What part of your right to freedom of religion, due process, or others would you like to have taken away in a “living and breathing” document? You seem to think my right to keep and bear arms should be lived and breathed away. What is done to one freedom can be done to others. In fact if the 2nd amendment is lived and breathed away their is nothing you or anyone else can do to win it back. Ask the Jews and Catholics and others who the nazis slaughtered about it. Ask the Chinese who Mao killed. Ask the Russians that Stalin killed.
Try this link:
The Gun Control Act of 1968 is almost verbatim from the Nazi Weapon Law of 1938 that the Nazis used to round up all of the Jews firearms. That link is a Jewish site so they have nothing to lie about. I actually have the book.
Gun control is sinister.
Racist roots of gun control.
A lot of the US gun control laws were enacted to prevent blacks from carrying firearms. In Texas we just restored open carry during our past legislative session. Open carry was outlawed in 1867 or so by carpetbaggers to prevent blacks from carrying firearms.
I find it very offensive when people claim the I need to have my rights squashed just to make them feel better.
Over 94, 000,000 killed by communist governments since 1918. All communist governments outlawed firearms.
The University of Hawaii sets the death toll at 262,000,000.
You think it won’t happen to you because you vote?
Keep voting. See what it gets you.