I don’t view the arguments about masks as being “wear a mask because its 100% effective.” I don’t know anyone that believes that. Masks are not about YOU…they are about everyone else.
Here is an experiment to try at home:
- Get a spray bottle and fill it with water
- Spray the water into the air
- Now, hold up a mask and try to spray water through the mask
- Note your observations. Did more water droplets get into the air with or without the mask? I’m will to bet that fewer droplets got into the air without the mask.
thats the point
Revise your experiment.
Put numerous small particles in the water the size of the Covid-19 particle. About 0.12 micron in size.
Now spray again. The mask catches the water and the particles in it. Yaaaaaay! you think, it’s over. Gotcha, Z, I’m done here just like before.
But think again. Sit around awhile and keep thinking. It’s not over.
Because in the time that you were sitting around thinking about it, the water likely evaporated.
Now what happens to the particles that were in those water droplets? They’re free from the surface tension that was holding them in the droplets. So … most of them are going to get expelled from the mask. Remember those cheap masks only stop particles down to 3 microns. Expecting a mask to stop much smaller virus particles from being ejected through the mask is like expecting a chain link fence to stop a mosquito. Yes the gaps in coverage that big within a mask. Not to mention forget about the gaps to side of your mask.
Now you know why none of these masks are certified for medical use. Now you know why these masks are next to useless. Now you know why the virus keeps spreading even in regions with strict mask orders. Because they don’t do a dang thing to stop it!
Dr Fauci says wear masks, the science says so. But he won’t show you the good science. And he can’t. Because their cited studies all have serious flaws in them that they will not admit to. At worst, mask wearers actually spread the virus. Further, you will not get any straight talk about this from the NYT, Wapo or their ilk.
You want masks that work? You need to be wearing N95’s or better.