Michael, I know you are in your 40’s but still, have you spoken to the Vocations director at your Diocese?
You mention spiritual warfare again. All Catholics are called into warfare with evil. It’s not an outlier. We all do this in living our lives.
As a Deacon you would have to put being a Deacon first and be obedient to your Bishop. There are rules in the Church for anything eventful beyond the normal role and action of those not appointed by the Diocese as it’s exorcists. Exorcists are firstly Priests.
It seems to me , reading your threads, you have a focus on a spiritual warfare ministry that echoes non Catholic forms. And perhaps are trying now to achieve that within the confines of Catholicism.
There is only one way to do that, become a Priest and may or may not be trained in this by your Bishop.
The other option is becoming a psychiatrist who works with the Diocesan exorcist to discount medical issues. And that would be quite a remote option too.
In what way do you mean mental health therapist? That’s specialised training too, for example mental health nursing, psychology, social welfare, counseling, pastoral care . All require a University degree to treat the mentally ill and those undergoing life trauma.