Can baptized Catholics go to hell?

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The sin would still be grave matter… but it would not kill the relationship with God necessarily according to Aquinas and the teaching of the Church
Go back and read the conversation between me and mtdobbs, that might bring more clarity?
My dad would tell me stories of Theologians arguing whether people, who lied under oath, to the Germans about harbouring Jews would be guilty of mortal or serious sin.

He said their arguments were good but that it almost lessens Gods mercy then if hes bound like that

It’s why I could never be a theologian! It’s too much for me haha

Plus we read about stories in the bible about God “ changing his mind”
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I don’t need clarity. I understand what consitutes a mortal sin, by Church teaching. You can’t say any one act is definitively a mortal sin, because all three criteria have to be met. You don’t know what is going on in the mind, heart, or soul of the person committing the act. Therefore, you can’t conclude if it is a mortal sin, or not.
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That’s a seems to be what theologians accept. Not arguing what sins involve grave matter but if a person has full knowledge of its sinfulnesss and whether the person is completely free to choose it (not addicted, psychiatrically ill, coerced)
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In Roman Catholic moral theology, a mortal sin requires that ALL of the following conditions are met:

Its subject matter must be grave.

It must be committed with full knowledge (and awareness) of the sinful action and the gravity of the offense.

It must be committed with deliberate and complete consent.
who would have trouble meeting those conditions?

people who don’t possess full mental capacity. They have a major deficit in reasoning and intellect ability. So they have problems meeting those conditions.

That said, there are ALSO people with none of THOSE mental deficits, who will play games with one or more of the conditions to reduce their own culpability by thinking they reduce their wrong to a misdemeanor or no fault at all by convincing themselves they didn’t really “know”, or they didn’t give “full consent” etc etc etc. …
Sure I can. Intentionally withholding a mortal sin during confession is in of itself a mortal sin. It is the sin of sacrilege.
Sure I can. Intentionally withholding a mortal sin during confession is in of itself a mortal sin. It is the sin of sacrilege.
You can for yourself. But you can’t for someone else. You don’t know their mind, heart or soul. Even if they report their actions to you, you don’t know the condition of their mental faculties. This is one time where it really is between the person and God.
God exists.
Hell exists.
God exists.
Hell exists.
Respectfully could the word hell its true meaning when Jesus speaks of Gehena which was a place on earth, where garbage was brought to was burned was a parable teaching or a metaphor a story told misunderstood? Was Jesus teaching us if we do not change our harden hearts of stone within each one of us, this world, earth will become like a place like gehena, sheol a living…?

🤔 Do not precious innocent human beings, greatly suffer? die? are being greatly prosecuted and falsely accused>>unjustly, by other human beings?

🤔 Along with >>such inhumane atrocities being done?>>unjust wars?>> on earth>>> upon their own fellow human beings, their own brothers and sisters, earth will become like a place like >>>>sheol? gehena?>> a living hell on earth also?

🤔 Was Jesus teaching us within his Spoken Word of Truth>> came to expose the inhumane errors of our ways and to make >>known>>>if we do not make a internal change within each one of us>>change our harden hearts of stone, > change our ways, change our thoughts, earth a place will become like gehena?

The fullness of Love is lacking within the very hearts, souls and minds of the godless harden hearts of flesh?
Human beings do we lack the fullness of Love within each one of us? Lacking mercy, compassion within?

🤔 Is this what Jesus means when he says>>.the godless?

Were we given the responsibility? A task also to accomplish? A mission our Heavenly Father has allowed us to share in? A work to continue in building and establishing >Paradise on earth?
As it is above so shall it be below?
Born again from above?
Jesus tells us, does he not>>My father has many mansions?
Just pondering 🤔 on this word hell and maybe misunderstood maybe what Jesus was spiritual teaching us on spiritual matters is all.

Peace 🙂
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Just pondering 🤔 on this word hell and maybe misunderstood maybe what Jesus was spiritual teaching us on spiritual matters is all.
What you believe contradicts Church teaching.

CCC 1035 The teaching of the Church affirms the existence of hell and its eternity. Immediately after death the souls of those who die in a state of mortal sin descend into hell, where they suffer the punishments of hell, “eternal fire.” The chief punishment of hell is eternal separation from God, in whom alone man can possess the life and happiness for which he was created and for which he longs.
Catholicism is not a OSAS (once saved, always saved) religion. It requires continuous work, which means FAITH IN ACTION. Belief in G-d is one part of the requirement; the other is practicing what you preach.
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Respectfully opinion only, questioning and examining>>first >>what the Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek words mean in the time before Jesus and in the time of Jesus , Jesus fully knowing, what took place there also?>>
Gehenna? Sheol>>>mean?
🤔 Theses were places and what took place in these 's places our Heavenly rebukes etc?
mean and how it became translated to what we now call a place hell?
Why was Jesus referring to, mentioning such places, Gehenna, Sheol knowing what took place there?

The King James Version does it not translates both>> Gehenna and Sheol with Anglo Saxon word >hell?

:thinking:Jeremiah 7:31- Jeremiah 19:2-6
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I am finding your post hard to follow. I am guessing english isn’t your first language (?). If I am getting the meat of it though, I agree with you that we should always be re-evaluating our understanding of things like the concept of hell. As a human race, it seems like we are supposed to be constantly questioning, learning, and expanding our understanding of all things.
Nobody can trick God though. I never understood what the benefit of tying to jump through hurdles to prove a mortal sin isn’t a mortal to yourelf. Who are we fooling?We should be sorry for all offences, not just the mortal
Agree! Contrition is not “feeling sorry”. When we sin we need to make an act of contrition.
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Nobody can trick God though. I never understood what the benefit of tying to jump through hurdles to prove a mortal sin isn’t a mortal to yourelf. Who are we fooling?We should be sorry for all offences, not just the mortal
Respectfully opinion only in what one posted using the word mortal sin, the word mortal 💡 Our heavenly Father created mortals>we are finite? Was the word mortals and maybe the word was not>> man? Believe with our Heavenly Father it is not about gender, but about seeking out hearts souls and minds? Using the word mortals seems to fit and flow with what Jesus was teaching, does it not?

Mortal>sins> or mistakes made? Wrong choices made? Broke a Thou shall not? The word abomination>> means doing that which is not pleasing to him, would this be correct?

When Jesus was baptized, (being a doer, as our example, in what is asked of us, repent?) What took place at Jesus baptism>
Written, This is my begotten son in whom I am well pleased? Born from above, Holy Spirit (dove is shown above him) given? Return to me and I will return to you?
Repent repent is something we will do throughout our walk, our journey in life?

Written is it not?>>Forgive one’s brother 7x77 times? 🤔

Not about the fall, for our Heavenly Father, knows>> we will all surely many many times, St Peter fell 3 times did he not?
Was Jesus teaching us, what is far more important to him>>is that we repent, move on and get back up?
We learn nothing from success, it is our failures that bring us to success>.unquote
Strive within us, to become more righteous>> before him as our journey goes on?
I am Holy thou art to be Holy also?
Our life mission and task given, is to accomplish such, during our finite>>earthy journey, within our life time? 🤔
rising to a higher personal self within >> our hearts, souls and minds>> as we travel on? 🤔
1st Commandment >>>Love me with your>>whole>> heart, soul and mind>>wholeness? unity? oneness within? >Our Heavenly Father is he telling us within His Spoken Word>>>>>>He is seeking not gender >>>but >>seeking>>out>>hearts souls and minds among all mortals he created? 🤔

Peace 🙂
Nobody can trick God though.
True. It’s amazing how many think they can.
I never understood what the benefit of tying to jump through hurdles to prove a mortal sin isn’t a mortal to yourelf. Who are we fooling?We should be sorry for all offences, not just the mortal
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