Well, let’s see. Taking aside the fact that the ‘fancy clothing’ etc. are
gifts, well, one could argue that once a person gives a gift, it becomes the ‘property’ of the giver.
But. . .remember our great John Paul II? He had things like the Popemobile–but, oops, it didn’t really ‘belong’ to him.
Same with the Vatican. The library, the books, even the ‘fancy clothing’–these don’t
belong to “Joseph Ratzinger” anymore than they belonged to Karol Woltya, do they? :dts:
Who ‘owns’ the “wealth” like the Sistine Chapel? Not the Pope, not the cardinals or the bishops or the priests. These things are held in trust for ‘us’, for all humanity. Those things to be used, the symbols of the office of ‘priest’ (or bishop, cardinal, Pope) are not personal property.
So what do they do? :newidea: Obviously they could ‘auction off’ things like clothing. . .how much for a tiara? Or a cloak? But after that it’s a little hairier. Are you going to ask that just because the chalice at St. Peter’s is made of gold that it be sold–you know, you’re still going to need a chalice for the Mass. And even if you get a ‘plain’ metal vessel, in another couple of hundred years, even the ‘plain’ vessel is going to have ‘worth’ for its ‘antique’ value. And if you keep on jettisoning the vessels say every 10 years or so, so they won’t ‘accumulate value’, you’re being wasteful. :ehh:
And once the things are sold (the few things that could be sold that is), they’re done. How do you decide how ‘poor’ somebody should be to benefit by the money raised? How do you GET the money to them if they are in places like Iraq, or Pakistan, or Korea, for example? How about the ‘not so poor?’ What of the person who makes a fraction of a cent more than the cut off?
It never ceases to amaze me that the people who focus so much on outward appearance and are the first to criticize ‘wealth’ are usually themselves more than comfortable. Their ‘generosity’ often seems to extend only to making people free of ‘other people’s goods.’
Whereas the people who really are poor in worldly goods seem to focus much less on outward appearance. They themselves are the most generous people. Think of the widow and her mite.
I’ll just bet that somewhere somebody was muttering, “a fraction of a coin? She thinks
that’s a gift? What a cheapskate. I gave 10 times that. Why are people so cheap? She must be saving her money for frivilous luxuries or she’d be able to make a decent tithe for God.”
I have a little challenge for all the people here.
If you think your bishop, priest, boss, mother-in-law, I don’t care who, is living ‘too large’. . .tell them so. Now. Right now. After all, it’s important enough for you to come on here and let us know how
unChristian they are, how they’re driving people away from the Church, how they’re displeasing Jesus. It would be the loving thing to do, wouldn’t it, to let them know???
Then go sell what you have, give to the poor. . .and since you won’t have your computer, send a snail mail to Catholic Answers and put the URL address of this thread on it so we’ll know that you aren’t just ‘talking the talk.’