I carry a concealed firearm every time I go to Mass. It is entirely legal in Texas to do so.
At my last parish the pastor knew many ushers were armed. He often cited the Constitution and our God given rights.
Modern firearms do not just go off. Keep your booger hook off the bang switch.
Know and live by the 4 rules of firearm safety.
Those of us who carry, even openly, do not do so to intimidate anyone. Stating such also implies that anyone who exercises other rights including free speech and religious freedom do so to intimidate others. If persons are intimidated by the sight of a firearm then they do not understand them. Firearms are merely tools. Does someone carrying a hammer or screwdriver intimidate them?
Licensed firearms carriers in Texas are many times less likely to be convicted of a felony than law enforcement officers. The Texas State Police (DPS) tracks such data. We are much less likely than citizens in general to commit crimes. Most police officers know this, and when encountering licensed carriers, it is no big deal. They treat us with respect as we do them.
We are not the enemy. Evil is the enemy.
If you decide to not arm yourself that is your decision. There is no such thing as “gun violence”. Inanimate objects do not commit violence. Humans do.
Why do politicians and hoplophobes blame people like me very time an evil person kills someone? With the numbers of drunk driving deaths nationwide far outpacing the number of firearms deaths, why isn’t there an outcry to ban alcohol? Oh, wait. We did that once and it worked out so well. Banning firearms will not stop the violence.
I can agree with, or at least accept, almost everything that you say.
I do take issue with this:
Firearms are merely tools.
I always find that a tad disingenuous.
A firearm is a weapon. It is designed to be a weapon.
I instructed a few weapons classes on a recruit course. My very first lecture started with an intro to the C7 (Canadian version of the M16) – after the formal intro from the lesson plan, I told the class, essentially:
This is a C7 rifle. It will be your personal weapon. And that is its function: weapon. It is not a tool, you don’t hammer nails or open cans with it. Its specific purpose is to inflict death or grievous bodily harm on another human being. And at some point your nation may call upon you to take this weapon and do just that: kill or wound another human being. And if you cannot accept that, you need to find another line of work.
Sounds nasty, but that is what a weapon is for.
A pistol or rifle is no more a “tool” than a fragmentation grenade, a SCUD missile, mustard gas shells, or Little Boy and Fat Man. Call a spade a spade. And a pistol ain’t a spade. (It’s a beggar to get the dirt out of the workings and makes the RSM testy.)
Whether or not they are moral to be used, or should be carried openly or concealed in church, or if the government should regulate them, is a separate issue. A .44 Magnum is not a door plane, and should not be conflated with same.
Does someone carrying a hammer or screwdriver intimidate them?
I don’t think there is a danger of me thinking that someone with a Sig Sauer on his hip is going to use it to hang a picture. Likewise, if someone produces a switchblade, should I say, Oh, how, nice, I bet he’s going to produce a wheel of brie and he’s gonna give me a slice on a nice baguette…
And not every person who may be intimidated by someone openly carrying a weapon is by necessity a hoplophobe. Their fear is not necessarily irrational.
I’m on the fence, myself, about weapons in church. As I said earlier, I believe 4th-degree Knights carry swords (a weapon is a weapon). Also, did or did not knights do armed vigils in churches back during the Crusades — especially Templars, Teutonic Knights, etc?
Again, given no decree from Rome either way, it would be up to the local Ordinary.