Called to the diaconate?

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What term? The Protestant thing I said? Sorry. I had quite a row with my ex wife today.
In the eyes of the church you and she are still married, unless or until you receive an annulment.
To be honest: I hate that. I hate being stuck to her. She’s poison in my life. I wish I could just walk away from her and have her out of my life completely. The annulment is one spiritual step in that.
Has your fiancé been married, will she need an annulment is what I mean…

This can all be confusing for a newish Catholic.
I see your point, Cajun.How do I know if I’m receiving a call from God or just going off on a crazy tear?
Discernment takes a lot of prayer and time. We don’t just decide . It’s up to us and to those in charge of our formation. It’s a two way street.

I will say in the eyes of the church you cannot be engaged to another while still married. It is adultery.

This is very sticky and will need resolution . But you can start discernment now as a Deacon, with a lot of prayer and listening to God. Sit and listen at Adoration. And seek spiritual direction.

You are going to have to discuss the issue of being engaged and intimate with a woman not your wife. Your annulment may not be a given.
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Okay. Maybe I should just shut up spiritually and let God do the talking?
I see your point, Cajun.How do I know if I’m receiving a call from God or just going off on a crazy tear?
You might start be conferring with your spiritual director. If you don’t have one, get one.
Time is the problem. My parents want me to concentrate full time on my kids. I want to devote time to the Church; doing good for others. I know it’s another I statement. But, it’s true.
I am an Aspirant in a community, I am discerning if it’s right for me, the community in turn is discerning if I am right for it,

This discerning, knowing the will of God , can take years. The head of seminary here gets very concerned if seminarians come in knowing 100% they will be Priests. He looks for doubt, hesitancy, questioning in them. Is this what God wants , he wants to know they are asking.
You are in your 40s . What do your parents mean by full time with your kids
That’s makes sense. I feel drawn to service in the Church. I know that about myself. I’m just not sure if they’d accept me; like I’m not fit.
Basically, that my days off are for my kids. Period. That my kids are my first priority above my future wife. And that my kids are above my Church. I feel the other way around.
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A spiritual director can help you learn to listen for God’s still, small whisper, to pray, to see where God is moving in your life.

Based on the multiple threads you have started, you seem very impulsive. You want to get married, you want to be a prayer warrior, you want to be an psychologist, now you want to be a deacon. There’s no research into what these things mean or what the requirements are, simply a decision that today you’re being called to this thing or that thing. There’s no follow through, for instance with getting a declaration of nullity or pursuing the education you need for the profession you claim to want.

A spiritual director may help you mature spiritually and take the focus off of you and what you want and turn it to what God wants from you.
You make sense. I’m just scared what God wants for me. I am serious about all of what I said in the last few days. Dead serious.

Now I feel like a fool. 😞
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