Can I be LGBT and still be catholic?

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Yes, Pope Francis was a priest, then a bishop. Pro-abortion democrats? I wouldn’t say they are very obedient Catholics. Would you? I don’t want to speculate as to the reason. Maybe they were misinformed, maybe they sincerely think they are being good Catholics by supporting ripping an unborn baby apart. But they aren’t being obedient to the Teachings of the Church if they support abortion…or gay marriage…or divorce/remarriage…or assisted suicide…or euthanasia…etc…etc…
The logic of C. 915 is not that “they are committing scandal,” it is that the minister would openly give scandal to onlookers were the Sacrament to be administered. This could even mean that one knows with good certainty that the would-be communicant is in a state of grace, but an objective/independent situation indicates to reasonable onlookers that it is otherwise. The administration of Holy Communion, say, to a little girl who was tricked into wearing a some political sash, would be taken as a sign that “the Church approves/does not disapprove of this behavior/ideology”… That’s the key.

It also puzzles me - endlessly - why so many here think that Holy Orders magically confers knowledge of such things (canon law, moral theology, etc.). It doesn’t. Plenty of laymen are highly qualified - and some are even on this forum!
…perhaps both bravery and humility were to be conveyed…which is seriously, clearly and steadfastly contrary to the moral norm.…How does one …"…lest we be judged…determine the Moral norm…The democratic platformers determine that for the Western rite correct?..ministering was anlagous to guiding…but where are the cliffs from where everyone must be pushed to be saved…or have we become so complacent…or fearful of losing a shekel rather than a soul…what happend to …even the appearnce of sin…talk all day and take no action…all that is necessary for evil to triumph…Honor demands action …or in action??? yes IHS action…anyone know where I can find a representative…
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