Biden Brain Freeze: Joe Claims He Was Elected to the Senate ‘180 Years Ago’

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Dovekin . . .
Anyone who has read the Mueller report . . .
The “Mueller report” was based upon lies and illegalities. And now we know it.

If the “Mueller report” were so condemning,
President Trump would not have survived this leftist spoof initiated by Hillary (who herself belongs in jail) and the DNC.

But the fact remains, this article on Joe Biden’s latest “Brain freeze” is accurate.

Dovekin (attempting to deflect away from the story and pivot to . . . can you guess WHO? . . . . Yep. “Trump”) . . .
If the sign of dementia is claiming he spent 180 years in the Senate, dementia is not as bad as Trump’s paranoid senility.
Trump is not paranoid.

As a matter of fact, President Trump was never suspicious enough retaining so many Obama appointments that have continually back-stabbed him.

No dovekin. You are just going back to the name-calling routine here regarding President Trump.

To the readers here. Biden talks about being in the Senate for 180 years and how does Dovekin initially respond?

Doesn’t address the story except to call it “silliness”, and call Breitbart “fake news”.

Then Dovekin later says President Trump is “senile” or has “paranoid senility” (you can see that here).
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If the sign of dementia is claiming he spent 180 years in the Senate, dementia is not as bad as Trump’s paranoid senility.
as if this is the only instance, there is plenty to watch on youtube

If this was on purpose, it is extra dubious with not only Republicans, but even Democrats, and people the world over all expressing concern over Biden’s mental difficulties.

A Joe Handler (this is not a real set of quotes but a simulation) . . .
“Hey guys. I got an idea. Despite even Democrat people thinking Joe has dementia,
let’s just have him say he has been in the Senate for 180 years!”
Another Handler . . .
Great idea! Brilliant! Why didn’t I think of that?
A third handler . . .
Probably because Joe just keeps coming up with these brilliant quotes all on his own!

If it was an accident,
it is just another reflective occurrance of the jumbled circuitry in the head of Joe.
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And if this was the only one of these types of things
Imagine if President Trump had said even 1% of the strange things Biden says. The double-standard by the media is transparent.
Instead, the media has to use “unnamed sources” in order to make up untruths about our President.
Imagine if President Trump had said even 1% of the strange things Biden says.
I do not have to imagine. Trump has said far more strange things than Biden. “Grab them by…” “ I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning…” “The virus will go away…” “They’re rapists and murderers.” “There are good people on both sides.”

. . . . insulting a whole class of people or a whole continent; bad medical advice; these are all examples of Trump’s diminishing capacity to interact sensibly with those around him. Much of it shows signs of the irrational paranoia common in early Alzheiemers.
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Still deflecting away from Biden’s malapropisms.

Okay. We get it. You can’t defend against what we see on live video, you have to deflect. Carry on.
At least Joe Biden pays his taxes.
Apparently, Trump also pays his taxes. You might not like how much he pays, but obviously he pays what he is legally required to or the liberal press would be calling him out on it. The heartburn about the amount just confirms that there is no story there.
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Biden made a lame joke about his age. Accusing him of forgetting he is not 180 years old is just silly. No one would ever think of doing that seriously. I
I agree. This is why I rarely trust the media. I mean, if President Trump did this, the Main stream media would be all over him 24/7, saying he either “Lied” or “Lost his mental acuity”.

Biden was joking. Sheesh. When did the media lost the sense of humor?

Edit: By the way, this is what Trump supporters are talking about. “All” the attacks on Trump seem to be in bad faith.
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When did Trump defend neo-Nazis … can you provide the audio slip … I missed that
I think tat court decision meant that the plaintiff failed to meet the legal standard to advance their case of slander … and BI wrote the article to attach Fox News and Carlson
I think tat court decision meant that the plaintiff failed to meet the legal standard to advance their case of slander … and BI wrote the article to attach Fox News and Carlson
  • The judge agreed with Fox’s premise, adding that the network “persuasively argues” that “given Mr. Carlson’s reputation, any reasonable viewer ‘arrive with an appropriate amount of skepticism’ about the statements he makes.”

Fox News asked the judge to toss out McDougal’s case by arguing that “Carlson’s statements were not statements of fact and that she failed adequately to allege actual malice.”
The Basics, Fox News attorneys says Carlson is a bona-fide Liar.
“This ‘general tenor’ of the show should then inform a viewer that he is not ‘stating actual facts’ about
the topics he discusses and is instead engaging in ‘exaggeration’ and 'non-literal commentary
,’” the ruling said.
The Basics, The Judge says Carlson is a bona-fide Liar.
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Defending neo Nazis
This is prime example of Fake news. And people still believe it. People say truth hurts. No it is not truth that hurts. Lies hurt. President Trump never said New Nazis where good people.
The Unite the Right rally [4] was a white supremacist and neo-Nazi[5][6][7][8] rally that took place in Charlottesville, Virginia, from August 11 to 12, 2017.[9][10][11] Protesters were members of the far-right and included self-identified members of the alt-right,[12] neo-Confederates,[13] neo-fascists,[14]white nationalists,[15] neo-Nazis,[16] Klansmen,[17]and various right-wing militias.[18] The marchers chanted racist and antisemitic slogans and carried weapons, Nazi and neo-Nazi symbols, the Valknut, Confederate battle flags, Deus Vult crosses, flags, and other symbols of various past and present anti-Muslim and antisemitic groups.[8][10][19][20][21][22][23]
This entry from Wikipedia, links included.
All the links included too many characters, sorry.

Trump said about the rally “there were good people on both sides.” Just like he says after every demonstration like Kenosha or Portland last month. It is generally taken as a defense of neo-nazis, even though it is not precisely that. That is the description that irritates Trumpees and Trumpettes.
If you are shown the truth. Which will show that you are incorrect. Would you change your mind? Or it is settled and nothing will matter, because it is done?
If you are shown the truth. Which will show that you are incorrect. Would you change your mind? Or it is settled and nothing will matter, because it is done?
I might. I may not deem your interpretation of the truth to be relevant. But who knows?
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