Can I be LGBT and still be catholic?

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Of course you can is the answer.

Saint Peter denied Christ thrice and he is the rock
the Church is built on.

God is love and forgiveness.

In the great scheme of things that thousands of children
starve to death on the planet each day, that millions
more don’t even reach the age of 5, is of far, far greater
importance than the sex of the person you are in a loving
relationship with, even if that’s a sexual relationship.

None of us are without sin, although some may
be inclined to think otherwise! Judge not and live in peace.
You can, and must, still attend Mass no matter your relationship status - even divorced-and-attempted-remarriage people attend Mass and are welcome there.

While you remain Catholic no matter what you do or say, you are in a “museum of saints and hospital for sinners”. So we are all trying to amend our lives, live in a state of grace, and love God and neighbor more every day. You are welcome among us.

As Bishop McElroy says, an attack on a man’s Catholic identity due to a single social issue, such as abortion or LGBT, is actually an attack on the meaning of Catholic identity itself. Being Catholic is about living a grace-filled life, about loving God and His Church, and accepting all the doctrines thereof. Sometimes it’s difficult to swallow a bitter pill, but we do it for love of the Kingdom.

Have you looked into a Courage chapter near you? They are both Catholic and LGBT. I think you would benefit immensely from their fellowship and support.
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Nothing has changed. Homosexuality is still immoral. You cannot serve God and Mammon.
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Have you ever been through the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA)? It would help you better understand core beliefs of the faith. The Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) & The US Catholic Catechism for Adults are found online here:

The Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) (USCCB):

The US Catholic Catechism for Adults (USCCB):
Really?! I guess it’s not surprising. I have an acquaintance who is about as far as one can go in the Masons and he found a priest who told him he was fine being a Mason. Never mind the Church is completely against it…one priest said so and this guy runs with it.

Given that you have actually had priests tell you homosexual activity was okay, I have to tell you I commend your strength and dedication to living the faith. That is very impressive and I can’t imagine how difficult life can be for you at times. You have a lot of courage. 💜
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yea my priest was vary nice about it, he said he would never deny me the eucharist even if i were in a homosexual relationship. i just wanted to make sure me and him were not both sinning
Whether he would deny you is not quite the point. You should not approach if you are in a same sex sexual relationship.
I feel for you, its a tough situation. So this isn’t just a Gay thing, any heterosexual person having sex outside marriage would also be in mortal sin as would someone married in the church, divorced and remarried. The onus is on us to not seek Communion because we are not in a state of grace.

Just like when Jesus was born to a virgin, rode on a colt that had never been used before and buried in a tomb never used before, how then could be allow ourselves to take the most Holy Eucharist (His body & blood) into our sullied bodies?

However this doesn’t stop you going to mass, just not receiving the Eucharist.
Given that you have actually had priests tell you homosexual activity was okay, I have to tell you I commend your strength and dedication to living the faith. That is very impressive and I can’t imagine how difficult life can be for you at times. You have a lot of courage. 💜
Whether he would deny you is not quite the point. You should not approach if you are in a same sex sexual relationship.
I feel for you, its a tough situation.
Guys, the OP has received a temp ban. He posted on this thread last night with an article from yesterday regarding the Pope’s comments and said “What now haters?!” and that he’d be leaving the site for good.

He wasn’t here for help.
We are all sinners.

Telling someone in an LGBT relationship they can’t be Catholic is like telling a compulsive shop lifter he can’t be Catholic. Or a Mafia boss he can’t be Catholic. Or a politician he can’t be Catholic.

It doesn’t work that way. God is always calling His lost sheep back to the fold. We, the flock, can not be like the Pharisees & keep them out.

Church teaching is Church teaching. Truth is truth. But the answer should be, “Yes, come home.”
I know, I was specifically addressing @StudentMI, who is a frequent poster. I didn’t realise he struggled with SSA and, as his posts always indicate, he is clearly a very devout Catholic. That he bears his burden and demonstrates Christian love and joy is impressive and I wanted to acknowledge that.

Not surprised the OP was banned…
Not to argue with you, but my priest has said his responsibility is to offer the Eucharist to those who ask for it. It is up to us to know if we are in a state of grace. There have been high profile cases where the priest denied the Eucharist - and I honestly don’t know what is the “right” thing to do.
Canon 915 is pretty clear about this

Can. 915 Those who have been excommunicated or interdicted after the imposition or declaration of the penalty and others obstinately persevering in manifest grave sin are not to be admitted to holy communion.
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Shame but maybe they might have learned something despite themselves. Hopefully they find their way home, God willing.
True but many priests will not refuse stating they cannot know the state of their soul etc, even when it’s a public figure who has openly campaignen for abortion.
True but many priests will not refuse stating they cannot know the state of their soul etc, even when it’s a public figure who has openly campaignen for abortion.
That’s because they misunderstand or object to Canon 915.

There is a difference between someone who you suspect might be living in a state of mortal sin vs. someone who is publicly committing the mortal sin of scandal.

Denying them communion is actually a mercy and might help save them from the fires of hell.
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I would respectfully suggest that unless you are a priest, you’re really not in a position to decide how Canon 915 should be applied, or to say it’s clear.

It’s just your opinion as some layperson who is not a priest. I am more inclined to trust the judgment of the actual priest, myself.

I realize it’s popular to assume that clergy either don’t know what they’re doing or are too wishy-washy to ever put a sinner in his place (according to whoever is making the judgment call) but I don’t see how it serves any productive purpose.
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I would respectfully suggest that unless you are a priest, you’re really not in a position to decide how Canon 915 should be applied, or to say it’s clear.

It’s just your opinion as some layperson who is not a priest. I am more inclined to trust the judgment of the actual priest, myself.

I realize it’s popular to assume that clergy either don’t know what they’re doing or are too wishy-washy to ever put a sinner in his place (according to whoever is making the judgment call) but I don’t see how it serves any productive purpose.
that’s fair, you have a point.
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Forget priests, most bishops require that Canon 915 be ignored in their dioceses. So it is not really helpful to speak of Canon 915 as a common remedy for obstinate persistence in grave sin.
yea my priest was vary nice about it, he said he would never deny me the eucharist even if i were in a homosexual relationship. i just wanted to make sure me and him were not both sinning
Why, for the love of all that is good, do people use “me and him,” “me and her,” etc.?!

Other than that, I have no comment.

Carry on as you were.
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