God in order to BE GOD must be fair and Just:If they stop going to church, stop praying, etc… but still believe in God?
Or will their purgatory just be more intense?
ANYONE: who dies with unforgiven’ unremitted Mortal sins {1 John 5:16-17; John 20:19-23} is self condemened to hell
Those Baptized Catholics and Christians(} who die without Mortal sins; but have venial sins and or the Temporal Punishment that ALL sins {even Confessed & forgiven sins} because this is directly imposed by God; who alone tracks repayment of same{*} will end up in purgatory even if its existence in rejected; until that Soul is made “perfect”; as ONLY perfect Souls can attain the Beatific Vision. GOD is Perfect so must all Souls be to attain heaven.
{**} Only GOD knows if He will accept Protestant demanded ways of sin forgiveness {substitory-salvation} where God is claimed to “do it ALL.”; JUST believe. … There is certainly NO guarantee that He will or will not.
JOEL 2:13; Mk 1:15; Mk 6:12; Mt. 4:17; Lk. 5:32 GOD WILL expect more than words.
Those Baptized Catholics and Protestants who die with NO stain of sin or the debt of TP; being perfect ascend immediately into heaven.
{} Protestant unbelief in Purgatory will not effect GOD’s Necessary fair-Justice
(*} Indulgences; works of Mercy & Charity can reduce this DEBT; but only GOD is the accountant who knows to what degree HE will accept one’s actions and Indulgences which are highly and precisely conditional.