Biden receives the most votes for President ever

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I do not understand what point you are making in your reply.
You have zero proof of this claim. Zero. This is becoming quite sad. Again, all I’ve heard for 4 years is that the Democrats couldn’t accept defeat in 2016. Seems like conservatives need to take their own medicine.
It’s a travesty upon our electoral system.That so ,any voters are being disenfranchised .It isn’t over yet.The Dems are exposing themselves in plain site…
Really, the Joe Biden that calls African America children “roaches”, said of Obama that he was the “First mainstream, clean, articulate” African American, the man who said he did not want his children to attend integrated schools, said people who raised the Confederate flag are “fine people” and voted to restore full citizenship to both Confederate General Robert E Lee and President Jefferson Davis?
  • That Joe Biden?
🙃 Joe “you can’t work in a 7-11 without an East Indian accent” Biden … The same Biden that Eulogized Robert KKK Bird …

🤣 🤣 If Biden got Obama elected it is because he appealed to the racist Democratic base - they must have thought he would keep Obama from doing damage to them
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Yes, it was. Younger people would do well to know some recent history.
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It’s a travesty upon our electoral system.That so ,any voters are being disenfranchised .It isn’t over yet.The Dems are exposing themselves in plain site…
It doesn’t seem they have anything to hide.
I was pleased and thought it good news to read this morning about the large number of minorities that voted for President Trump. With the great concern many Democrats have expressed about racism & conservatives, the large minority vote for Trump appears to show that many minorities disagree and have not been experiencing systemic racism.

“Trump won record minority support — yet the left is calling it ‘racism’”


In an ideal world, political parties would be about different approaches to governing. Yet too often in our nation’s history they’ve been about tribalism along regional, economic and, most divisively, racial lines.

Then came 2020: This Election Day, President Trump garnered the highest percentage of non-white votes for a Republican presidential candidate in 60 years. This movement toward balance should be celebrated by all, but not surprisingly, that is not what is happening…
Again, all I’ve heard for 4 years is that the Democrats couldn’t accept defeat in 2016. Seems like conservatives need to take their own medicine.
You’ve heard it from conservatives because we’ve heard it from Democrats. This week!
This week
Hillary Clinton said Trump’s presidency was illegitimate, that she really won.
After all of the votes are counted, the legal and court processes are complete, if Biden is determined to be the president elect, conservatives should begin looking forward to making sure both Purdue and Loeffler are elected and preparing for 2022.
I would accept the results
You have no obligation to accept the results. If you wish, you may declare your position on the result for the rest of your days. I don’t think doing so is productive. But it is your right.
“Biden receives most votes for president ever”

Not sure why this is somehow news. The population keeps growing, thus more people vote. Future elections will have more voters as well.

Now, if the title of this thread is to imply some sort of mandate, then just remember: a record number of people voted for someone else.
“Biden receives most votes for president ever”

Not sure why this is somehow news. The population keeps growing, thus more people vote. Future elections will have more voters as well.

Now, if the title of this thread is to imply some sort of mandate, then just remember: a record number of people voted for someone else.
I think though, from Obama’s 66 million (I’m not sure what the actual previous highest vote tally ever is) in 2012 to 2020 is not that long of a time. If Trump has received 70 million, that too beats some winners previous totals.

No, I find Biden winning 80,000,000 votes a bit questionable with many of his rallies being extremely small, Kamala’s too. Oh, yes, COVID but that didn’t stop proteters showing up in mass.
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