skylstad pretty much says that a homosexual orientation is not a problem, just acting on it is. he is assuming deep-seated to mean frequently acting on one’s homosexual tendenies. also, it is interesting how this guy talks about orientation when the document calls it tendencies.“Absolutely, it cuts both ways. . . . I think if the orientation dominates one’s personality, whether that be homosexual or heterosexual,” then the candidate is not suitable for ordination, Skylstad said. “You know, a heterosexual person who cannot live the celibate life in fidelity to his mission, in fidelity to appropriate boundaries, is not going to be called by the church to priesthood, either.”
bishop skydslad has written a response to the vatican document clearly saying that homosexuality is an orientation and that we are to treat people with dignity reguardless of their sexual orientation. further, he never says that homosexual tendencies are disordered towards evil and that nobody is born homosexual ontologically. he also says that the church expects seminarians not to identify themselves principally as homosexual. he also affirms that a homosexually inclined priest can be a good priest but that it is not acceptable for a candidate or seminarian to identify themselves as principally homosexual.
it sounds like the church in the u.s. will only bar active homosexuals or those who consider themselves homosexual. it will not prevent chaste homosexuals who try to remain faithful and do not identify themselves as homosexuals. but i think the vatican document bars those who are chaste homosexuals as well.
the point is, priests should be heterosexual and have wanted to be married. this buisness about chaste homosexuals misses the point about their disordered inclination which skyslad and other gay-friendly bishops do not accept.