I can’t see how that’s in any way relevant. When so many Jews prayed in the Holocaust, and so many others have poured out their hearts in prayer, it is obscenely immoral to claim that God got some patients out of hospital a few days early in response to one person saying a quick prayer over a computer-generated list.Only God knows why He permitted your wife - or babies who have never had the opportunity to enjoy life - to die prematurely but there is certainly a reason apart from the physical causes. I’m not going to speculate but she could have suffered a far worse fate if she had survived…
Jesus didn’t promise all our prayers would be answered in this life. He chose to be tortured and crucified to show us we all have our crosses to bear, some far worse than others - like slaves and dissidents serving life sentences in prison in China and elsewhere. That is no consolation for those who are afflicted now but it is a cause for hope that we shall be reunited to those we love and have lost. I had a friend whose lovely twelve-year old daughter died of leukaemia after she had a remission and we all thought she had recovered in answer to our prayers. The mother kept asking me why God let her die but I knew nothing I could say would alleviate her grief. I probably quoted Pascal’s words: “Jesus is in agony until the end of the world”. In other words He shares our suffering and feels what we feel.
What more could He have done? One thing is certain: there has to be a limit to miracles - demonstrated by the fact that He could have saved Himself but chose not to even though the crowd mocked and jeered at him. It wasn’t because He was insane but because He identifies Himself with us and gives us the strength to follow Him to the bitter end of life on this earth - knowing we are never alone…
Obscenely immoral.
You guys saw a piece of research you thought confirmed your beliefs, and immediately became infatuated before you even considered the validity and morality of the claims. Which is why I asked you to cite Church teaching, which none of you have done.
Fools rush in where angels fear to tread. Perfect example of confirmation bias. The more we want to believe something, the more we should double-check everything.
“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool” - Richard Feynman