Brokeback Mountain - Understanding Propaganda

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This is ridiculous in all that can be ridiculous. A watered down version of the truth? If that were the case I would believe in any bible the Roman Catholic Church had their hands in. The bible written before that time ( in Hebrew mind you), said nothing about man shall not lay with man. Even after that bible in the Tahora(I believe) it cliamed only sin is wasted seamen, which many people seem to do this day with birth control, and condoms.

Who is to say what the truth is, not even this “god” person, spirit or whatever has come down to lay down the truth. Isn’t that what poeple do when they want the truth to behold? Yet we have no proof of his/her/it’s existence, and we are suppose to hold a faith up beyond our own inner desires, and beleifs. I think not, if it feels right to me, it is right.

Brokeback Mountain wasa great movie, not only for it’s cinematic appeal, but what it lacked. The body language between the two characters is amazing, and makes you really feel the love. The true love only two soulmates could possible have. Thats right two men can be soulmates, and do deserve the right and will to act upon those feelings. Anyone who thinks other wise is a bigot, and “gods” worst enemy.
Hard to know where to begin with this one. Looks like somebody called in the reinforcements. 😉
Homosexuals are way more than just sex, and pornography, and whoever thinks that again a bigot. Thats just silly and soemthing the idiot Fred Phelps would say.

I am a homosexual man, and have no more desire for sex, and don’t even watch or loook at pornography, as any straight college frat boi out there.

I think there are more important things to worry about then why do homosexuals want to get married.

Which by the way we deserve to get marrried as much as any other race, gender, or sexual orentation . The ball is rolling no one can stop it, homosexuals will have the same rights as most at least within one decade… 👍
Thats a rather miselading article. We can’t even read the whole thing without paying money.
Sorry about that. I subscribe and didn’t realize it was not available online until after I first posted the link. The article is about 8 pages long. The first couple of paragraphs don’t fully develop the author’s premise.

The article is too long to cut and paste. I just wanted to give the link for those who felt like reading it. From your post I don’t expect you to spring the $1.50 to read it. You probably wouldn’t like it anyway. :cool:
Homosexuals are way more than just sex, and pornography, and whoever thinks that again a bigot. Thats just silly and soemthing the idiot Fred Phelps would say.

I am a homosexual man, and have no more desire for sex, and don’t even watch or loook at pornography, as any straight college frat boi out there.

I think there are more important things to worry about then why do homosexuals want to get married.

Which by the way we deserve to get marrried as much as any other race, gender, or sexual orentation . The ball is rolling no one can stop it, homosexuals will have the same rights as most at least within one decade… 👍
I agree. There will be a time soon when we will look back at all this and shrug. When our society is indifferent to homosexuality, the gay movement will have succeeded. It’s already visible in many younger people.
I agree. There will be a time soon when we will look back at all this and shrug. When our society is indifferent to homosexuality, the gay movement will have succeeded. It’s already visible in many younger people.
Exactly, I mean how many “rights movements” must we have, untill every individual is treated equal? No one says you have to agree with my lifestyle, but give me the respect enough to enjoy it.
Hard to know where to begin with this one. Looks like somebody called in the reinforcements. 😉
YUP-all of a sudden an influx of Junior members giving us the usual sanctimonious, condescending homosexual talking points. With of course the madatory references to Fred Phelps. I think its called spam

Homosexual bahavior is a mortal sin. That is what our Church affirms and has taught for 2,000 years. All the spin in the world is not going to undo that. What all the homosexual advocates are telling us that we should condone sin. Not going to happen.

At any rate with the arrival of the Homosexual brigade Im out of here.
YUP-all of a sudden an influx of Junior members giving us the usual sanctimonious, condescending homosexual talking points. With of course the madatory references to Fred Phelps. I think its called spam

Homosexual bahavior is a mortal sin. That is what our Church affirms and has taught for 2,000 years. All the spin in the world is not going to undo that. What all the homosexual advocates are telling us that we should condone sin. Not going to happen.

At any rate with the arrival of the Homosexual brigade Im out of here.
Homosexual behavior is not a mortal sin, it is beautiful and excepted in the eye’s of god.

Besides what is it of your business what people want to do? Oh thats right, it’s not…
Homosexual behavior is not a mortal sin, it is beautiful and excepted in the eye’s of god.

Besides what is it of your business what people want to do? Oh thats right, it’s not…
Oops. I forgot, this is “Episcopalian Answers”. I must have hit the wrong link. 😉
Oops. I forgot, this is “Episcopalian Answers”. I must have hit the wrong link. 😉
Wow can we say childish, and not to mention contradicting. Maybe you should learn your vocabulary before you use it…KK 😉

Again mind your business bigot, and alow us homosexuals to do as we please, the way we allow you to live the way you choose… 🙂
Wow can we say childish, and not to mention contradicting. Maybe you should learn your vocabulary before you use it…KK 😉

Again mind your business bigot, and alow us homosexuals to do as we please, the way we allow you to live the way you choose… 🙂
Oooh. Now you’ve hurt my feelings.
Oooh. Now you’ve hurt my feelings.
I am not trying to hurt your feelings, just let you know that your not the be all, and end all.

“There’s only one true judge, and thats god. So chill, and let my father do his job”- S&P 1993
I am not trying to hurt your feelings, just let you know that your not the be all, and end all.
I don’t recall ever saying that I was.

wader0069 said:
“There’s only one true judge, and thats god. So chill, and let my father do his job”- S&P 1993

No argument there. Although I don’t know who “S&P” is…
I don’t recall ever saying that I was.

No argument there. Although I don’t know who “S&P” is…
The tell me why you care about homosexuals? You seem so adament about it, yet it really is none of your business.

Just because a 2000 year old book claims it’s immoral doesn’t mean it is. Exspecially due to the fact there are numerous accounts os acceptence with homosexuality, before, and during the rise of that book/religion.

S&P is Salt & Pepa… 😃
Philadelphia did a good job in fighting discrimination against people with AIDs. Do you object to that?
No, just propaganda.

homophobic Fear of or contempt for lesbians and homosexuals.
I do not fear lesbians and homosexuals, nor am I contemptuous of them. Actually I feel pity for them and pray for their healing. You are now on my praywer list Aquarius.

bigot a prejudiced person who is intolerant of any opinions differing from his own
I thought that this may apply to me - until I checked out what prejudice means.

prejudice An adverse judgment or opinion formed beforehand or without knowledge or examination of the facts.
The fact is that the Catholic Church teaching, which is derived from Scripture and Tradition, condemns homosexual acts as a serious sin.

I Corinthians 6:9; 10
Do you not know that the unjust will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators nor idolaters nor adulterers nor boy prostitutes nor sodomites nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor robbers will inherit the kingdom of God.
Romans 1:24-27
Therefore, God handed them over to impurity through the lusts of their hearts for the mutual degradation of their bodies. They exchanged the truth of God for a lie and revered and worshiped the creature rather than the creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.
Therefore, God handed them over to degrading passions. Their females exchanged natural relations for unnatural, and the males likewise gave up natural relations with females and burned with lust for one another. Males did shameful things with males and thus received in their own persons the due penalty for their perversity.
And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God handed them over to their undiscerning mind to do what is improper.
They are filled with every form of wickedness, evil, greed, and malice; full of envy, murder, rivalry, treachery, and spite. They are gossips and scandalmongers and they hate God. They are insolent, haughty, boastful, ingenious in their wickedness, and rebellious toward their parents. They are senseless, faithless, heartless, ruthless.
Although they know the just decree of God that all who practice such things deserve death, they not only do them but give approval to those who practice them.
1 Timothy 1:8-11
We know that the law is good, provided that one uses it as law, with the understanding that law is meant not for a righteous person but for the lawless and unruly, the godless and sinful, the unholy and profane, those who kill their fathers or mothers, murderers, the unchaste, practicing homosexuals, kidnapers, liars, perjurers, and whatever else is opposed to sound teaching, according to the glorious gospel of the blessed God, with which I have been entrusted.
Jude 7
Likewise, Sodom, Gomorrah, and the surrounding towns, which, in the same manner as they, indulged in sexual promiscuity and practiced unnatural vice, serve as an example by undergoing a punishment of eternal fire. Similarly, these dreamers nevertheless also defile the flesh, scorn lordship, and revile glorious beings.
As a Catholic I accept all the Truths that the Church teaches.

John 18:37-38
Pilate asked him, “So you are a king?” Jesus answered, “You say that I am a king. For this I was born, and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone who belongs to the truth listens to my voice.” Pilate asked him, “What is truth?”

Jesus said He is the Way theTruth and the Life. Truth must be unchanging because it is Infinite. What was true 2000 years ago is true today and will still be true 2000 years from now (if the earth still exists).

Speaking about Catholic Church teaching, Senator Santorum said this,“If you knew the faith was true, then dissent from the truth, when salvation is at stake, would be as irrational and foolish as jumping off a 10-story building because you don’t agree with the law of gravity. It would also be as deadly.”
The tell me why you care about homosexuals? You seem so adament about it, yet it really is none of your business.

Just because a 2000 year old book claims it’s immoral doesn’t mean it is. Exspecially due to the fact there are numerous accounts os acceptence with homosexuality, before, and during the rise of that book/religion.

S&P is Salt & Pepa… 😃
While I do indeed have thoughts on the subject of homosexuals and homosexuality, I don’t believe that I have shared any of them on this thread. You may have my posts confused with estesbob (do you have a bias against bobs? 😉 )

As a Catholic, my beliefs regarding sexual morality are consistent with the teachings of the Church. If you know them, then you know me. If you don’t, there are resources here on the Catholic Answers site that explain them better than I could.

I doubt that you know me (or my heart) well enough to call me a bigot. But hey, I’ve got a thick skin.

And while I don’t know much about Salt n’ Pepa’s theology, I can’t say that I’m much of a fan of their music. But I’m an old fart. I prefer Rock.
Eileen T:
No, just propaganda.

homophobicFear of or contempt for lesbians and homosexuals.
I do not fear lesbians and homosexuals, nor am I contemptuous of them. Actually I feel pity for them and pray for their healing. You are now on my praywer list Aquarius.

bigota prejudiced person who is intolerant of any opinions differing from his own
I thought that this may apply to me - until I checked out what prejudice means.

prejudiceAn adverse judgment or opinion formed beforehand or without knowledge or examination of the facts.
The fact is that the Catholic Church teaching, which is derived from Scripture and Tradition, condemns homosexual acts as a serious sin.

I Corinthians 6:9; 10 Romans 1:24-271 Timothy 1:8-11 Jude 7As a Catholic I accept all the Truths that the Church teaches.

John 18:37-38
Pilate asked him, “So you are a king?” Jesus answered, “You say that I am a king. For this I was born, and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone who belongs to the truth listens to my voice.” Pilate asked him, “What is truth?”

Jesus said He is the Way theTruth and the Life. Truth must be unchanging because it is Infinite. What was true 2000 years ago is true today and will still be true 2000 years from now (if the earth still exists).

Speaking about Catholic Church teaching, Senator Santorum said this,“If you knew the faith was true, then dissent from the truth, when salvation is at stake, would be as irrational and foolish as jumping off a 10-story building because you don’t agree with the law of gravity. It would also be as deadly.”
Thats the biggest amount of bullocks I ahve eevr read.

Truth 2000 years ago, is not truth today. We can see that in everyday living. 2000 years ago, women were simple homemakers, and now they are workers, poloticians, and soon to be leaders of countries. 2000 years ago we were ignorant to the rezpect of equality of different races. We discriminated agaisnt blacks, indians, spanish, jews, among many others. We would not do that to this day, at least not in America.

This is crazy that people actually read this book, called the bible, and hold it true to eevry aspect of their everyday living. God thats sad, and I am sure god would niot ever in his/her/it’s right mind condone this.

Basically what it all comes down to, is don’t worry about anyone elses life but yours. We all live our lifes for different reasons. This truth you speak of, is not held true to eevrybody. We hold that right as human beings. Let us decide the path we choose to go down on. Me being a homosexual, I am proud of that, and know truly it is somethign god, or the force above me, if there is one, would with no doubt approve of.
While I do indeed have thoughts on the subject of homosexuals and homosexuality, I don’t believe that I have shared any of them on this thread. You may have my posts confused with estesbob (do you have a bias against bobs? 😉 )

As a Catholic, my beliefs regarding sexual morality are consistent with the teachings of the Church. If you know them, then you know me. If you don’t, there are resources here on the Catholic Answers site that explain them better than I could.

I doubt that you know me (or my heart) well enough to call me a bigot. But hey, I’ve got a thick skin.

And while I don’t know much about Salt n’ Pepa’s theology, I can’t say that I’m much of a fan of their music. But I’m an old fart. I prefer Rock.
Well I knwo the Church teaches homosexuality asd a sin. As I have seen from many posts. I also see this as unfounded, seeing homosexuality, before the rise of the roman catholic church was accepted, and even encouraged. Kings, and leaders were having homosexual relationships. Then someone steps in and says this and that, and now people like me have to fight to live the way we want.

Seriously do you think a god would be so vein to give one homosexual feelings, feeling that turn from lust to likes, and love, just like everyone else, and then deny them the act upon??

I think not… 😃
Well I knwo the Church teaches homosexuality asd a sin. As I have seen from many posts. I also see this as unfounded, seeing homosexuality, before the rise of the roman catholic church was accepted, and even encouraged. Kings, and leaders were having homosexual relationships. Then someone steps in and says this and that, and now people like me have to fight to live the way we want.

Seriously do you think a god would be so vein to give one homosexual feelings, feeling that turn from lust to likes, and love, just like everyone else, and then deny them the act upon??

I think not… 😃
The chasm between your views and those of the Catholic church is much too broad on many different levels to effectively discuss them on a forum like this. If you are interested in understanding what the Church actually teaches and why, I suggest you take advantage of some of the resources at Catholic Answers and other sites to learn.

If you are not interested in knowing what Catholics believe and why and just want to tell us how misguided that you think we are, then you are wasting a lot of time and energy here. If you are just itching for a fight you will probably find one, but not from me.

Regardless, I wish you peace.
The chasm between your views and those of the Catholic church is much too broad on many different levels to effectively discuss them on a forum like this. If you are interested in understanding what the Church actually teaches and why, I suggest you take advantage of some of the resources at Catholic Answers and other sites to learn.

If you are not interested in knowing what Catholic believe and why and just want to tell us how misguided that you think we are, then you are wasting a lot of time and energy here. If you are just itching for a fight you will probably find one, but not from me.

Regardless, I wish you peace.
I would be interested if the catholic Church taught that homosexuality was not a sin. Does it od this?

If not why would I want to hear that I am an abomination, or sinfull. When I am happy and at peace with myself and my sexuality…
Well I knwo the Church teaches homosexuality asd a sin. As I have seen from many posts. I also see this as unfounded, seeing homosexuality, before the rise of the roman catholic church was accepted, and even encouraged. Kings, and leaders were having homosexual relationships. Then someone steps in and says this and that, and now people like me have to fight to live the way we want.

Seriously do you think a god would be so vein to give one homosexual feelings, feeling that turn from lust to likes, and love, just like everyone else, and then deny them the act upon??

I think not… 😃
Homosexuality was condemned in the Old Testament as well. I won’t give quotes, you can find them online easily.

Who ever said that God gave people same-sex attraction other than feelings of admiration and friendship? God gave Eve to Adam as a wife and helpmate. The Command He gave them was “Go forth and multiply. Fill the earth and subdue it.” Homosexuality has no way to fulfill that Command.

From what you have posted it would seem that you have not read the Bible and have no understanding of Catholic Teaching. May I suggest that you study both so you won’t fall into the category below.

prejudice An adverse judgment or opinion formed beforehand or without knowledge or examination of the facts.
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