I’m sorry I don’t know how to do the quote by quote thing
so I’ll do my best to answer all your points.
- But you wouldn’t know if they actually took the ABC or not, first of all. Would they then be submitted to drug tests? That seems awful humiliating. And forced sterilization - we won’t give you money to eat unless you take these health-compromising pills/shots etc.
Sure you would they would go into the welfare office and take it right there in front of you. **As to drug tests being humiliating…no more so than a person on parole that has to take random pee tests. **
-Because Jesus said love your neighbor as you do yourself. Is that always fair? And easy? No. But he didn’t say it would be.
There is a difference between love your neighbor and support them!
-How do you know who is having kids for more money and who is doing it because they love children and felt called to have another one, that maybe they could make it?
If they could make it then they would not be on welfare to begin with. There is a difference between a family that had say 4 kids and the main bread winner lost their job and needs help till they get a new one and a family that has always been on welfare (most for generations) that just keep having kids that the state is supporting.
-People that abuse the system rampantly should be given harsher penalties, but I hardly think forcing them onto drugs is the answer. Especially drugs of an abortifacient nature.
I am all ears…share some of those other things that could be done for these type of people (abuse the system)
-what about the people that aren’t married? I would venture to say that a good number aren’t. Unwed single moms and such.
Then they should not be having kids to begin with or am I wrong that the Church teaches sex is for marriage only? And of that is the case perhaps the Church should step in and teach them right from wrong and support them?
-People that are lucky enough to have two solid parents in loving monagamous marriages are not usually on public assistance. At least not for an extended length of time.
**Hmmm…I guess you have not been to NJ or NY. This has not been my experience **