From Fred’s post,
Psalm 79
Bring us back, O God of hosts: let your face shine on us and we shall be saved.
From Pope Benedict’s
Jesus of Nazareth: From the Baptism to the Transfiguration about the social conditions at time of Jesus’ coming:
Israel is living once more in the darkness of divine absence; God is silent, seemingly forgetful of the promises to Abraham and David. The old lament is heard once more: We no longer have any prophets, God seems to have abandoned his people. For that very reason, though, the land was full of unrest.
We live in what has been described as a global village, interconnected by instantaneous electronic communication. Its sophisticated capacities to transmit information gives us a sense of being in touch with what is happening everywhere on the globe, even when we are in its most remote regions.
That said, all this technology and effort is ineffective in piercing the veil that covers the reality of our being. Soothsaying, condemned by the Church, has been taken up by physical science, which may tell us of our impact the world, the organisms it feeds and houses and even the weather, but can say nothing of its purpose. About our world and we ourselves, there is only the silence of meaningless particles colliding in space.
As to our salvation, to know the truth, do what is good, witness the beauty about us and become truly happy, this is all relegated to the realm of opinion.
On the world stage, the connection with reality becomes ever denser, darker and absurd.
So, we have in this thread a cynical challenge to what has become merely the idea of a god, understood as one of power no less, to give us a miracle through the media, the very tool by which we would procure our own revelation.
Secular society, deaf to the message of God is the cause of pseudoreligious fanatical violence, springing up today as the Zealots arose in the days of the Romans. The history of mankind is playing itself out, repeating what has not been learned. As the Romans reined in the Christians, so too do we find this happening today with society’s governing bodies usurp duties that belong to the Church, such as conducting marriage, providing sex and moral education as individuals ignore their duty to God and we see within society, superficial tolerance masking indifference replacing love. Those activities and rituals belong within the intimacy of relationships between individuals within their families and with God. Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s, but he grabs what does not belong to him.
Nothing like a good after-dinner rant to perk oneself up and help the digestion.