taught by the apostles. The Church Fathers give testiomony that the apostles have the authority, there was no New Testament in the Apostolic Age.
Did that Church decide if the words of Jesus are the WORD OF GOD?No, you are wrong, when Christ called his disciples there was a church. There was no New Testament durring the Apostolic Age, how do you know what belongs in the New Testament?
Psalm45:9:How did the Church Father know?
How do you know THIS is what the apostles told them?The Apostles told them.
Psalm45:9:Who said that this definition is the definition of God for the Church?
What authority does the dictionary have?The dictionary.
Psalm45:9:Who told the Church that only these are the Word of God?
How did the Church know the Holy Spirit?The Holy Spirit, which guides us to all truth. As the Church Fathers have stated, who were taught by the Apostles, who were taught by Christ himself.
When someone asks a question, we must first see if he understands what he is asking.Please tell me where the list of inspired books is spelled out. No more sidetracks. No more “but first we need to…” Where in scripture is it defined?
Thank you.
The Holy Trinity is a mystery, all we know is that it is the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit. Through the graces of God, the church knows that Jesus is God. The council of Nicea condmned Arianism, only the church can determine hereseys, like Sola Scriptura.Did they know the Holy Spirit, and how? Who defines the Holy Trinity?
Becuase the Church Fathers attest to it.How do you know that the apostles in fact said those things?
The Church Fathers say so.Who says that God in fact told the apostles anything?
Becuase there teachings are the teachings of the apostles, who were taught by Christ himself.How do you know that the Church Fathers recorded what God says?
The Gospel of Christ, as it was preached by the Apostles and the Church Fathers.How did the Holy Spirit tell you that? On what are you basing your faith?
Jesus, the Church Fathers attest through faith in what the Apostles taught to them, that whatever the Bishops bind, shall be bound.Who tells you that what HUMANS are telling you today is WORD OF GOD?
Montanism teaches that revelation didn’t cease with the apostles. And this is what you are declaring here. ARE YOU A MONTANIST?The Church said that montanism is a heresy, and thus, Tertullian, who is called “the father of the Latin theology”, is declared heretical because he followed Montanism!
The Church Fathers.Who says that the apostles really said these things?
1 + 1=2; Jesus=God; Jesus’ oral teachings=Word of God; Apostles preach Jesus’ teachings=Word of God is what the apostles say.Who says that what they said is WORD OF GOD?
St. Peter confessed that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living Gods, as the Church Fathers attest. Christ told the Apostles (who are the bishops) whatever they bind shall be bound in Heaven, as the Church Fathers attest. The Church is the communion of Faith; with Peter’s confession it was born. Did the New Testament exist? Given the information from Jewish sources, the Old Testament was not defined at that time either.When the Christ told them, how did they know that what He is saying is WORD OF GOD? Did the Church exist to tell them?
Martyr:This is very far from martyrdom.
Yes, the Church Fathers!Peace be with you!
But the Church didn’t exist in that time to do anything! Didn’t anyone believe in what Jesus said as WORD OF GOD, until the council of Rome?
In Love,
Jesus told his apostles manythings, they preached them. Jesus gave authority to his apostles to bind and loose things. This they preached to the Fathers, this is what the Fathers preached. It is called faith, now that you know I have faith, then your mission has been a success.Peace be with you!
Are the words of the Church Fathers true? And how do you know that?
Who told them about the Holy Spirit?
Who told you that the Fathers were saying the truth?
No Jesus preached it to them in person. The Apostle preached it to the Fathers in person, The Fathers preached it to all nations in person. Did Jesus open his Bible and have the apostles read it?Did that Church decide if the words of Jesus are the WORD OF GOD?
Well St. John the Baptist recieved the Spirit before his birth, St. Mary and St. Elizabeth recieved the Spirit also before Pentecost. This is bapstim of desire. On the evening of Easter Sunday, Christ breathed the Spirit upon his apostles. On Pentecost, the Spirit descended upon the rest of the communion of faith. And So the communion of Faith had been around for awhile. On Pentecost it expanded.By the way: did the Christian Church exist as CHRISTIAN CHURCH before Pentecost and the Baptism of the Spirit?
The Church Fathers told the next generation this. We still have the Fathers’ writings today to attest to what the apostles preached.How do you know THIS is what the apostles told them?
You asked what a church was, I looked it up, take it or leave it.What authority does the dictionary have?
Christ told the Church at his ascension to anticipate its coming. The Church knew the Holy Spirit, because it came straight from the mouth of Christ, who is God. As the Church Fathers attest.How did the Church know the Holy Spirit?
God’s Revelation to Humanity. Which is the Written and Oral teachings of the Apostles, who were taught by Christ (who is God) himself.Peace be with you!
When someone asks a question, we must first see if he understands what he is asking.
When you ask about the Scripture, you suppose that it is the Word of God. Do you know what the Word of God is?
In Love,
Exactly, the Early Christians did not have a Bible.As we see: CIRCULAR THINKING!
No, I believe in God’s word, as it came from the mouths of the Apostles. Now you’re saying that Jesus is not the Incarnation?Do you know why? Because faith in WHAT GOD SAYS is lacking, and people want to believe humans rather than God.
In order to end the Hereseys the plauged the early church. It was still up in the air what was scripture then. Gnostics had their heretical Gospels like the Gospel of Thomas and the Gospel of Phlip. Which claimed to be the teachings of the Apostles. Who could tell what the Apostles preached? The Men who were taught by the Apostles themselves and so the oral word found the written word. The Fathers gathered, they analyzed what they were taught by the apostles in light of what all these texts said. If a text went against what they were taught, they determined it did not belong to the Canon. This was not an easy undertaking, especially since certain areas had been reading texts like the Shepard of Hermas and the Apocalypse of Peter and calling them scripture. Through the work of the Holy Spirit, in light of Apostolic Tradition, it was determined which texts were compleatly false. However the bible is silent on issues, such as abortion, which the early church rejected, and so the Church still needed the Oral Word in order to interpret the Written Word.Let’s stop this circular thinking. I asked about the WORD OF GOD. Let me ask the question in another way
In order to maintain that infalliable tradition from those who liked to write and preach lies in order to attach the Apostolic Tradition of the Church. There have been no councils saying that The Bible is all that we need. The Gnostics did not prevail against the infalliable church, just like Christ said nothing would.If there is an infallible tradition in the Church, then why did the Church need a book? What is the importance of the Bible?
Not very much…in fact only a very few apostles penned anything in the NT.Peace be with you!
Didn’t the apostles write anything?
In Love,
You make posts that do not lead to edifying discussions, & it seems like you just want to imply that you have some great theology that we are all just dying to hear. I’ve heard Prot preachers do this before…usually to esspouse something that is way outside of the context of any Christian doctrine.Peace be with you!
Do you know why? Because faith in WHAT GOD SAYS is lacking, and people want to believe humans rather than God.
Let’s stop this circular thinking. I asked about the WORD OF GOD. Let me ask the question in another way:
If there is an infallible tradition in the Church, then why did the Church need a book? What is the importance of the Bible?
In Love,
You make posts that do not lead to edifying discussions, & it seems like you just want to imply that you have some great theology that we are all just dying to hear. I’ve heard Prot preachers do this before…usually to esspouse something that is way outside of the context of any Christian doctrine.
Next you’ll be tellin’ us that you’re from Shepherd’s Chapel and wantin’ us to believe that the original sin was Eve having sex w/ the snake.
I bet you’re a mess in your witnessing in person. No one enjoys games like this, so You get the dubious honor of bein’ my very first “ignore” here.
Peace be with you!
Do you know why? Because ***faith in WHAT GOD SAYS is lacking, ***
Jesus gave His Apostles authority. And apostles passed this authority onto their successors. People who didn’t listen to the apostles, the apostles shook the dust off their shoes at them. If people don’t believe the ones God put in position of authority, and that includes the ones today in apostolic succession, then so be it. They will have to answer for that.
and people want to believe humans rather than God.
The question was answered many times.Let’s stop this circular thinking. I asked about the WORD OF GOD. Let me ask the question in another way:
As scripture says, scripture is profitable for instruction in doing goodIf there is an infallibletradition in the Church, then why did the Church need a book?
training, and instructing people in doing good.What is the importance of the Bible?