Biden: I’ll Mandate Masks in Interstate Transportation, Federal Buildings, Ask People to Mask for 100 Days

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I agree Biden isn’t really saying anything that we aren’t already doing…except putting a timeframe on it. A timeframe that will help those that are very weary of the masking and distancing. It gives one a date on the calendar to help feel like it isn’t going to be forever. He’s also trying to shut down those that keep claiming it will be forever.

I listened to an interview with one of the heads of the vaccines being looked at. I believe he said the time frame COULD be…
All data given to the CDC on Wednesday
Deliberations on Thursday and…
IF APPROVED…release of the vaccine on Friday.

That’s assuming there is no issues with the data or the results in them. For many, they will still hesitate or refuse the vaccine and that’s ok for now in my view.

First recipients are medical personnel and LTCF people
Next are pharmacists, teachers and critical providers like grocery store employees, doctors offices, etc.
Final group are the rest of the public.

Many states can tweak the list as they feel best and sub groups also defined as the available supply will be limited early on anyway. The quicker manufacturing can up the output, the sooner it will be available to each group.

The military will be used for distribution and vaccination in areas that can’t meet the requirements of storage (deep freezers). No one excels at large project distribution better than our military!

For those that want to get vaccinated, be ready to roll up your sleeves! For those taking a wait and see attitude, please don’t be further discouraged by one or two horror stories. There will probably be one or two with millions getting vaccinated. If large numbers of horror stories emerge, then you were the smart ones to wait and see.

There maybe light at the end of this tunnel and it’s not an oncoming train! 😃😃😃
No one excels at large project distribution better than our military!
And that is pretty much the only fact that Trump can correctly claim to be praised for. Not that he has anything to do with the ability of the military, but because he did not throw the spanner into the works! So he can be praised for letting the system work as designed. Sad, but more than nothing.
" having to wear a piece of fabric over your mouth and nose!" for politics is not a valid reason. It is an incremental removal of your freedom.
People said the same thing when states started to add a small amount of fluoride to their water to lower the rate of cavities among children. That started in the 1940s.

Some people also reacted the same way when cars were required to have seatbelts. They were not about to let the government tell them they need to be tied up and vound to drive their vehicle!

Or when there was the push to use automatic brakes on trans instead of having a human run around on top of the train to turn the brake wheels (occasionally falling off to his death).

There is always some amount of opposition to public safety policy.
And" having to wear a piece of fabric over your mouth and nose!" for politics is not a valid reason. It is an incremental removal of your freedom. Which (loss of freedoms) has costed MANY MORE LIVES the world over.
Our freedoms to spread a very infectious virus to our neighbors and co-workers is being curtailed!
Why even bother. Just let them overrun the land like Visigoths
Dear Mr. Vice President.
92% of Americans are already wearing masks.

And have been wearing masks for longer than 100 days when they need to buy groceries …in addition to social distancing and primarily staying home.

I note that the biggest surge in infection is amongst two groups in my area - the young 20s and 30s …the primary age of the rioters and protestors …and in my state - Hispanics - in migrant communities and work places …which also coincided with a surge of crossings at the southern border. Shortly after the state ceasing to report the ethnic demographics … Though noting that Hispanic s were being hardest hit.

By and large the American people have and continue to wear masks for months not just 100 days. They have complied with requests to place life, education and work on hold …they have witnessed hypocrisy on a grand scale - often repeated by the elites. This virus is not being stopped by wearing masks.
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In Oregon, which granted while experiencing an increase in cases has done a good job with controlling COVID.

You still pretty much have to have a reason to be tested - work required (health care workers, etc) or symptomatic or direct exposure.

Of all those tested since the beginning the positive rate is about 3%

Of those 3% the fatalities represent about 1% …most of those seem to be over age 80 … there are always many in there 90s and nearly all have underlying serious health issues at all ages.

It is curious to me that so many elderly are recently being exposed…they know they have underlying health conditions, so does everyone one who is interacting with them. I imagine they are not frequently in bars, restaurants and gyms which are mostly closed anyway. Pretty sure people know to wear masks around them and wash hands. Probably getting food and medications delivered. Many are noted to be dying in their homes as well - not a care center or hospital. Yet this demographic continues to contract the virus. Contract tracing of these COVID positive patients should also be easier and less numerous thus better contained. Yet that does not seem to be the case.

I do understand the work place clusters especially with high migrant workers and the correspondence in the associated communities and neighborhoods as they are high density. Multiple family cohabitation, high travel rates from many locations. COVID is not the only health issue in this group. Contract tracing is harder, more complex and containment nearly impossible.

I had a friend whose son died with COVID in his 50s. He had only recently been diagnosed with severe heart condition then diagnosed with COVID while in the hospital for his heart. His autopsy found several other previously “unknown/undiagnosed” health issues including colon cancer that was advanced - probably terminal and liver disease (he was a recovering addict) His parents said he died of his heart and artery that burst causing a coma…his death certificate has several causes including COVID. They believe he would have died anyway with his condition.
Our freedoms to spread a very infectious virus to our neighbors and co-workers is being curtailed!
You are thinking that because you are confusing mitigation with overall prevention as your premise has that built-in presupposition.

You are wrong.
Some people also reacted the same way when cars were required to have seatbelts. They were not about to let the government tell them they need to be tied up and vound to drive their vehicle!
More confusion of mitigation with prevention.
And mitigation is not a bad thing. So just go with it.
Agreed. That’s why well over 90% of Americans abide by them.
Each state has a governor and a legislature. These people are elected precisely to handle these kinds of things. The general government doesn’t have the constitutional mandate, nor does it have a reason to impose a mask mandate.

But here’s the science: masks and other mitigations are not stopping the spread, nor will they. While the so-called 3 W’s may help to slow it, the most important thing is getting a vaccine out and protect the most vulnerable.
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atlas has already been shown to be a scientific quack
Scott Atlas is part of the reason why the US is in an actual catastrophe.
It is amazing hard hard the left tries to deflect the real blame.
No, it isn’t Cuomo and De Blasio, or Murphy. Their disastrous actions were from the same ignorance as every other official and medical expert.
The real blame falls on the fascistic communist regime in China. They are not satisfied killing tens of millions of their own citizens. Either the acted with malice and intent, or incompetence covered up with lies. Regardless, the blood of hundreds of thousands around the world is on the hands of those despicable tyrants.

Deflect all you want.
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The general government doesn’t have the constitutional mandate
That’s exactly right JonNC.

Which is part of the reason I am quite concerned
when I hear Biden talk about imposing Federal Mandates
(“You are not supposed to have the POWER to do that!” Now he said it is just for Federal Bldgs. and “ask” for others (more plagiarism of President Trump who has ALREADY “asked” this of us), but this is a flop from an earlier position where he said he WOULD mandate it [perhaps since then, someone clued him in that he doesn’t have the power to do this?]).
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Mitigations are not working as well as they should because they aren’t uniformly applied. In my state it is county by county. One county may require the mask and the one next to it doesn’t. And people travel between counties. And I believe the results made national news. The counties that had stricter rules had lower infection rates.

Oh, btw, a lot of the most vulnerable probably won’t take the vaccine because they have bought into the conspiracy that is waiting in the wings. So it may not work as well as we’d like.
Mitigations are not working as well as they should because they aren’t uniformly applied.
That is part of the problem with mitigation efforts.

You depend upon society anyway.

So what do you want to do about it?

MORE Government? MORE arrests?

Do you want to arrest Black Lives matter for even their peaceful protests too (doubling down on arresting Blacks??)

Shoot the citizens?

I mean really Sallybutler. How far do you want to take it?
Because then there WILL be blood on the streets.

People WILL fight back.
People WILL rebel against such a police state.

And even if the people didn’t, the police will be so busy running around rounding up people whose mask slipped under their nose, that they wouldn’t be able to respond to REAL CRIME.

The “cure” is worse than the disease.

The best way to handle this is quit the FORCE stuff.

Have a PR campaign.

Tell the people this is their choice.

Make it clear that mitigation is not a cure.

And have the people decide for themselves what THEY want.

People who are more frightened can stay home themselves.

They can choose to die alone.
They can choose to die without the Sacraments.
They can choose to do whatever they want without IMPOSING GOVERNMENT FORCE on everybody else.

We all know people who have done this perfectly that ended up with corona (I have one in my immediate family).

That’s what happens with mere “mitigation” efforts. Mitigation occurs.

But many people are duped into thinking mitigation efforts somehow deliver them from infections.

The repercussions of all this wide FORCE from state Governments has been terrible.

We have economic destruction (not total but much) and now we have to face the virus anyway.

This was all predicted.
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Mitigations are not working as well as they should because they aren’t uniformly applied. In my state it is county by county. One county may require the mask and the one next to it doesn’t. And people travel between counties. And I believe the results made national news. The counties that had stricter rules had lower infection rates.
In my state the most increase in cases is in the counties with the most restrictions …and even in counties that early on had zero cases - masks in public spaces [grocery stores, etc] were required. Even the little town I live near that had zero new cases for over 4 months and less than 10 cases until very recently has had masks required and limitations [no church services until May30th and then limited to 25].

People that travel from one location to another are bound to adhere to the requirements if masks are required.

In fact the vast majority of people who contract COVID have stated that they always or nearly always wore masks. Compliance with masks is far greater than those going without masks. Coupled with the amount of businesses that are closed and the limitations on businesses/places that are open … it is really easy to see that wearing a mask is not the panacea that people are making it to be.

Wearing masks offers some mitigation but is not 100% effective nor was it ever thought to be a method to eliminate the virus. Some people are more susceptible to catching it, some people are more susceptible to sever symptoms, for some people they may never even realize they had it - being totally symptom free.

With mask compliance in addition to all the other mitigations in place - it is clear that the virus will continue to spread and it is really silly to blame “unknown and unseen” mask less people as the cause …

Especially when the impression being made - overtly and less overt - is that:
  1. they are all Trump voters and as such ignorant anti-science morons … or
  2. that they are the most selfish of people who want to go around killing people without a care …or
  3. just plain evil haters
The most liberal area of the state I live in has the greatest incidences … the population being most infected is the same demographic that spent 5 months nightly protesting and rioting and looting … they wore not only masks but gas masks - they shouted and spit and raged without social distancing …then went home to their older family members and to work …

The other places where there are extreme increases are in the work places and communities with high concentrations of minorities - many illegal and many who live in crowded homes [multiple families living and working together] and who dont stay home from work when ill and could not self isolate in their crowded conditions … its not PC to notice this - let alone comment on it - but it is a fact.

People are wearing masks - People are working from home - some continuously since mid March - People are not frequenting bars and restaurants on a daily, weekly or even monthly basis. People are not traveling as much. The virus spread is not merely from a failure to wear a mask.
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