Biden receives the most votes for President ever

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Trump received the second most votes ever. šŸ˜‰

As said up at the top. It is good to see the high turn out.
I donā€™t listen to Breitbart!

Letā€™s de-personalize the discussion, ok? If you want to criticize some media outlet, please do so and leave me out of it.
How on earth could you know that? Please donā€™t tell me what research tools or sources I have employed. It is odd that you regard opinions with which you disagree as ā€˜propagandaā€™.

I donā€™t hate anyone, by the way. I do hate cant and obfuscation, though.
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We could also decentralize power so that the domination of the cities isnā€™t an issue.
Most people (63%) live in cities. If one includes the metro areas around the cities that is 80% of the population. Iā€™m not sure the alleged ā€œdomination of citiesā€ is something different than popular position.
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When I first went to Texas in 1972, every statewide office was held by Democrats except Senator Tower.
It has not even been thirty years since Texas had a liberal Democrat for a governor. Things are not as static as it seems to the younger folk. No one can predict what four years will bring, but the doom and gloom predictions from both sides are not grounded in history.
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And, in the 20th century, southern states fought off elimination of the electoral college because they got the influence based on census numbers even though black voters were disenfranchised.
The Democrats did a lot of things in that era that violated and disenfranchised blacks. They misused to 10th amendment in doing so. These abuses of the system have been corrected. Slavery is illegal. None of these are relevant to the electoral college. The right to vote protected.
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The Democrats did a lot of things in that era that violated and disenfranchised blacks. They misused to 10th amendment in doing so.
You remember that on the Democratic party platform in '24 there was a proposed denunciation of the Klan, right? It lost by a couple of votes.
Maybe 80,000,000 votes.

Had small rallies, Iā€™ve seen 1 bumper sticker or so. Small rallies.

Will raise taxes.

I consider the claim dubious. Hopefully, we know more by the end of the day.

Yet, those who would enable abortion are going to tell us, this is because he was so disliked, I do not buy.
Trump also did better with minorities than any other GOP candidate in decades. So, yes, this election is highly dubious.

Again, Iā€™m not sure if these are just votes received or confirmed dead in Michigan but it checks with the Michigan election center, 14,000 voters. One born in 1901. So, this appears fraudulent.

Preventing poll watchers certainly does not make sense either IF it happened.

On top of this, the GOP in nationwide elections has done fairly well, added seats in the House and hopefully, retain control of the Senate. Any Senate seats flip??

And all of this is largely happening in States with Democratic Governors, I am unsure about GA. but mostly in such places, Wisconsin, Michigan and so on.

Obama got 66 million, Biden perhaps 80 million.
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With a Republican Senate and a weaker Nancy Pelosi none of these things will happen.

Heck, we might even get a balanced budget and farmers can make some money.
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Yup. I donā€™t care who wins, but it should be fair. The fraud that can be found in videos of this election is embarrassing. Itā€™s even more telling that MSM denies it.
Itā€™s shameful.
The fraud that can be found in videos of this election is embarrassing. Itā€™s even more telling that MSM denies it.
Itā€™s shameful.
Maybe the videos donā€™t show fraud. Please donā€™t ignore that possibility.

The incidence of vote fraud in America happens to be quite low. Its not fraud that caused the Trump loss. In the words of our sainted mayor Richard J. Daley, Trump lost because: ā€œHe got less votes!ā€
ā€œMaybeā€? Are you serious? You can literally see people filling out multiple, as in tens, of ballots by bubbling in the ā€œBidenā€ and other Dem circles. I love this country, and I would like to believe that we are above the corruption of other nations, but we are not. We have had stolen elections before.

Have you never heard of LBJ and the ā€œfound boxā€? Box 13 scandal - Wikipedia
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A rather suspicious data point:

The alleged Blue Wave that allegedly swept Biden past Trump should have had down ticket effects. But the Blue Wave effect on the Senate and the House races turned out to be nil. Theyā€™re not winning the Senate and their House majority got a lot thinner. The thinnest since 1952. So thin theyā€™re gunning for Pelosiā€™s head.

One thing we do know for sure: the polling industry is dead in the water. They were mostly wrong in 2016 and they were even more wrong this year. They predicted a Blue Wave that never happened. It was so bad even the Democrats are left fighting among themselves about it.
I think you all have gravely underestimated the popularity of Joe Biden. In 2008 everyone knows that Obama would not have been elected because of racism, as soon as he picked Joe Biden as his running mate he was guaranteed to win due to Joeā€™s incredible popularity which overcame many hearts so hardened by racism.

I would put up Joe Biden against Ronald Reagan in 1984 and the electoral map would be so blue that you would think that the United States turned into an ocean between Canada and Mexico.
Why such small rallies if he was so popular, COVID as it is, did not discourage protests, few signs, I know Democrats who put signs out every election but not this time.

So, 14,000,000 votes more popular than Obama 2 times running. Ok.

It is my understanding, Trump may be at 70 million, better than Obama 2012.

But we will have to get the exact figuresā€¦
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