Whoa, whoa, hold your horses there little tiger! I’ve sifted through your posts and will dedicate some time later today to investigating some of these events.
I recommend some books to you precisely because I
do believe some truth can be found there. I also believe truth can be found on websites, I have a link to a great one in my signature. I also believe truth can be found through reason, science, nature, art, dialogue, and video (among other things).
You see, for the ancient world, written texts were the highest-tech form of recording available at the time. Today we have HD video, even 3D video! I imagine that if the events in the gospels were to happen today, the huge crowds following Jesus and seeing his miracles would have recorded it on their phones.
Similarly, the great miracles worked by all kinds of heroes/prophets/saints/mystics/gods would be recorded not on clay tablets or papyrus, but digital video with sound.
If miracles are happening today, we should be seeing video of some of this stuff.
Now, in my mind anyway, miracles are different from merely improbable or unexplained events. I want to see something actually impossible. I want to see someone rise from the grave after being dead and buried for 3 full days. I want to see water literally turn into wine in real time. I want to see bread and fish multiply, and fig trees wither suddenly upon command, etc. I want to SEE that Marian apparition make a specific prophecy that is fulfilled unambiguously. Imagine if Jesus had appeared to Faustina today instead of the early 20th century. Instead of recording the miraculous apparition in a diary, she could have recorded it on her phone.
NO excuses. NO BS. Real-time bona-fide impossibilities on camera, preferably from several cameras and angles. A kid and his grandma surviving a freak car accident is not good enough. A woman surviving her car going down in 10 feet of water is not good enough (automatic windows shut themselves sometimes, or she could have hit the button with her foot on the way out). Waxy incorruptible bodies are not good enough.
Jesus told his disciples that they would do greater signs than he himself did. Christians, there are more of you now than ever before in history, and more opportunity to record your fantastic deeds. Where are your signs? Where are your miracles?
You mentioned a girl born without pupils who is able to miraculously see. Who is it and where is she? Let’s get her on tape, give her some vision tests conducted by experts, do an MRI and PET scan, and interview her about her miraculous healing.
Have you ever heard of the James Randi challenge? It offered $1 million dollars to anyone who would be able to demonstrate a miraculous or paranormal healing/ability in laboratory conditions. It was available from 1964-2015. Thousands of people attempted it and every single one of them was demonstrated to be a fraud. Why didn’t any Christian miracle workers go for this? They could have proven Christianity true and received $1 million to give to the poor.
I mean, we
do have videos of a man claiming to be god performing miracles:
Also check out:
Are those things convincing to you? Ask yourself why not. Chances are we have some common ground here.