Biden: I’ll Mandate Masks in Interstate Transportation, Federal Buildings, Ask People to Mask for 100 Days

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Where has he been?

Americans have been wearing masks in droves already.

This is mere mitigation. Not stoppage.
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Sorry, as an ex-smoker (1 year) I have absolutely no sympathy for the anti-maskers. You all were quite fine with me not being able to smoke inside. You were quite fine with me standing in the street. You were quite fine with all the laws and rules around where I could and could not smoke.

All because of second hand smoke. Well, second hand covid germs are possibly as deadly as second hand smoke. So all of those people who don’t want to wear a mask, let smokers back or WEAR YOUR MASK.
This has the (wrong) built-in pre-supposition that masks protect you from proverbial second-hand smoke in the first place (they don’t. They are mitigating. Not protecting).

You have equivocated on your logic.

Why not just believe just what the Government tells us about how masks merely “mitigate”?

Why try to invent that masks “stop” a virus?
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Why try to invent that masks “stop” a virus?
No need to invent. They already exists for 20 bucks.
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and get the filter for it for 12 bucks
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I got some of these I bought from a doomsday prepper estate sale( he died before doomsday could happen )
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I got some of these I bought from a doomsday prepper estate sale( he died before doomsday could happen )
My wife and a friend of mine lean that way. When the pandemic started, they already had masks and other supplies from previous preparation. There is also plenty of water and non perishable food along with camping equipment.
I was a teacher in the area of special education for many years, and I have a PhD in educational leadership from Florida State University.
I thought we were supposed to follow the science. She’s not a scientist. She’s a pro-centralized, anti-free school choice activist.

Sure, she’s welcome to her opinion, and I respect it, but the science says schools should be open.
I don’t know how far the rules should go. I am honest enough to admit that.

I also know that common sense isn’t all that common. I also know that as a country, we have not jointly taken any concentrated efforts to stop this. I also know that people are so worried about their imagined rights that they forget the point of the story of Cain and Abel, we are our brothers keeper and we are responsible for the health and welfare of all God’s children, not just our self.

And back to my comments about smoking. In many states, people can not smoke on school grounds even when school is not in session, near doorways, in schools, at open air stadiums. And they face fines and tickets and other consequences. Why? and why is this different? Oh, and don’t forget that many people take a shower and throw their clothes in the wash if they’ve been around smokers. No difference.
There are those who do not think second hand smoke cause cancer. What is your opinion on that?
I also know that common sense isn’t all that common.
Hard to argue against that (good reason not to give government too much power), but surveys do show that well over 90% of Americans say they wear a mask in public.
I also know that as a country, we have not jointly taken any concentrated efforts to stop this.
This is simply not true. We’ve spent trillions of dollars in Covid relief, investments in PPE’s, on research for vaccines and therapeutics. In less than a year, as many as 4 vaccines are ready, and billions have been spent on preorders.
I also know that people are so worried about their imagined rights
Which rights are imagined? The “right” to not wear a mask in a public space? I agree. On the other hand, the general government has no constitutional mandate to impose a mask mandate. Certainly the president doesn’t.
And back to my comments about smoking. In many states, people can not smoke on school grounds even when school is not in session, near doorways, in schools, at open air stadiums.
Public property is a wholly different situation. My local government has the power to mandate mask wearing, or a tobacco ban, at city hall.
Why? and why is this different? Oh, and don’t forget that many people take a shower and throw their clothes in the wash if they’ve been around smokers. No difference.
Is it mandated by law?
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Sorry, but if a law says you have to wear a mask in public, I would consider that to be the same as a current laws that say you must cover certain parts of your body. Women can not run around without some minimal covering. And yes, they have been known to get arrested for not wearing clothes.

However, at this point I am willing to accept that we disagree on what kinds of clothing the state can require that people have to wear when out in public.
Sorry, but if a law says you have to wear a mask in public, I would consider that to be the same as a current laws that say you must cover certain parts of your body. Women can not run around without some minimal covering. And yes, they have been known to get arrested for not wearing clothes.

However, at this point I am willing to accept that we disagree on what kinds of clothing the state can require that people have to wear when out in public.
I guess you are right. We just disagree here. That’s fair enough.
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Sorry, but if a law says you have to wear a mask in public, I would consider that to be the same as a current laws that say you must cover certain parts of your body.
I agree. At the state and local level.
I also agree that the general government can set rules for federal property.
However, at this point I am willing to accept that we disagree on what kinds of clothing the state can require that people have to wear when out in public.
The state can set rules. They should do it by statute.
and the feds can withhold money like they did with speed limits
and the feds can withhold money like they did with speed limits
If you’re in favor of the authoritarian, anti-constitutional approach, fine. I think it is time for states to fight back, like intercepting income taxes collected before they get to Washington in order to fight back against that tyrannical tactic.
We never had a lockdown in my state.
Not everybody took it that way.

This from back in April . . . .

Confusion surrounds Georgia’s coronavirus lockdown​

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Coronavirus | April 5, 2020

By Alan Judd, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Local officials left to ‘copy and paste’ Kemp’s order

You can still play golf.

You can still go to the beach. Or shop for groceries, get takeout from a restaurant, pick up medicine, see a doctor, exercise outdoors, and go to church.

You can even, in many instances, go to work.

So many loopholes reside in Gov. Brian Kemp’s statewide shelter-at-home order that many Georgians spent Friday in a state of confusion and disarray, trying to determine what is — and isn’t — allowed as the state combats the coronavirus pandemic. Some questioned whether the exceptions undermine the lockdown’s effectiveness.

“A set of uniform statewide policies earlier in this crisis would have been helpful, but that’s not what happened,” said Dr. Akshat Pujara, an Atlanta diagnostic radiologist who started a petition calling for Kemp to shut down the state. “So we have to move forward. We need to minimize the impact of the anticipated surge in cases.” . . .
This from back in April . . . .
I haven’t forgotten. After several weeks of asking for state wide rules some of the counties started to make their own. In response, Kemp swiftly nullified all of those rules. Under Kemp’s rules, movie theaters and similar businesses were closed, but people were still free to move around the state without a mask. That is not a lock down.

But we have already talked about the legal battle between Governor Kemp and Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms for the city to have the right to enforce local restrictions.
Although I am in favor of wearing masks, and even mandating masks, as inconvenient and annoying as they may be, what I saw on the news this morning had me saying instinctively that this is government overreach. What I am talking about is the possibility or probability of mandating a “vaccine app.” In other words, the requirement that one present evidence of having taken the forthcoming vaccine in order to gain admittance to sports stadiums, concert halls, performance venues, and so on. This sounds to me like an infringement of personal freedom by Big Government, even though I can understand the value of such action. Is this the wave of the future, I wonder?
With a Biden presidency you can count on it becoming the norm.
I won’t get the vaccine ,at least not any time soon.If such a mandate occurs,Ill just stay home.
Can anyone explain a mask mandate on interstate transportation?

What’s the value in masking up crossing a state border?

In fact why should anyone ever mask up, driving around in their own car? Driving taxi or Uber being the exception
I don’t believe it is a requirement to wear a mask driving in one’s own car with or without family members, at least not in New York State. Nor does one have to wear a mask while taking a walk (with or without family) if no one is near you.
It is in my county. You have to wear a mask whenever you leave your house.
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