Would you care to provide an authoritative link for the “gross misuse of funds for palaces?”
I am not denying that there are rather ‘ornate’ (and not just by noted style such as Baroque and Rococco) dwellings and churches, simply because Catholicism has been around for 2000 years and for most of that time Western culture has believed that the best way to show love and worship of God was to “give him the best” as had been commanded by Scripture and Sacred Tradition.
However, I fail to see God condemning the Israelites for the construction of the extremely ornate “Ark” and he positively commends the building of the extremely costly Temple.
God Himself makes the distinction (and St. Paul does also in his letters) between what is demanded of a person in his ‘private’ life, and what is demanded of a person in his ‘public’ life. The high priest of the Jewish people, let’s call him “Ezekiel”, is to do everything demanded of any other Jewish male. . .fast, give alms to the poor, follow the Law. BUT. . .when “Ezekiel” is up there in his **function ** as High Priest, “Ezekiel” is no longer to wear sackcloth or even a ‘modest’ garment. “Ezekiel” is no longer to worship “in silence” in his modest home but is to
lead the worship in this huge ornate temple–not because of “Ezekiel’s” personal holiness but because of his God-given authority. Can’t you see the difference?
Since God is unchanging, I don’t think that He suddenly decided, “Hey, I want nothing but Woolworth for cups, Walmart for linens and you can scavenge the dumps for lumber, etc. And as for priests/bishops, they should be in the local Motel 6.”
People are making a mistake (IMO) by trying to throw out the baby with the bathwater. There is nothing wrong with having an expensive church, chalice, car,
anything whatsoever. As has been pointed out, most ‘wealthy’ or ‘flashy’ churches, etc. were not extorted from the poor but freely given by rich and poor alike. Ever seen what is carved into most churches, schools, etc. here in the U.S.? It’s a Latin phrase which translates as “To the Glory of God”.
We all have free will. Many bishops are good and holy men who live quite frugally in their personal lives --but are called upon to have, in their public function as bishops–more responsibilities and more expenses than you and I do.
For example, another poster cast aspersions on a bishop who needed “3 housekeepers” (imagine that, tsk tsk). One fails to consider that, should said bishop somehow be able to put up the house for sale. . .3 people will be, poof! out of a job. . .
Not enough people are clear sighted to see past the knee jerk and simplistic “cherry picking Scripture” along with the very violent if subconscious anticlericalism that runs so prominently in places which pride themselves on their “democratic” way of view.
IOW, if Bishop X has something “better than me” (no matter the reason), fie on Bishop X! He does not follow Christ! Make him “give up everything”-- but please don’t expect ‘me’ to follow the same rules.