OK. So we have a guy, not only with a badly broken leg, but an open compound fracture. With gangrene having set in. Zero medication. Or at least nothing that would pass muster these days. Not even clean bandages. Living in the country, in the late 19th century. Not exactly a sterile environment.
That someone with such a wound would even survive a few weeks without the very best of medical attention, such as it was over 140 years ago, in not credible in itself. The fact that he could actually get around with crutches at any time at all is not credible. That he survived for 8 years in such a condition is already asking for a miracle.
We have a problem in this case, as in so many, that the initial conditions already stretch what we are required to believe beyond what any reasonable person could be expected to accept. To accept the story just up to this point, notwithstanding any potential miraculous healing, would exhibit a degree of gullibility that would be dangerous in a lot of situations.
There is no reason whatsoever to accept these conditions as having any connection with reality at all. Except…we have a miracle coming. We must believe it up to this point, or the miracle itself is just an equally tall tale.
I have mentioned this before, many times, but it appears to be easier to accept this type of story when there is less evidence to support it. If someone survived such an accident in the bush in modern times with minimal attention for even three or four weeks it would be discounted out of hand. People would wonder what exactly might be the reason for so blatantly a falsehood. Picture in the papers? Book deal?
Yet these examples keep on coming. There is no stopping them. As if the more there are, the greater the weight of evidence. As if any of the examples had any weight in the first instance. It’s just floss. Wispy accounts of unbelievable stories that are held to be accurate and undeniable by those relating them. Miracles are not being exhibited. What is being exhibited is a serious lack of skepticism in those who are doing the telling. Adding more to the mix just exhibits a greater gullibility.
And what happens when doubt is cast on any given story? Well, the ‘atheist’ tag on the top right of my post will certainly come into play. Because this isn’t just an unbelievable story of a miraculous healing. It is a Christian story of a miraculous healing. Any story that doesn’t include your particular religion, stories from Haiiti or Paraguay or Zaire will be consigned to the same waste paper basket as I’m placing yours.
But there must be more. Lots more. Because even if almost all are shown to be risible, you only need one to prove your case. There only needs one real sighting of Elvis or Bigfoot or one genuine case of Alien abduction and the proponents of each are in the clear, so they have to keep coming. If you don’t believe THIS one, then wait until you hear the NEXT one!
Except, as I said, they add no weight. They just confirm that the skeptical meter is flat lining.