Can I be LGBT and still be catholic?

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yea my priest was vary nice about it, he said he would never deny me the eucharist even if i were in a homosexual relationship.
That makes me question the priest and church that you attend tbh. As others have said, attending mass is fine, attending communion isn’t.
That sounds like a kind Priest. It’s clear his heart is in the right place. This doesn’t necessarily mean he’s right, but given his theological knowledge I’m willing to bet he sees some nuance we’re missing.
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He has already been informed that the Priest he talked to was wrong. Besides, I would think that in any way he would need a Priest direction to make that change towards celibacy. If this Priest won’t help, there are others who would.
Even in the Garden of Eden, where Adam and Eve could speak to God and God speak to them, in this perfect place, God had a tree that they could not eat from among all the trees in the garden.

Each of us will have our ‘tree’ that looks good and is very attractive, and we’ll also have that voice that says, ‘Did God really say that you can’t?’ It’s in times like this that we show if we mean it, that we’ll follow what God asks of us.

We often hear as Catholics of our fallen nature from the original sin of Adam and Eve. We don’t often hear how God’s fatherly heart must have been broken.
No it’s not. He’s encouraging a sacrilege that will cause the poster to commit a serious mortal sin.
This thread is my major issue with Catholic Answers Forums - someone is asking a very serious question, a matter in fact regarding the life or death of the soul, and yet they are getting totally contradictory answers. I don’t see what the point in this forum is if no clear answer can be gained by those who need one.
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Some priests in the Catholic Church also give off answers to this serious question. Would you say there is no point in the Catholic Church itself either?

Thankfully I would say most people are giving the correct answer here.
I personally don’t believe… what the church teaches.
I’m always genuinely confused about this line of thinking. If you’re not going to accept the entirety of the universal Faith, you’re rejecting catholicity itself. Why be Catholic?
First, it is your responsibility to refrain from receiving at Mass.
1 Cor 11:27: Therefore whosoever shall eat this bread, or drink the chalice of the Lord unworthily, shall be guilty of the body and of the blood of the Lord.
The priest is usually not in a position to refuse the Eucharist to someone unless they indicated to him their state just before Mass, unless they were a notorious public sinner who had given no indication of having repented.

WRT you, a priest who was acquainted with you would have no way of knowing whether you had just recently repented and gone to Confession, so he would not refuse the Eucharist to you.

However, you are always welcome at Mass!
All I said was the Priest seemed like he has good intentions. Whether or not he’s misguided is a separate matter.
If you need a direct answer to a question from an apologist, you can always ask the staff. The forums are basically a discussion instead of a lecture, where we “work out (our) own salvation with fear and trembling.” Phil 2:12

Many questions are more prudential than this, so there can be a discussion about what the right thing to do may be in the particular situation.

Besides, some of the people you refer to think they know the answer and need correction and guidance as much if not more than the OP. They would never have that opportunity if they didn’t volunteer the wrong answer. None of us are perfect, so maybe we need to unearth the Truth with a little digging first.
I’m always genuinely confused about this line of thinking. If you’re not going to accept the entirety of the universal Faith, you’re rejecting catholicity itself. Why be Catholic?
Because I agree with the core beliefs of the Church, that there is one God, that He became man and died for our sins, that in His Earthly ministry He gave the Apostle Peter the keys to Heaven and thereby established apostolic succession, and that all this was done because God wants to see our sins forgiven. These are the things which make up the essentials of faith, which is why they’re in the Nicene Creed.
In the Roman tradition: you’re considered to be in a state of mortal sin…you’re 100% welcome to attend Mass, but receiving Communion isn’t allowable, unless you went through a valid sacrament of Confession prior to Mass.

Which is one of the reasons why I ended up switching to the Episcopal Church. Aside from the fact there aren’t ranked sins, the general confession and prayer of humble access during the Mass is considered just as good as the Roman sacrament of Confession… however the Episcopal Church does allow for the Sacramental Rite of Confession, it’s just not as commonly occuring as the Roman Sacrament of Confession.

I do think you’re still in a state of sin though, if you’re having sex outside of marriage.
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When I say core beliefs, I mean beliefs that are foundational to the faith. Marriage being between a man and a woman isn’t if in the Nicene Creed. In the bible itself it even seems to be an afterthought.
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You are wrong here I’m afraid. The Nicene Creed is not a list of the only things a Catholic is required to believe. There is a good number of teachings that every Catholic must adhere to - fornication being a sin is just one of them.
You are wrong here I’m afraid. The Nicene Creed is not a list of the only things a Catholic is required to believe.
I keep saying “core beliefs”, yet you seem to assuming every belief is core. Some are genuinely more important than others. The church itself distinguishes between doctrine and dogma.

EDIT: I’m not going to litigate this point here.
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There is no such thing in Catholicism as “core” beliefs and secondary, optional beliefs. Everything the Church teaches is core. Only things like private revelation are optional.
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