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You want to control birth. The time to do that is before one gets intimate with another.

We do not say couples cannot have sex.
We do not say couples can only have sex when they’re most fertile so as to create life every time they unite.

We do say couples are called to be responsible in their decision as to when to unite intimately.

Why is that a problem for so many people?

You can have your cake and eat it too.
It just has to be all-natural.
No artificial ingredients.
It’s the best there is!
All people born in either poverty and/or to bad parents are God’s children worthy of and capable of great love. Some of them became saints I’ll wager. To start dictating the conditions in which life (and ultimatley love) will be allowed into God’s creation is a satanic step toward the deification of Man. The ironic thing is that it backfires as contraception reduces man to livestock and the marital act to mutual masturbation. Blech!

I was not trying to down blue-collar workers but, those working for 5.15 (or whatever it is) an hour I doubt can afford to raise children in a way that would be fitting.
Really now! According to your standards?
I have to agree with eavryone they can control themshelves or work harder
Why do you Catholics forbid Birthcontrol? Somepeople would simply make bad partents ant raise bad children and others don’t have the money to support them (People working at McDonalds) and I could go on with the list of reasons some people would be wise in not having children.
I get concerned with the philosophy that people who might not have the best family or the best life are better off never having been given the opportunity to live or even be brought into being. The sufferings and trials of this life are nothing compared with the rewards of heaven. Also, if we cooperate with God, He will only bring children into this world according to His will. He cannot, however, violate our free will, thus, if we do not cooperate, souls whom He desired to bring into being may never be created. I would not want that responsibility.
i’d like to hear about what it’s like living out this teaching on contraception? Married couples out there - honestly - is it hard to do?, do you ever feel you would be closer as a couple if you could have sex more often?,

is it true that it’s only about 4 days in the month u have to avoid if u are using Natural contraception?
Historically, widespread use of artificial contraception has led to much more abortion, not less.

Along the way, it also led to increases in premarital and extramarital sex, the spread of sexually transmitted diseases, broken families, increased divorce, and child abuse.

These have been the results from what was supposed to have been a good thing.
i’d like to hear about what it’s like living out this teaching on contraception? Married couples out there - honestly - is it hard to do?, do you ever feel you would be closer as a couple if you could have sex more often?,

is it true that it’s only about 4 days in the month u have to avoid if u are using Natural contraception?
You should start a separate thread with this question - I’m sure you’d get many good responses. As far as your question goes, I’m pretty sure it depends on the specific woman’s cycle how many days each month they do or don’t have to abstain. And it’s not really that hard either. There’s wayyy more to a marriage than just sex. 🙂
i’d like to hear about what it’s like living out this teaching on contraception? Married couples out there - honestly - is it hard to do?, do you ever feel you would be closer as a couple if you could have sex more often?,

is it true that it’s only about 4 days in the month u have to avoid if u are using Natural contraception?
I’d say more like 8 days a month.

Yes, it’s hard in some ways. But not as hard as having a child when your circumstances (health, financial, other serious factors) are sufficient to justify not bringing another life into the world.

No, it’s not all that hard. You learn a lot about mutual respect and what love really means.

Scriptural warrant:

Romans Chapter 1

[14] I am under obligation both to Greeks and to barbarians, both to the wise and to the foolish:
[15] so I am eager to preach the gospel to you also who are in Rome.
[16]For I am not ashamed of the gospel: it is the power of God for salvation to every one who has faith, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.
. . .

[19] For what can be known about God is plain to them [even barbarians], because God has shown it to them.
[20] Ever since the creation of the world his invisible nature, namely, his eternal power and deity, has been clearly perceived in the things that have been made. So they [even barbarians] are without excuse;
[21] for although they knew God they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him, but they became futile in their thinking and their senseless minds were darkened.
[22] Claiming to be wise, they became fools,
[23] and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images resembling mortal man or birds or animals or reptiles.
[24] Therefore **God gave them up in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, to the dishonoring of their bodies among themselves, **
[25] because they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed for ever! Amen.
[26] For this reason God gave them up to dishonorable passions. Their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural,
[27] and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in their own persons the due penalty for their error.
[28] And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, **God gave them up to a base mind and to improper conduct. **
. . .
[32] Though they know God’s decree that those who do such things deserve to die, they not only do them but approve those who practice them.

This passage links sexual perversions with idolatry, and Paul names the most conspicuous transgressions.

Paul here affirms that the natural law, which points directly to the nature of God, is completely knowable even to barbarians and without supernatural grace. This natural law reveals that “natural relations” between a man and woman are directed toward procreation. To engage in sexual relations while interposing a barrier between the husband and wife is “unnatural” and “exchanges the truth about God for a lie and worships and serves the creature rather than the Creator.”
  1. the pill has 3 functions, one which is to prevent the implanation of a newly conceived unborn child
  2. Its selfish to use birth control
  3. it takes away God’s part in helping to create a new human life
  4. there are major side effects with the drugs
Need I say anything more?
The Church does not condemn birthcontrol, it condemns contraceptives. Natural Family Planning is a birth control that does not remove either the unitive or the procreative act while having sex.
The birth control pill besides its lack of the procreative act in sex is also an abortifacient.
It would probably help you to read Love and Responsibility by Karol Wojtyla (Pope John Paul II)
i’d like to hear about what it’s like living out this teaching on contraception? Married couples out there - honestly - is it hard to do?, do you ever feel you would be closer as a couple if you could have sex more often?,

is it true that it’s only about 4 days in the month u have to avoid if u are using Natural contraception?
Ummm…no, if you can read a thermometer you can do this…we’ve found it actually brings us closer in the “act” than ever before. It has taught us how to communicate, how to express ourselves and how to respect eachother. There are about 7 days in the average woman’s cycle (5 before ovulation, 2 after) where there is a chance of getting pregnant. What, you’ve never gone a week without it before?! You must not have kids…LOL!!!
Anyone who can hold down a full-time job in this country will, with God’s help, find a way to have the finances necessary to raise children. We don’t all need all the “extras” of life.
Really than can you explain why most “welfare families” never get out of the welfare loop and their children also stay in the loop and their kids and so on and so on.
A large majority of these people can work and refuse to work or they refuse to work and keep having kids that I as a tax payer have to pay for…I for one am getting sick of these people looking for a handout and not wanting to help themselves.
Really than can you explain why most “welfare families” never get out of the welfare loop and their children also stay in the loop and their kids and so on and so on.
A large majority of these people can work and refuse to work or they refuse to work and keep having kids that I as a tax payer have to pay for…I for one am getting sick of these people looking for a handout and not wanting to help themselves.
Just because there are people out there who are lazy, doesn’t mean we get to force them or entice them or even promote immoral behavior. Do you suggest we be so elitist to pick who can have kids? Yes, they should look out for themselves, yes they should be accountable for their actions. Maybe they shouldn’t get free handouts, but all this is separate from artificial birth control. Just because it is availble doesn’t mean the people YOU want will use it, in fact it is available and there are still those that abuse the system. And even IF it had an effect, that does not excuse us from distorting the beauty of oneness that God gave us.
One important point to remember is that chemical birthcontrol is really ABORTION because contraception does actually take place.

One important point to remember is that chemical birthcontrol is really ABORTION because conception does actually take place.

Just because there are people out there who are lazy, doesn’t mean we get to force them or entice them or even promote immoral behavior. Do you suggest we be so elitist to pick who can have kids? Yes, they should look out for themselves, yes they should be accountable for their actions. Maybe they shouldn’t get free handouts, but all this is separate from artificial birth control. Just because it is availble doesn’t mean the people YOU want will use it, in fact it is available and there are still those that abuse the system. And even IF it had an effect, that does not excuse us from distorting the beauty of oneness that God gave us.
FYI: I was responding to an earlier post by ElizabethAnne.
I think that these people should stop being given handouts. As to ABC …perhaps if these people insist on remaining on welfare (and being lazy and not getting a job) and having more kids they should be forced to have a shot or something so they can not have anymore kids till they can afford them…this is just my 2 cents.
One important point to remember is that chemical birthcontrol is really ABORTION because contraception does actually take place.

Although this is a much touted claim in pro-life circles, I seriously question the frequency of the abortificatient effect, which is secondary.

Besides, I know a young medical doctor * who was religiously * taking the pill following the birth of her second child, and got pregnant just 4 months after the second child was born while on the pill*!

So much for the abortifacient effect – not to say the contraceptive effect.*
FYI: I was responding to an earlier post by ElizabethAnne.
I think that these people should stop being given handouts. As to ABC …perhaps if these people insist on remaining on welfare (and being lazy and not getting a job) and having more kids they should be forced to have a shot or something so they can not have anymore kids till they can afford them…this is just my 2 cents.
I don’t like your 2 cents. Manipulating people bodies like that is just wrong. What it would probably do is promote illicit behavior and STDs. Now you shift the problem to paying out our money for hospitals to deal with STDs in a wider range of the population. I don’t believe your solution is a solution that will work economically, and I know it won’t work morally.
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