Biden: I’ll Mandate Masks in Interstate Transportation, Federal Buildings, Ask People to Mask for 100 Days

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Mitigations are not working as well as they should because they aren’t uniformly applied.
Mitigations are working as well as they can. It is a virus. It is a highly contagious virus. The three W’s will only do so much.
The science shows the checker board results of lockdowns and mitigations. Some states and countries with strict lockdowns have had poorer results than those with lighter mitigations. And the reverse. In other words, it’s a virus.
In my state it is county by county. One county may require the mask and the one next to it doesn’t. And people travel between counties. And I believe the results made national news. The counties that had stricter rules had lower infection rates.
Sometimes the reverse is true. Speak to your legislature and governor if you want broader mitigations.
Oh, btw, a lot of the most vulnerable probably won’t take the vaccine because they have bought into the conspiracy that is waiting in the wings.
It isn’t waiting in the wings. Cuomo, Harris, and numerous other Democrats have undermined confidence in vaccines for political purposes for a while now.
I plan to take the vaccine when it is available to me. My wife is reluctant. In other words, we live in a free country where people make their own choices.
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In fact the vast majority of people who contract COVID have stated that they always or nearly always wore masks.
I don’t think “nearly always” says much. It only takes contact with one infected person. I look at it like a person that nearly always practices abstinence becoming pregnant.

Also, my understanding of the cloth masks is that they are more for capturing particles that one exhales. That they protect the people the person wearing it come in contact with.
Sorry, as an ex-smoker (1 year) I have absolutely no sympathy for the anti-maskers. You all were quite fine with me not being able to smoke inside. You were quite fine with me standing in the street. You were quite fine with all the laws and rules around where I could and could not smoke.

All because of second hand smoke. Well, second hand covid germs are possibly as deadly as second hand smoke. So all of those people who don’t want to wear a mask, let smokers back or WEAR YOUR MASK.

And the you is generic. So please don’t tell me that you personally are okay with people smoking on the bus, in a bar, in a store, in a restaurant.
There is new meme going around on facebook

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Or they don’t wash their hands before touching their faces, or don’t take their covid shower and wash all clothes after being out in public. Or some of those cases are because of the 12% bringing things home to their family members who were trying follow the rules when in public.

Lots of other logical explanations are also available.
Who said we have to do all this? I have only heard of medical people in close contact with covid patients who are also quarantining showering and washing their clothes like that.
Who said we have to do all this?
I don’t know but it makes complete common sense.

Here is the routine the wife and I take.

After leaving a store, we use germ-x not only on the hands but on the face as well.

When we get home we shed the cloths and put them in a special laundry hamper designated wash in Hot Water Twice.

And immediately take a “Rinsing Shower” just like you would after leaving the sandy beach.
I would also add spray with lysol down the seats of your car where you sat
Sorry, as an ex-smoker (1 year) I have absolutely no sympathy for the anti-maskers. You all were quite fine with me not being able to smoke inside. You were quite fine with me standing in the street. You were quite fine with all the laws and rules around where I could and could not smoke.
Not me. If I own a pub , and if I want to allow my customers to smoke on my property, government has no leg to stand in interfering with that decision based on motivate property and freedom of association.
Why? Because tobacco is a legal consumer product. Government doesn’t ban tobacco because of tax revenues, in large part.
All because of second hand smoke. Well, second hand covid germs are possibly as deadly as second hand smoke. So all of those people who don’t want to wear a mask, let smokers back or WEAR YOUR MASK.
I will wear my mask, regardless, but you’ve got a deal.

The me is generic, based on those who actually value the individual right of property and free association
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There is new meme going around on facebook

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Or, things might be worse if people didn’t wear masks, maybe. Because it is a virus, and nobody knows for sure. So, wear a mask, just in case.
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Who said we have to do all this?
I don’t know but it makes complete common sense.

Here is the routine the wife and I take.

After leaving a store, we use germ-x not only on the hands but on the face as well.

When we get home we shed the cloths and put them in a special laundry hamper designated wash in Hot Water Twice.

And immediately take a “Rinsing Shower” just like you would after leaving the sandy beach.
Very similar to what we do. External clothes never make it outside the laundry area
Very similar to what we do. External clothes never make it outside the laundry area
The funny thing is, I had to train the wife on what to wear outside during this Pandemic.

I had to keep saying.

Wear clothes that YOU are okay with being WASHED IN HOT WATER!!! (“What are called viruses are always dead and incapable of any acts whatsoever. Dead matter may be acted upon but never acts of itself.” T.C. Fry) (“Stronger viruses or weaker immune systems?” Steven Magee) (The #coronavirus fearmongering by the Deep State will go down in history as one of the biggest fraud to manipulate economies, suppress dissent, and push MANDATED Medicine! Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai) We truly live in the age of deception, and to overturn the grips of tyranny, we must understand that knowledge is power.

Plandemic Indoctornation World Premiere 5,848,854 views • August 18, 2020 We did it. The Digital Freedom Platform by London Real exclusively livestreamed what might be the most important documentary you will ever see: PLANDEMIC – INDOCTORNATION. Created by the team behind the game-changing Plandemic video segment from Mikki Willis featuring Dr. Judy Mikovits that went viral and was banned on every major social media platform for exposing the truth about Covid-19, this new FEATURE LENGTH PIECE which is the most revelatory film on what is driving the vaccine agenda, the various roles of the WHO, Bill Gates, Tedros Adhanom, Anthony Fauci and more.
(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)
Or they don’t wash their hands before touching their faces, or don’t take their covid shower and wash all clothes after being out in public.
Do you think there should be fines or other consequences for one touching his/her own face without washing hands, or for not washing clothes?

Do you think it makes any sense (scientific proof) to close playgrounds, force people to wear a mask when jogging alone, or walking down the street?
The experts at don’t lock down.
The experts say children should be in school.
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