My husband and I have been charting my fertility signs (using NFP) for almost two months (we were married in September). The charting itself is easy and doesn’t take much time. The number of days varies based on the woman’s cycle. It can be more one month and less another. One poster cited 8 days a month. That plus or minus a couple of days is normal.i’d like to hear about what it’s like living out this teaching on contraception? Married couples out there - honestly - is it hard to do?, do you ever feel you would be closer as a couple if you could have sex more often?,
is it true that it’s only about 4 days in the month u have to avoid if u are using Natural contraception?
It’s important to note that NFP isn’t a contraceptive. Contraceptive means “against conception.” NFP does not work against conception. It is a natural way of determining fertility and using that information to plan a family. It can be used to conceive or postpone pregnancy, depending on the couple’s discernment of God’s will in their family.
Married couples using NFP to delay pregnancy choose to abstain on days where the wife is fertile. These couples do not have sex with less frequency than contracepting married couples. They “make up” for the last time, and have sex just as often as couples who do not abstain.
Is it difficult to abstain? It sure can be. But if there really is a good reason to not have children, then there really is a good reason to not make love. But this process has really allowed my husband and I to communicate about our love life and appreciate the great gift of sex that God gave us as a married couple!
God bless.