I think this opinion piece is also a good explanation of how many people feel:
“as we sat there watching this particular episode, we both had a growing sense that the show was somehow “desensitizing our sensibilities”. We started to feel… “dirty”. We turned off the laptop; watching any further only demonstrated our tacit approval and we wanted to stop before our worldview had been permanently altered…”
“as we sat there watching this particular episode, we both had a growing sense that the show was somehow “desensitizing our sensibilities”. We started to feel… “dirty”. We turned off the laptop; watching any further only demonstrated our tacit approval and we wanted to stop before our worldview had been permanently altered…”
Christian Worldview: What Does It Mean to Be “In the World” but Not “Of the World”? | Cold Case Christianity
What does it really mean to live as a Christian in a non-Christian environment? What happens when our "point of location" becomes our "source of information"?