Bohemian Rhapsody

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I like Queen, especially Bohemian Rhapsody. I did not know there was a movie coming out about him. I would like to see it. I’ll just avert the eyes if I need to during some scenes. And possibly plug my ears. Then my ears will have butter in them.
Do you also refuse to read anything by gay authors or watch any movies directed by homosexuals?
I think there’s a passage in Scripture where Jesus says it’s not what goes in but what comes out that makes a person sinful. Either Jesus or Paul. I’m not sure.
Isn’t someone’s spiritual condition more important than the exterior factors?
Infinitely so. But we do not know what Mr Mercury’s spiritual condition was, particularly not at the time of his death, and it would be fruitless to speculate on the matter. Hence, the most important thing about him for us, as faithful, non-judgmental persons, is his generosity in sharing his musical talent with us.

Just a question or ten: Is it likewise fruitless to speculate on our own spiritual condition? If so, then how do we know with any certainty whether we are making headway towards a more positive spiritual state or falling headlong into the abyss?

Why would some uncertainty regarding our own state or that of another necessarily entail complete cluelessness on spiritual matters?

As “non-judgmental persons” what if our refusal to undertake any judgement at all with regard to the spiritual state of others means we are allowing them to fall into the abyss without what could have been help from us? Perhaps after they have fallen, we can just walk away with hands clean of any guilt – not my problem. Who am I to judge? Seems just a tad hollow, no?

How is your version of “faithful, non-judgmental persons” dissimilar from just not caring at all about their fate?

I do understand the point that we ought to respect the autonomy of others but does being “non-judgmental” mean we are to completely refrain from making any statements or observations about where their decisions and actions will get them and possibly others?

It is one thing to know their intentions or internal states, but another thing all together to objectively assess the consequences of actions. These are not quite the same thing, are they?

There is a lot of confused thinking out there. Perhaps you can clarify by answering some of these questions.
No kidding! And if every gay person on the planet dropped dead at once (as supposedly happened on the morning of the Nativity, according to pious legend)
What pious legend is that?
It is recounted in a volume of Christian legends which I discovered in a used bookshop years ago. Unfortunately it is submerged somewhere in my room, which at the moment looks like it’s been through the Boer wars, or I would quote the passage verbatim. If I can locate the book I will certainly do so.
This movie would be torture for me. I’m not a fan of Queen. Melodramatic cheese whiz. Nothing against anyone who likes them. I liked them when I was younger. I’m sure there’s people who think the same about music Is like. 😃
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I’m not sure what to expect now with so many here thinking that there will be graphic or maybe sort-of-graphic sex scenes and the rest of social media thinking that Freddie’s sexuality will be glossed over. From what I’ve seen of promos the movie will show his relationship with a woman. Sasha Baron Cohen was originally cast as Freddie but backed out because of creative differences and one of the remaining members of Queen (I think it was Roger) said that Baron Cohen wanted graphic sex scenes, and Baron Cohen said the movie didn’t focus on Freddie or his sexuality enough. So it we will have to wait to see what the real deal is.

The actors playing the band members look so much like the real deal; I hope they have the acting chops to make it work. Brian May’s wife seems to think the actor playing her husband is spot on.
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I don’t understand how so many people on this forum are against watching movies or listening to music with suggestive or anti-Christian elements. We’re not called to just bury our heads into the sand and avoid the world. I mean it’s no wonder why so many catholics are perceived as weird, socially awkward, or crazy. It’s because you guys are doing this to yourself!

It’s not a sin to see a movie. Especially this movie.
The Muppets did a good version of Bohemian Rhapsody for kids that takes out the ‘killed a man’ part and references to the devil.

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SHB, I find it weird too, and after the 10th thread about “Is watching this movie sinful? Is playing this video game a sin? Is it wrong to read these books?” etc it’s hard not to get frustrated and tell people, “You have a brain and a conscience, use it.” But I think a lot of people who post these types of questions either have scrupulosity, have borderline scrupulosity, or else just were not raised with the parental training or catechesis to make an informed decision.

I’ll probably eventually see this movie, although there’s already a really good docudrama about Freddie Mercury on Youtube. I liked Queen and I think Freddie was very talented, although there are other vocalists in rock I think are/ were just as good, so I don’t have him up on the pedestal like many do. To be honest, I find Brian May and his astrophysics to be more interesting than Freddie Mercury, but you never hear too much about that.
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I also like Brian May. Freddie was the unquestionable leader of the band though, and his charisma made Queen what it was.

It’s the same reason why there probably would never be a movie on Noel Redding or Mitch Mitchell from the Jimi Hendrix Experience.
We’re not called to just bury our heads into the sand and avoid the world. I mean it’s no wonder why so many catholics are perceived as weird, socially awkward, or crazy. It’s because you guys are doing this to yourself!
Yes. If Catholics ever wonder why there is minimal representation of Catholics and other Christians in certain fields it’s because of this attitude. If Chistians shun the entertainment industry, not just as a consumer, but also as a producer, we have little room to complain about the death of Christian-friendly music, television, and movies, especially good ones. We’ve created this vacuum ourselves.
Movies like these are an artistic expression of historical realities. Alexander the Great was gay. If I read a history book about that, it’s not sinful, but suddenly if I watch a movie about Alexander the Great and Hephaestion, suddenly it’s sinful?

You guys realize that there are naked people on the ceiling of the Sistene Chapel? There’s also statues of pagan gods at the Vatican. Guess can’t go to Rome, huh?
I understand Freddie was the front man, and people are also very drawn to the whole “tortured artist” story of his life and death. And his being gay and having to go around hiding it apparently (I still don’t get that, given the amount of gender-bending and bisexuality in 1970s glam rock, but whatever) is a big part of that.

However, May has been ranked among the top rock guitarists ever in some polls. I don’t think the Reddings and Mitchells of the world are quite on that level.
He was very, very influential. He utilized the delay pedal live that was truly revolutionary. I mean, just watch this: Brian May DELAY - YouTube

I still think Freddie was Queen, in a similar way that Brian Wilson was the Beach Boys. Just my two cents.
It’s one thing to listen to / read an artist who was gay, and another thing to watch a movie that may or may not show a lot of details and “glorify” that lifestyle. If you think Tchaikovsky was flamboyantly living and promoting a gay lifestyle you are misinformed. If you listen to any Tchaikovy you in no way confronted by his private homosexuality. I personally think there could well be an element of sin in supporting an artist who also is viewed as an activist for causes that are against Christian values. Of course since Mercury is dead you aren’t exactly supporting him. : ) Just my opinion…
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