There is a link to that video earlier in this thread. Admittedly, it’s an odd occurrence deserving of some investigation for sure! I can think of some explanations that aren’t miraculous, but I can’t really say one way or another what really happened.
Why do you insist on getting 100% results? It took Thomas way, way more than any man nowadays can reasonably expect to see. Why did Christ accept to put Thomas’s doubts to rest but refuse to do it nowadays? Are we the wicked generation to whom no sign will be given? I think 1 Kings 18:24 is needed from time to time as a reminder. But you seem to be saying: ‘‘Since not everyone on every square foot of planet Earth would be convinced, why bother?’’ What about the masses of people who would convert in droves?Why do you think that this would be convincing, if the resurrection of Christ wasn’t enough to convince folks?