Your kid is abducted, there is a terrible earthquake in the area where much of your family lives, a bomb has exploded in the market your spouse has gone shopping, you peek out the window and see the military police jumping out of their vehicles moving in the direction of the home in which you are hiding. The odds are pretty close to one that something very bad has happened and it is only a matter of time before it manifests itself in its full severity.
What people do in such situations is pray. Atheist too, in that case the exhortation going out to blind luck. “Come on Mama, baby needs a new pair of shoes.”
The words in themselves, may be useful as a catharsis or simply to verbalized one’s thoughts and feelings to oneself, but regardless of how earnestly they are expressed they do not magically cause an event to happen. And, they are not going to change what has happened because what has happened is in accordance with God’s will. In such cases, the motivation behind the words likely includes difficulty in accepting His will. All the more reason to continue praying. But we do pray for His intercession, especially more so, when things seem hopeless knowing that it is in His power to bring about an outcome different from the horror that seems inevitable. At that point, it is important to maintain the dialogue with God, renew our faith in His goodness, connecting with the source of the hope, strength and courage required to bear our crosses.
Jesus Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane, knowing what is about to happen, makes His will known to the Father, reaffirming His consent and demonstrating the Love that is God.
God exists in eternity. Praying now for the victims of natural disasters, war and sickness not only expresses our sense of powerlessness, our concerns, fears and hopes, it demonstrates our faith and the hope we have in God. Again, as Creator, it is in God’s power to bring about any rational, beneficent outcome to any situation, evolving in time. The parable of the judge and the widow reveals how He does listen. Persistence with prayer, however, is not to cajole Him, but for our benefit in our journey to become more loving, faithfully committed persons.
In a sense, from our limited perspective as beings in time, we might consider that it all has been already done. God’s will is done, now and forever. In that case, it may seem pointless to pray. However, a more accurate vision is one that sees that all transpires in God’s one moment, eternity, all time and place being brought into existence, with God as its cause. He does not change what has been brought into existence in the relative past, but makes it so in its moment.
We should not forget that we can participate in the expression of His goodness; doing His will, having faith, we can move mountains.