Eileen T:
I’d say Kirk and Madsen’s plan is working.
I think a good question to ask at this point is Why?
I can think of several reasons:
Cowardice of mincing religious leaders who care less about the eternal well-being of their flock and more about kowtowing to the establishment. (Did you know “kowtow” comes from the Chinese word “bow your head”? It has an almost prayerful, idolatrous sense here, doesn’t it?)
The successful playing of gay superstitions like the “gene theory” or “born that way theory” – none of which have any proof. This also flies in the face of the evidence we do have and common sense (if it were genetic, then gays would need to have heterosexual sex in order to pass it on).
The final reason would of course be censorship. Our movement is currently facing virulent resistance at the highest echelons of power in government and media institutions.
One example of this is the fact that nowhere in the media these days are opposing viewpoints concerning homosexuality ever voiced.
Gays are born that way.
Really? Says who? No one!
Shut up and acquiesce.
Gays have a right never to be challenged for their beliefs.
Really? Why don’t I have that right?
Shut up. Move on.
Gays do not have the right to seek treatment.
Really? I have a right to seek treatment for everything from light depression to bi-polar disorder. Why don’t they?
Shut up.
Gays are above the same moral laws concerning masturbation, sodomy, and birth control that breeders must obey.
Really? I’m not. How is they can fight for the “right” to share a pew with me if they are not beholden to the same morality?
Shut up.
Gays can’t go to Hell.
Really? I can!
Great idea. Why don’t you?
Guaranteed you will not find any voices like this anywhere in the media. The gay movement would have us turn the entire society upside down: marriage and family, gender-specific language, schools, clothing, even public restrooms. All this because enough people believe they are born that way? Where’s the proof? Why are they sacrosanct and infallible? They call us the ignorant and superstitious ones.
We should be used to this by now. The American Library Association, an organization so strongly against censorship that it will not even censor child porn has banned the book Grand Illusion because it connects the dots between Planned Parenthood and the continuing goal of eugenicists: weed out the undesirables.
And talk about propaganda, the movie Silent Scream which is a documentary of the ultrasound of an abortion is also censored. Go ahead try to buy it on Amazon. The order comes up mysteriously “not in catalog.” Why is it one the site, then?
The fact of the matter is, gay is safe. Gay is establishment. Gay is prime time snooze fest family fun hour with mom, pop and the kids.
We are the counter-cultural rebels here.
We are the ones being censored to the point where we have to rely on the black market to get media.
We are the ones driven underground while gays command the highest echelons of government around the West.
We are the ones who know why the revolution will not be televised.
Long live the resistance.