Biden: I’ll Mandate Masks in Interstate Transportation, Federal Buildings, Ask People to Mask for 100 Days

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Hopefully if someone has “issues” with these (Ingraham, Atlas, the usual) they can address the ideas and points instead of run them down personally from a Wikipedia page.

Let’s instead have a real discussion of the ideas here.

Ingraham: Will the new normal turn into ‘never normal again?’

Dec. 05, 2020 - 6:05 - ‘The Ingraham Angle’ host warns of elite seeking to use pandemic for Biden-esque ‘reset’

Dr. Atlas: No science behind Biden call for 100 days of mask wearing | Fox News Video


Dr. Atlas: No science behind Biden call for 100 days of mask wearing​

Dec. 05, 2020 - 7:20 - Former Trump special adviser tells ‘The Ingraham Angle’ COVID restrictions are taking a ‘massive toll’ on Americans

Dr. Atlas: No science behind Biden call for 100 days of mask wearing | Fox News Video


Biden: I’ll Mandate Masks in Interstate Transportation, Federal Buildings, Ask People to Mask for 100 Days​

Joe Biden said that he will order that people wear masks in federal buildings and interstate transportation, and that he will ask the public to wear masks for the first 100 days he is in office.

Biden said, “[W]here the federal government has authority, I’m going to issue a standing order that in federal buildings, you have to be masked. In transportation — interstate transportation, you must be masked, in airplanes and buses, etc. . . . to mask, just 100 days, to mask. Not forever. 100 days. . . .
Do you believe him? When this stuff began I recall some politicians saying two weeks. Then it grew incrementally. Now it seems as if this will never end.

And if they follow their current principles it won’t.

THEY (the leftist politicians MANDATING these things) will have to change their principles (suggesting maybe they were wrong in the first place), or the voter is going to have to do that for the politicians by voting them out of office.

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Do you believe him? When this stuff began I recall some politicians saying two weeks.
We never had a lockdown in my state. We did, however, stop working in the packed “collaboration space” that was the work office. If we return back, there should be more space. Under this new world, the people that specialized in work for museums, hospitality, and public events were no longer needed and were dismissed.
We never had a lockdown in MY state.
Bold mine.

So because of YOUR experiences you are calling for Federal Lockdowns??

And how do you enFORCE this?

Do you shoot a guy coming out of his home to get food?
Do you jail a woman who needs help because of her chest pain?
Do you arrest a guy out on the ocean alone on a paddleboard?
Do you RELEASE rapists drug dealers and other criminals from jails and tell them to go to their home that does not exist?

And what about the rest of the world that is NOT locking down (I read somewhere this is 2/3 of the world us choosing to ignore this)?

Now what do you want?

Ignore that?
Or invent an INTERNATIONAL POLICE force fir more FORCE? Get 'em!

Something else?

Have you thought this through?

Under this new world, the people that specialized in work for museums, hospitality, and public events were no longer needed and were dismissed.
Bold mine.

Are you suggesting this is PERMANENT??!
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Mask-ups for thee, but not for me.


Maskless Joe Biden Greets Firefighters After Touting Mask Mandates​


(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)

Drew Angerer/Getty Images


18 Sep 2020468


A maskless Joe Biden (D) spoke to firefighters following CNN’s town hall in Pennsylvania on Thursday evening after touting mask mandates and criticizing the president for supposedly thinking that masks “don’t matter very much.”

According to a pool report, Biden stopped to speak to firefighters after Thursday evening’s town hall and thanked them for their service. However, a photo from the brief conversation shows the former vice president greeting them without a mask, despite repeatedly criticizing President Trump over the issue . . .
Oh no the horror of having to wear a piece of fabric over your mouth and nose!
Oh no the horror of having to wear a piece of fabric over your mouth and nose!
Then you don’t understand the difference between selective “having to wear a piece of fabric over your mouth and nose!” and “having to wear a piece of fabric over your mouth and nose!”

Masks for thee but not for me.

This is politics.

And" having to wear a piece of fabric over your mouth and nose!" for politics is not a valid reason. It is an incremental removal of your freedom. Which (loss of freedoms) has costed MANY MORE LIVES the world over.
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Someone out in the ocean on a paddle boat might be in international waters, so obviously it’s a job for Interpol.

I believe they’ve got a new mask brigade. (Maybe)
Frizzed hair? What if it was humid? Frizz ease hadn’t been invented yet.

I’m starting to like him. There was a time when Americans would gladly embrace his call instead of whinning. With that kind of leadership we may actually start on the road to being great again.

Sadly though, I don’t see Joe realizing that would require addressing the problem of indoctrination in our schools.
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Someone out in the ocean on a paddle boat might be in international waters, so obviously it’s a job for Interpol.
If the PRINCIPLE is that we ALL need to mask-up, then that’s what you are going to need to do.

And leftists will support it. They love BIG centralized Government.

In the meantime we are left with this . . . .

Paddleboarder Arrested In Malibu For Refusing To Exit Water​


•Apr 3, 2020

But NOT arrests for this . . .

(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)

and this . . .

Sacramento Bee blasts CA Gov. Gavin Newsom for ‘hypocritical fiasco’ after attending party during COVID​

‘Haute cuisine hypocrisy is a disaster for the state’s’ COVID-19 efforts the paper declared​

By Joseph A. Wulfsohn| Fox News . . .
Gavin Newsom Attends ‘French Laundry’ Restaurant Party, Violating Own Coronavirus Guidelines World News
56 mins ago Sacramento Bee blasts CA Gov. Gavin Newsom for ‘hypocritical fiasco’ after attending party during COVID ‘Haute cuisine hypocrisy is a disaster for the state’s’ COVID-19 efforts the paper declared By Joseph A. Wulfsohn| Fox News The editorial board of The Sacramento Bee blasted California Gov. Gavin Newsom for attending a party as the state continues to battle the coronavirus outbreak. The San Francisco Chronicle reported on Friday that Newsom attended an outdoor birthday celebrat…
Gavin Newsom Attends ‘French Laundry’ Restaurant Party, Violating Own Coronavirus Guidelines - #2 by Cathoholic

And some of the leftists have no problem with that (because they put their trust in princes).
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CradleRC58 on a politician that has favored partial-birth abortion and mandated masking-up for others (but already exempts himself) but not himself (which essentially allows political “exceptions” for viral spread) and who after deriding other politicians, has been caught approaching our firefighters without HIM wearing a mask. . . . .
I’m starting to like him. . . .
I believe you.
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Gee …In addition to a federal work force where vast numbers are working from home and not the office - federal buildings already require masks to be worn [at least the ones that are ‘open’] even for employees in the buildings unless they are sitting at their desks with no one else present … so he is going to require something in federal buildings that is already in place … got it

Interstate transportation … well trains, buses and planes along with train stations, bus stations and airports already require masks … so again Biden is going to require a policy that is already in place … got it …

The federal government is already recommending masks, social distancing and hand washing and state governments are already recommending and / or mandating masks be worn in public spaces, state and local government offices and private businesses and even in our private homes in addition to limits on gathering sizes - even in private homes … so again Biden is going to require policies that is already in place … got it …

I get it it … Biden is going to do everything that is already happening … he is just arbitrarily adding the 100 days caveat … which of course can change I suppose

Is he going to continue to allow the exceptions for the rich, powerful and politically correct / connected people too … But that probably goes with out saying … 🤣 🤣 🤣

Boys and girls and the whatever it is today folks … Be at peace now … Biden has arrived … its like the Alstate commercial … we are “in good hands now” 😜
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