Michael, I have not read the entire thread yet, but you said …
…Basically, I have to be a saint in order to be ordained. But, it’s something I want to do. I just have to get my fiancé’s blessing and work hard on myself in order to make it. But, with God’s help; I can make it…
First off, as others have said, you don’t have to be a saint. None of us who are discerning the call to the diaconate are saints. I know I don’t feel worthy to be called, and I’m sure if you ask any ordained deacon, he will tell you the same thing.
Secondly, Yes, you need to work hard, but more importantly, you must open your heart to God’s will. This is not something that you can just work hard at and it happens. You can’t “will” it to happen. It has to be God’s call, and you need to respond. What you need to do is listen and discern, with the help of others, if God is calling you. It’s a two way street, both you and the Church will discern.
One of the best things you can do, and I apologize if someone already mentioned this, but find a spiritual director and start talking with him. I in my diocese, when I was interested in discerning the diaconate, it was required that I get a spiritual director. Next thing, go talk with the Diaconate Formation Office. They are there to help you with this and to answer all of your questions.
I will pray for you. The one thing I realized in my aspirancy year was that the process of discernment and formation has nothing to do about me. It has
everything to do with what our Loving Creator wants and if I have the courage to respond.