Biden Brain Freeze: Joe Claims He Was Elected to the Senate ‘180 Years Ago’

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Dovekin . . .
As I pointed out with the earlier video, Trump’s original statement about Charlottesville came on August 12, 2017. CSPAN has video and transcript of closed captioning . . .
Ok. I will grant you that much. But . . .

The problem with that Dovekin, is this was not the quotes Biden was using.

And furthermore . . . .

Who do you think President Trump was referring to
(on even the August 12th statement) regarding the “hatred” and “bigotry” dovekin?

You changed the premise.

Biden did not use Trump’s August 12th statement to dishonestly harpoon Trump–he used different quotes to dishonestly do this. (Biden couldn’t use the Aug. 12th statements. There was nothing wrong with them. There was nothing wrong with Trump’s later two clarifications either except from the press.
That was the press impugning Trump’s motives, despite his explicitly stating otherwise!

That is not how we are to make character judgments dovekin – based upon impugning people’s motives. That is what the press did.)

Biden used Trump’s later statements . . . But only a selective part of them.

This is dishonest.

Now you know.
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To everybody else.

Here are President Trump’s August 12th statement in full from his vacation . . .

(And you won’t even find the Biden phrase “very fine people” here!

Why not?

Because Biden did not get that quote from August 12th statement.)
Thank you very much. As you know, this was a small press conference, but a very important one. And it was scheduled to talk about the great things that we’re doing with the secretary on the veterans administration. And we will talk about that very much so in a little while. But I thought I should put out a comment as to what’s going on in Charlottesville. So, again, I want to thank everybody for being here, in particular I want to thank our incredible veterans. And thank you, fellas. Let me shake your hand.

They’re great people. Great people. But we’re closely following the terrible events unfolding in Charlottesville, Virginia. We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides, on many sides. It’s been going on for a long time in our country. Not Donald Trump, not Barack Obama, this has been going on for a long, long time. It has no place in America. What is vital now is a swift restoration of law and order and the protection of innocent lives. No citizen should ever fear for their safety and security in our society. And no child should ever be afraid to go outside and play or be with their parents and have a good time.

I just got off the phone with the governor of Virginia, Terry McAuliffe, and we agree that the hate and the division must stop, and must stop right now. We have to come together as Americans with love for our nation and true affection-- really, I say this so strongly, true affection for each other. Our country is doing very well in so many ways. We have record – just absolute record employment. We have unemployment the lowest it’s been in almost 17 years. We have companies pouring into our country, Foxconn and car companies and so many others. They’re coming back to our country. We’re renegotiating trade deals to make them great for our country and great for the American worker.

We have so many incredible things happening in our country, so when I watch Charlottesville, to me it’s very, very sad. I want to salute the great work of the state and local police in Virginia. Incredible people. Law enforcement, incredible people. And also the National Guard. They’ve really been working smart and working hard. They’ve been doing a terrific job. Federal authorities are also providing tremendous support to the governor. He thanked me for that. And we are here to provide whatever other assistance is needed. We are ready, willing and able. Above all else, we must remember this truth: No matter our color, creed, religion or political party, we are all Americans first. We love our country. We love our God. . .
1/2 . . .
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2/2 . . .
We love our flag. We’re proud of our country. We’re proud of who we are, so we want to get the situation straightened out in Charlottesville, and we want to study it. And we want to see what we’re doing wrong as a country where things like this can happen. My administration is restoring the sacred bonds of loyalty between this nation and its citizens, but our citizens must also restore the bonds of trust and loyalty between one another. We must love each other, respect each other and cherish our history and our future together. So important. We have to respect each other. Ideally, we have to love each other.


To the respecters of truth: Go look at the talk Trump gave that Biden used.

It was not the August 12th statement that Biden quoted.

There is absolutely nothing here offensive.

I stand by everything I have said.
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Story from August 12th (but admittedly updated since then too) . . .
August 12, 2017

Last Update September 26, 2017

Trump condemns ‘egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence’ in Charlottesville​

By Alex Pappas, | Fox News

President Trump on Saturday condemned the “egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence” in Charlottesville, Va., where white nationalists upset over the removal of a Robert E. Lee statue violently clashed with counter-protesters.

One woman died and 19 others were being treated for injuries after a car plowed into a crowd of demonstrators, authorities said. Two Virginia state troopers also died when a helicopter crashed nearby. . . .

. . . Earlier Saturday, Trump first responded to the unrest on Twitter.

Donald J. Trump

We ALL must be united & condemn all that hate stands for. There is no place for this kind of violence in America. Lets come together as one!

12:19 PM · Aug 12, 2017 . . .
. . . Both Republicans and Democrats released statements Saturday criticizing the protesters.

I know of no statement from Biden (or Kamala Haaris for that matter) on this day (he may have had one. I just didn’t see it).

But I do not conclude Biden (or Harris) is racist based upon that absence of condemnation that needs to be explicit enough for the leftists in the press.

(They will just impugn your motives anyway.
Just like they did when Trump DID give a more explicit condemnation in his two clarification statements.
The press ignored some of his words.
This was almost certainly on purpose. By now it is certain.

In other words, it would not have mattered what President Trump said.)
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If you are going to quote Fox, we should also hear from CNN. This was published on August 13, 2017, before what you tried to pass off as Trump’s original statement.

This article, even if you disagree with everything it says, is the context for the statements of August 14 & 15. Those condemn white supremacists, nazis, etc. as a defense against the complaints like the ones here. Even in those statements, which were defensive, the President still undercuts. “On both sides” refers to the earlier “on many sides”, Trump trying to defend his earlier indefensible statement.

The timeline:
August 12 Trump condemns violence “on many sides.”
August 13 media reports Trump’s comments as an inadequate condemnation of the right wing violence in Charlottesville that weekend.
August 14 Trump issues adequate condemnation
August 15 Trump issues a follow up to the adequate condemnation.

The original comment is that of August 12. The later comments are obviously attempts to respond to the criticism, so yes they more explicitly condemn nazis et al. Trump is supposed to be unfiltered, but we only get adequate condemnations after politicians and pundits have had a chance to shape his message.

It is completely deceptive to take the later statements out of their context and present them as original. They are responsive, crafted by political advisers with only a few moments of Trump breaking through, as when he said “fine people on both sides.” So yes, they convey the political message you want to promote, yes you are parroting the punditry

This subthread began when someone asked me if I would be willing to consider evidence that conflicted with my prior view. I have considered it and found it lacking.
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Dovekin . . .
If you are going to quote Fox, we should also hear from CNN. This was published on August 13, 2017, before what you tried to pass off as Trump’s original statement.
The problem with that dovekin, is you are neglecting to state I put up the original statement too.

In toto.

I posted Trump’s exact original statement from a transcript so everyone can draw their own conclusion from that.

Fox had nothing to do with that except to serve as an example that not everyone impugns Trump’s motives.

Biden didn’t even draw on Trump’s August 12th statement in his dishonsest kickoff campaign video.

Dovekin . . .
The timeline:
August 12 Trump condemns violence “on many sides.”
What else did President Trump say on August 12th dovekin? (And say what Trump said. I want to see you post it.)

Because you did not post it contextually. I think if you do, it will undercut your own position.

So go ahead and tell the readers what else President Trump said on August 12th.
And put it in his words. Not CNN’s report on his words.

Then we can go on.
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Dovekin . . .
but we only get adequate condemnations after politicians and pundits have had a chance to shape his message.
Adequate to who?

The left inserted the worst motives into Trump’s ststements.

Like I said. Post more of what Trump said August 12th so the readers can see it.

(Since I already posted it in its entirety [beginning here], I cannot be accused of taking this out of context.

Your argument on the other hand ("August 12 Trump condemns violence “on many sides.”), has quoted a selective portion not even from Trump, that still does not say what you are attempting to get it to say).
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Your argument on the other hand ("August 12 Trump condemns violence “on many sides.”), has quoted a selective portion not even from Trump
I have always included links to the original. The CNN piece was to show how people did take it. My only point is that you did not post the original statement, only post-controversy attempts to produce a proper condemnation that should have been sufficient. It was not. Your analysis took the remarks out of the context of Charlottesville and the original remark.

And what I attributed to Trump was from Trump.
I keep reading this thread title.

And I think it has to do with eating ice cream.

“Brain freeze” is the headache one gets after eating icecream or drinking cold beverages too quickly.
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Dovekin . . .
Your analysis took the remarks out of the context of Charlottesville and the original remark.
I think you are right about my original remark. I needed to go back two more days. I needed to go back and re-read everything first.

Nothing was out of context. At least by me.

Dovekin. . .
My only point is that you did not post the original statement . . .
Fair enough.

But it is posted now by me isn’t it?

Here it is again . . .
Biden Brain Freeze: Joe Claims He Was Elected to the Senate ‘180 Years Ago’ World News
To everybody else. Here are President Trump’s August 12th statement in full from his vacation . . . (And you won’t even find the Biden phrase “very fine people” here! Why not? Because Biden did not get that quote from August 12th statement.) Thank you very much. As you know, this was a small press conference, but a very important one. And it was scheduled to talk about the great things that we’re doing with the secretary on the veterans administration. And we will talk about that very much…
And here . . .
Biden Brain Freeze: Joe Claims He Was Elected to the Senate ‘180 Years Ago’ World News
2/2 . . . We love our flag. We’re proud of our country. We’re proud of who we are, so we want to get the situation straightened out in Charlottesville, and we want to study it. And we want to see what we’re doing wrong as a country where things like this can happen. My administration is restoring the sacred bonds of loyalty between this nation and its citizens, but our citizens must also restore the bonds of trust and loyalty between one another. We must love each other, respect each other and…
And I DID respond to the original Trump statement
that Biden quoted from on his commercial didn’t I?

(Biden in his commercial quoted from Trump’s first clarification conference. Maybe Trump’s second one too.
Biden’s remarks on his kick-off commercial were dishonest and out of context.
Weren’t they Dovekin?

Then I quoted Trump’s original statement too.

I also have the second follow-up by Trump linked by me.

I have ALL the actual transcript (The Twitter post from Aug. 12th.
The initial comments from Aug. 12th and BOTH clarification statements in the ensuing days that Trump should never have issued. It was a political mistake.) I have all of that posted here on CAF.

There is nothing racist or supremacist from President Trump.

Absolutely nothing.

Not even close.

When the press wanted further clarification, Trump should have told the press to “get lost” the first time. Trump tried “appeasement” with the press and they just further impugned his motives.

He had nothing to clarify from August 12. Nothing.
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So now that we have that out of the way @Dovekin,
I still have the same principle remaining in my question.

Here it is again . . .

Did you watch the original Charlottesville Trump RESPONSE comments videos?

You know. The one(s) that Biden used for his campaign kick-off commercial?
You can see it yourself and any honest asessment can see they are lying about President Trump.

I have posted the proverbial “blow by blow” here before.

Would it matter if I post it again so you can see for yourself?

Why not just watch the videos for yourself?
Nobody needs “wikipedia” to make those decisions for them.

Wikipedia is notoriously unreliable for anything politically conservative, Republican, or critical of the leftists, especially the socialists and Marxists.
If I remember the videos correctly, when Trump made the original statement “…on many sides, on many sides.” he repeated these words to emphasize something. Again iirc, the video on the fifteenth saw Trump depart from his semi-monotone reading to say “people on both sides.” This is because it reaffirmed his message of a few days earlier with “on many sides.”

The remarks on the 12th were a needed condemnation of the violence in Charlottesville. A “Unite the Right” rally had been confronted by counter protesters both the night before and on the morning of the 12th. Brawls and fighting led to the rally ending early as the police brought order to a chaotic situation. As people were dispersing someone drove his car into a group of counterprotesters, killing one and injuring 20 others. The streetfights were important, but the horrific image was the car driving into a group people.

Trump made a brief statement of condemnation, to which he added “on many sides.” The impression he left was that he was condemning not just the driver, but also the woman who had died. Within a few minutes reporters were shouting questions at him about whether that was sufficient condemnation. The next day news and talk had erupted over his strange condemnation of many sides.

Politicians craft statements to quell controversy when it arises. That is what happened happened here. Subsequent statements were politically correct propaganda meant to end the controversy. Except Trump was not happy about that and insisted on “on both sides.” “very fine people on both sides.” This phrase can be read innocuously. But in context it reverts to blaming the victim. That is why I cited it as an example of mental impairment by paranoia//dementia. Of course the detailed texts answer al, of the accusations, but these eruptions of Trump’s consciousness into the comments turned the comments upside down.
Dovekin . . .
If I remember the videos correctly, when Trump made the original statement “…on many sides, on many sides.”
You don’t have to remember it Dovekin. You can just read it.

I posted the exact transcript.

Here it is again.
Biden Brain Freeze: Joe Claims He Was Elected to the Senate ‘180 Years Ago’ World News
To everybody else. Here are President Trump’s August 12th statement in full from his vacation . . . (And you won’t even find the Biden phrase “very fine people” here! Why not? Because Biden did not get that quote from August 12th statement.) Thank you very much. As you know, this was a small press conference, but a very important one. And it was scheduled to talk about the great things that we’re doing with the secretary on the veterans administration. And we will talk about that very much…
And here is my challenge to you that has an obvious answer, that you are avoiding . . .
Did you watch the original Charlottesville Trump RESPONSE comments videos?

You know. The one(s) that Biden used for his campaign kick-off commercial?
You can see it yourself and any honest asessment can see they are lying about President Trump.

I have posted the proverbial “blow by blow” here before.

Would it matter if I post it again so you can see for yourself?

Why not just watch the videos for yourself?
Nobody needs “wikipedia” to make those decisions for them.

Wikipedia is notoriously unreliable for anything politically conservative, Republican, or critical of the leftists, especially the socialists and Marxists.
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“he repeated it for emphasis.” was a reference to how he spoke the words, which was not visible in the text. The same with “on both sides”, it is about the attention Trump pays to it.
And here is my challenge to you that has an obvious answer, that you are avoiding . . .
I do not see the challenge, let alone any supposedly obvious answer to it.
Dovekin . . .
“he repeated it for emphasis.”
“Who” repeated “what” for emphasis of “what”??

Biden impugned Trump’s motives.

Biden ignored Trump’s clarification in the very same Conference Biden quoted from
and that was dishonest.

My challenge to you is just admit that.
As best I can understand your question, the quote from Biden was said by Trump in defense of his remarks a few days earlier. Its presence in the midst of a statement pushed on him by his advisers does not change what Trump was saying, that the women who was slain was as guilty as the man who killed her. It is not explicit that he said that, but it is a reasonable understanding of his remarks.
Dovekin . . .
does not change what Trump was saying . . .
You are assuming your conclusion.

This is a fallacious way to argue your point.

It doesn’t need to change what “Trump was saying”.
Trump said nothing inappropriate.
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To the readers here.

Trump said nothing inappropriate. Nothing.

Biden impugned his motives, despite Trump clarifying his motives the opposite of what Biden implicitly accused Trump of. Racism.

Biden’s campaign had for its foundation, a lie.
At least regarding his “I’m in!” video is concerned.

I posted Biden’s video above.

Biden’s whole campaign had a lie against Trump as it’s foundation.

I posted a very good satire and the actual videos.

Here they are again.

Satire . . .

Here is the actual disgusting kick-off of Biden’s dishonest-based campaign.

Reading the text of what Trump said (ALL of it, not merely selective portions) makes that crystal clear.

It was clear without clarification.

But even WITH clarification, it was taken to mean the opposite of what Trump said.

This is murdering someone’s reputation. It is a sin.

You can draw your own conclusions from reading this who is propagating this lie against President Trump.

Sometimes some people will continue to propagate lies. Then when they are shown their errors, it doesn’t matter. Biden and his campaign are exhibit A.

They do NOT want Truth. They do not want to be healed from their error.
JOHN 5:3-6 3 In these lay a multitude of invalids, blind, lame, paralyzed. 5 One man was there, who had been ill for thirty-eight years. 6 When Jesus saw him and knew that he had been lying there a long time, he said to him, “Do you want to be healed?”
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On August 12, 2017 an avowed white supremacist drove his car into a group of protesters in Charlottesville. One woman died while about 20 others were hospitalized, many of them in critical condition.

Two hours later, Trump said We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides, on many sides. No other national Republican politician insisted on spreading the blame around the way the President does here.

The conclusion that Biden lied is preposterous. Biden is repeating a consensus opinion about Trump’s remark. For it to be a lie, he would have to know it is untrue, and that fact is far from established. It is probably uncharitable to say that Trump is being racist because of this, but it is just as uncharitable to say Biden is lying.

538 is a website run by a group of pollsters/sociologists/nerds. I thought this was an interesting discussion among them that shows how the consensus opinion developed. It is from August 15, 3 days after the original remarks and the day on which Trump again tried to spread the blame around, instead of just condemning the violence.
Dovekin . . .
Two hours later, Trump said We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides, on many sides .
For it to be a lie, he would have to know it is untrue
Well when he kicked his campaign off he should have known it by then. Many of us here at Catholic Answers Forums knew the truth about Charlottesville.

And that was exactly the right thing “two hours later”.

I have seen too many people shoot from the hip (like Obama did blaming the wrong guy because he spoke too soon and needed a “Beer Summit” to make up for his foolishness) over the years not waiting until at least a preliminary investigation was done.

Trump’s statement was excellent. Covered the bases well for only two hours into an issue.
The conclusion that Biden lied is preposterous.
The conclusion that Biden told the truth is preposterous.

Biden is repeating a consensus opinion about Trump’s remark.
The “consensus” on Charlottesville was a false narrative hatched by the media.

It is pretty obvious, Biden’s campaign had a lie for its foundation. To me anyway.
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