Biden Brain Freeze: Joe Claims He Was Elected to the Senate ‘180 Years Ago’

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Biden Brain Freeze: Joe Claims He Was Elected to the Senate ‘180 Years Ago’​


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Drew Angerer/Getty Images

Kyle Olson

26 Sep 2020

During a speech to the U.S Conference of Mayors on Saturday, Joe Biden claimed he was elected to the Senate “180 years ago.”

Watch: . . . .

. . . He read the line with a chuckle and did not correct himself.

If that was true, Biden would have been in the Senate in 1840 with the likes of John C. Calhoun, James Buchanan, Franklin Pierce, and Henry Clay.

On Friday, Biden made an appearance on MSNBC, and appeared to lose his train of thought and host Stephanie Ruhle bailed him out:

TV News HQ:

He read the line with a chuckle and did not correct himself.

If that was true, Biden would have been in the Senate in 1840 with the likes of John C. Calhoun, James Buchanan, Franklin Pierce, and Henry Clay.

On Friday, Biden made an appearance on MSNBC, and appeared to lose his train of thought and host Stephanie Ruhle bailed him out:

“For example, the paycheck protection act. You know, one percent of the money has gone out. One percent. One percent of the, uh — that’s not the paycheck — the um, uh, the, uh, the bill for small, for major…” Biden struggled.

“Main Street Lending,” Ruhle jumped in, referring to the actual program.

“Main Street Lending. One percent’s gone out,” Biden said.

On Saturday, the Biden campaign called a “lid” — that is, no more public sightings for the day — at 9:32 am . . .
Haha, just another reason why I just don’t understand why he is the candidate. Hopefully Trump gets to complete his second term.
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Only thing I can figure is they plan to have Joe step down for “health reasons” 4 days before the election and name Harris as their candidate, who will then choose Pelosi as her running mate.
Maybe it FEELS like he’s been in politics 180 years. I know I tell my classes sometimes that I’ve been teaching 200 years, but I doubt any students really believe that, and I don’t either.

What a nothing burger this is!
melterboy2 . . .
What a nothing burger this is!
And if this was the only one of these types of things, I would agree with you melterboy2.

But it isn’t. And I don’t.
And Trump doesn’t also make frequent gaffes? Come on, stop being so selective. Herd mentality, anyone? Both men are in their seventies; it’s normal cognitive decline at this age. I should know.

Perhaps neither one should be president at their age, and there should be an age limit on running for president. Also, don’t forget that Reagan was already showing signs of Alzheimer’s at the start of his second term.
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Why even have him run for President when, if elected, he won’t be spending more than a day, if that, as President?

This alone makes it seem fraudulent. Put the person on the ballot they think will hold office for the entirety of the term, not someone that is clearly not all there.
He laughed after saying it, so perhaps it was a joke. A joke that fell flat, but a joke.
Dovekin . . .
It is just silliness from Breitbart, your number one source for fake news.
Aside from your ad hominem fallacy, what is “fake” about anyone much less Breitbart reporting this Biden brain freeze dovekin? Our are you affirming the veracity of the story?

. . . .
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Aside from your ad hominem fallacy, what is “fake” about anyone much less Breitbart reporting this Biden brain freeze dovekin? Our are you affirming the veracity of the story?
I do not know what you think is an ad hominem.

What is fake about this is that it is not a brain freeze. Biden made a lame joke about his age. Accusing him of forgetting he is not 180 years old is just silly. No one would ever think of doing that seriously. It is a stupid Dad joke, about as newsworthy as “Chicken crosses road, Gets to other side.”

I assume the stories about CNN and ABC are about mistakes their journalists made in a sincere effort to cover a real story. That happens sometimes. This story from Breitbart is just silly and the people there know it. They must think gullible people will eat it up without thinking about it. If they seriously think this is evidence of Biden having mental problems, they are crazier than I ever thought.

Breitbart was founded to give a slanted view of the news, consistently distorting information to match their POV. Fox News was similarly founded by a Republican operative who wanted to give a different interpretation of the news. MSM like CNN, ABC etc., were founded to report the news accurately, not with a bias like Fox and Breitbart. Sometimes the MSM do not succeed, make mistakes, etc. Breitbart may sometimes fail, reporting fairly instead of distorting or making too much out of something minor. It is not the same.
Dovekin . . .
Accusing him of forgetting he is not 180 years old is just silly.
Given Biden’s history, it is not “silly” at all to think Biden is confused again.

Dovekin . . .
I do not know what you think is an ad hominem.
Calling Breitbart names while ignoring the story.
Dovekin . . .
I assume the stories about CNN and ABC are about mistakes their journalists made in a sincere effort to cover a real story.
No they didn’t.

You don’t report the same FAKE Trump-Russian-collusion narrative nightly for almost three years and chalk it up as a “sincere effort”.

If they would have read Breitbart, LifeSite, Fox, or any other number of real (but admitedly biased like all of them are) news outfits, they could have been set straight (if they WANTED true news).

They could still apologize.

Why not email CNN and tell them to apologize to the viewers for there years of FAKE news that they fed you (not you personally) nightly for years?

Funny there are lots of news snobs running around, crabbing about Breitbart while ingesting this FAKE CNN stuff nightly. They lack self-awareness and I would suggest not listening to them.

As a matter-of-fact, when they start crying louder, you know you are discussing news that the CNN crowd would rather keep quiet.

Or the ABC “news” outfit (like they did with burying the Epstein-Bill Clinton story).

And the Syrian War footage debacle wasn’t a mistake.

“Journalists” are not acting alone when FAKE video footage is being propagandized to you. It was a team effort. (Gaslighting their viewers.)

They count on their silence mixed with viewer credulity to arrive at such (wrong) conclusions.

You don’t put up “war” footage in your news station and not know where it came from.

If a staffer blew it, fire them and aoplogize to the viewers.

I think you should email ABC News too, and ask them to finally issue an apology for feeding you (not “you” personally) with overt obvious FAKE news.

See how far you get with that.
Then come back here and link to their apology for their “mistake” please.

This is a chronic pattern by the FAKE NEWS industrial complex.
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I think you should email ABC News too, and ask them to finally issue an apology for feeding you (not “you” personally) with overt obvious FAKE news.

See how far you get with that.
Then come back here and link to their apology for their “mistake” please.

This is a chronic pattern by the FAKE NEWS industrial complex.
Have you gotten apologies from Breitbart?
Dovekin . . .
Have you gotten apologies from Breitbart?
Breitbart reported this appropriately.

Breitbart has never done fake video footage and pretended it was something else.

Breitbart also got it right (from the beginning) concerning the phony Trump-Russian-collusion narrative.

As I said, this is a chronic pattern by the FAKE NEWS industrial complex.

(The thinking difficulties are also a chronic pattern by Joe Biden. Your guys are putting forth a candidate for the US presidency with apparent dementia.)

If you are alright with that suit yourself.

I am not alright with that.
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