Thomas was probably too cartesian to believe in Christ’s resurrection, whereas for most of the Sanhedrin, believing in Christ’s resurrection would have entailed a radical change of life and the loss of power, prestige and the pride that comes with being the official judges of everyone’s actions and words. In closing, It’s hard to read Church documents down the centuries, read the writings of saints down the centuries, read about different approved divine manifestations (apparitions and whatnot), process the whole thing and then form a coherent, cohesive view of what the Church is all about. if I say, based on the writings of many saints and the very words of Jesus, that the larger part of humankind will end up in eternal damnation, would you consider my view distorted? If so, why? And if so, quote me one saint, just one, who said otherwise (i.e. that the greater part of the human race will be saved)?
And if most end up lost eternally, then that’s a massive (if not decisive) blow against God’s attribute of omnibenevolence. You can’t allow the eternal suffering/torture/torment of billions of human beings and still get to be called all-good. In light of what I just said, would you say my view of God as a non omnibenevolent being is distorted?
You would do well to refer to the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
:twocents: from a random internet idiot.
God does not predestine anyone to go to hell and wants all to come to repentance. That said, there are those who willfully turn away from God until the end.
When we are dead we are dead, but the relationship with God that defines our timeless being remains. So It would boil down to the status of our relationship with God. There is no body to participate further in time and space. We are what we have done for all time. We, as one humanity, messed things up at the beginning of time and we can individually choose to repeat the same error having been given another chance.
We’re not talking about billions of people; it’s about you and me. Personally speaking, the log in my eye can distort what I see out there, so I’m not going to talk about them, but rather us. Fact is, for as much as I am me and how could such a terrible outcome happen to me, been there, done that, I seem to do what I know I shouldn’t and it always ends the same, suffering of some form or another. But time means that things change. When my time is up, what will be the outcome from which I cannot escape because it is who I am? Even St Paul, in today’s reading he says, “No, I drive my body and train it, for fear that, after having preached to others, I myself should be disqualified.” The measure is love of what we do and fail to do. Me, I can most definitely see myself in hell, and not because God lacks in benevolence. He did not put me there in those brief visits, it was what I did. And you, well if you choose not to care about me, what am I to do? If you the reader would choose to use and abuse me, i can ensure that the sin does not radiate forth from me, but the tragedy of having lost the possibility of a mutually loving relationship goes to the heart of our being. It is one of the pains we endure; we will be consoled. Again, this has nothing to do with God’s benevolence but the consequences of our own acts, the reward that comes with following whom we choose to be the master of our will.
Speaking generalities, we can’t say anyone is in hell, but it exists. There will be no need for HD evidence on one’s deathbed as one’s life is reviewed in the presence of infinite love and mercy. It may be that everyone is sorry for their acts against love. While we are equally loved by God, the things of this world are given us in accordance to His will. This means that different things are asked of us. At the end of our time, with all disappearing but the timeless moment that contains our entire life, will we ask for His mercy or find ourselves locked in frozen hardness of our hearts?
I’m just giving you my take on this, and given people’s responses, what I intend to say may not be what you understand. I would direct you to taking up your concerns with God Himself. The Catechism is a great resource.