Can protestants get forgiveness/reconciliation?

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So can you show me even on instance in the N.T. Scriptures where the Apostles personally absolved a person’s sins? Where even one person came to them to have their sins forgiven? If not, then yours is the “tradition of men,” not Apostolic. In order to be Apostolic the Apostles themselves would have to have done it. Right?

ACTS 10:43 "Of Him all the prophets bear witness that through His name everyone who believes in Him receives forgiveness of sins."

ACTS 13:38 "Therefore let it be known to you, brethren, that through Him forgiveness of sins is proclaimed to you."

You can believe God’s Word, Dennis. Such *belief *actually honors Him and produces salvation.
Just show me someone who agrees with you prior to the 16th century and you have my ear. If not, then you are asking us to accept your interpretation of Scripture over that of whole Body of Christ prior to the 1600.

Are you saying that they were all wrong for 1600 year, and that you are right? :hmmm: That’s a mighty big assertion. To bad you were not born earlier to help avoid all the confussion and false doctrine.

Hi Lily, You fooled me. I thought you were catholic. 😃 I would have become catholic until I meet one. 😃 God Bless
You seem to be easily fooled.😃
You seem to be easily fooled.😃
Hi Malachi, Thats a problem on this site,you never know who is catholic on this site. There are many that claim to be. :confused: God Bless
I *was [/quote said:
baptized Catholic, however my parents ended the Catholic teaching there. I attend a Protestant Church and was re-baptized in a Protestant church.

Your “re-baptism” was merely a bath! 🙂
First of all Jn. 20:21-23 says nothing about “priests,” or sacraments. Christ is speaking directly to His Apostles. You cannot just lift Jn. 20:21-23 out of the context of all N.T. revelation regarding sin and forgiveness. It is VERY clear in the N. T. Scriptures that the basis of forgiveness is the substitutionary sacrifice of God the Son through personal faith in Him. Jesus is not giving His Apostles the “power” to forgive sins in this passage, and certainly not the power to refuse forgiveness of sins.
Ozzie, the words are as clear as crystal. That is exactly what Jesus is saying and doing. Moreover, the orders of bishop, priest and deacon are clearly delineated in the New Testament. The charism of the apostles is passed on through the bishops, and by extension, to priests.
Jesus here commits to the Apostles the right, authoritatively, to declare, in His name, that there is forgiveness of sins, and by what conditions the sins will be forgiven.
I am always amazed at this interpretation. The only reason to accept it is for the purpose of rejecting the ministry of the Body of Christ, his Church.
This is clearly demonstrated by Peter himself when he first preached the Person and work of Jesus Christ to Gentiles:

ACTS 10:43 “Of Him all the prophets bear witness that through His name everyone who believes in Him receives forgiveness of sins.”
Ozzie, this message in no way conflicts with receiving that forgiveness in the WAY Jesus himself offers it to us through the ministry of his priests.
Peter is not personally forgiving sins, but declares the condition by which sins are forgiven: “everyone who BELIEVERS in Him RECEIVES forgiveness of sins.”
Presumably, after they have been “born again through water and the holy spirit.”
Paul demonstrates the same in his sermon to the Jews at Pisidian Antioch:

ACTS 13:38 “Therefore let it be known to you, brethren, that through Him forgiveness of sins is proclaimed to you, and through Him everyone who believes is justified from all things, from which you could not be justified through the Law of Moses.”

He again declares the same thing before king Agrippa in Acts 26:18.
Can you show me even one place in the N.T. where anyone ever came to the Apostles FOR the forgiveness of their sins? Where the Apostles themselves ever demonstrated or claimed to have the power to personally absolve sins?
Jesus said it. The apostles HAVE this gift. “Whose sins you forgive, they are forgiven.”
Your interpretation of Jn. 20:21-23 is totally erroneous and goes against the whole grain of N.T. revelation concerning Christ and the forgiveness of sins through personal faith in Him.
Erroneous? I think not. The Catholic position in no way goes against the Gospel of forgiveness of sins through Christ. Jesus gave the Church this gift, who in his right mind would reject it?
But Ozzie that’s not what it says. It doesn’t say “Receive ye the holy ghost, I give you the authority to declare there is forgiveness of sins.” It sounds like you’re trying to make the Bible say something it doesn’t say.
Not at all. Like I said, you can’t just take that one verse and give it a life of its own. It must fit into the context of the whole of the Gospel message. In verse 21 Jesus said “as the Father has sent Me…” What did the Father send the Son to do? To be the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world (Jn. 1:29). Jesus Himself said, “Truly, truly I say to you, he who hears My word and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life” (Jn. 5:24). And it is with this basic, Gospel message of belief that Jesus is now (after His sin-bearing, substitutionary, sacrificial sacrifice and subsequent bodily resurrection) sending out His disciples into the world. When their message concerning Christ and sin is believed, they have the right to say to that new believer, “your sins are forgiven.” If their message concerning Christ is refused, they have the right to say “your sins are not forgiven.”

However, this passage in NO WAY speaks to the Catholic sacrament of Penance/Reconciliation.

Jesus was about to send them out into the world with His Gospel message of the forgiveness through faith in Him. This passage is not at all in the context of forgiving the sins of “Christians” through the act of confession. No, my friend, it is you who are reading such a notion into the text. Such a notion doesn’t even fit the context. Think about what’s happening there!!

Now I ask this question AGAIN. Can you show me, by example, anywhere in the N.T. Scriptures where the Apostles ever personally forgave anyone’s sins? Or where anyone (believer or unbeliever) came to the Apostles to confess their sins in order to be forgiven by/through them?

The Apostolic message, this side of the cross, is that through faith in Jesus Christ your sins ARE forgiven!!! This message Rome’s Episcopate (from the Pope down to the local priest), as well as some Protestant clergy, refuse to believe and lead others down the same road of unbelief.

ACTS 10:43 “Of Him all the prophets bear witness that through His name everyone who believes in Him receives forgiveness of sins.”

ACTS 13:38 “Therefore let it be known to you, brethren, that through Him forgiveness of sins is proclaimed to you…”

COL. 1:14 “in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.”

For this reason the Apostle Paul says regarding this magnificent Gospel message of forgiveness of sins in Christ:

ROM 1:16 “For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.”

ROM 1:17 "For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; as it is written, “But the righteous man shall live by faith.”

The righteous man of faith lives out his life knowing that ALL his sins are forgiven because he put his faith in God the Father who sent His Son into this world to be the sin-Bearer. How about you? Will you turn from your unbelief to belief in Him? Will you believe the Word of God or trust the word of unbelieving men? It’s your choice! If you believe the Word of God your sins are forgiven. If you believe the word of men, your sins are retained.
Just show me someone who agrees with you prior to the 16th century and you have my ear. If not, then you are asking us to accept your interpretation of Scripture over that of whole Body of Christ prior to the 1600.
You remind me of the Pharisees (religious leaders) who said, *"…search and see that no prophet arises out of Galilee" *(Jn. 7:52). They couldn’t have been more wrong! You’ll always have it wrong, Dennis (probably to your grave). You claim that the Word of God must be proved by the word of men, but in truth, the word of men must be proved by the Word of God. Who will you believe, Dennis? God has left that choice to you. And that choice truly does have eternal consequences.
Jesus said it. The apostles HAVE this gift. “Whose sins you forgive, they are forgiven.” Erroneous? I think not. The Catholic position in no way goes against the Gospel of forgiveness of sins through Christ. Jesus gave the Church this gift, who in his right mind would reject it?
See my post to “Curious” # 45.
See my post to “Curious” # 45.
Indeed. The Catholic position fully encompasses the message of preaching forgiveness of sins and provides – by the very authority of Christ himself – a concrete way of delivering that forgiveness. Your position leaves out the ordinary means.

Why should only the Apostles proclaim the forgiveness of sins? Aren’t we all called to spread the good news of the Gospel? The apostolic charism is not merely to preach but to deliver that forgiveness.

Ozzie, how do you account for Jesus’ words: “whose sins you retain, they are retained?” Why would Jesus say that? He is not saying that people who reject the apostles’ TEACHING will not be forgiven. He is specifically (grammatically) telling them that they not only have the power to forgive sins but to retain them.
they have the right to say to that new believer, “your sins are forgiven.” If their message concerning Christ is refused, they have the right to say “your sins are not forgiven.”
All right Ozzie. That makes more sense. I understand now where you are coming from.
No, my friend, it is you who are reading such a notion into the text
How about you? Will you turn from your unbelief to belief in Him? Will you believe the Word of God or trust the word of unbelieving men? It’s your choice! If you believe the Word of God your sins are forgiven. If you believe the word of men, your sins are retained.
Ozzie, “my friend,” I’m not trying to ugly but you sound like a Southern-fried hacking televangelist when you say things like that. :rolleyes:
“whose sins you retain, they are retained?” Why would Jesus say that? He is not saying that people who reject the apostles’ TEACHING will not be forgiven. He is specifically (grammatically) telling them that they not only have the power to forgive sins but to retain them
That’s exactly what I was trying to say. The verse says what it says. “whose sins **you **retain will be retained.”
However, this passage in NO WAY speaks to the Catholic sacrament of Penance/Reconciliation.
Catholics see in that statement the implication of a confession. How can the apostles forgive sins if those sins are not confessed? Moreover, confession is clearly a practice of the early Church as attested to by the Early Church Fathers. We also understand the admonition in James 5:16 as a reference to confession (the Church later limiting confession to priests for discretion’s sake: why, in the ordinary way of things, confess to someone who has no charism to pronounce absolution?)
Jesus was about to send them out into the world with His Gospel message of the forgiveness through faith in Him. This passage is not at all in the context of forgiving the sins of “Christians” through the act of confession. No, my friend, it is you who are reading such a notion into the text. Such a notion doesn’t even fit the context. Think about what’s happening there!!
Part of the “context” is something you undoubtedly reject: the actual practice of the Apostolic and subapostolic Church.
Now I ask this question AGAIN. Can you show me, by example, anywhere in the N.T. Scriptures where the Apostles ever personally forgave anyone’s sins? Or where anyone (believer or unbeliever) came to the Apostles to confess their sins in order to be forgiven by/through them?
Jesus said “As the Father sent me, I also send you.” We see Jesus directly forgiving sin. Thus, the Apostles (which means, ‘those sent’) go and do likewise. The Greek word “forgive” is active, denoting a positive effect, not a mere declaration of forgiveness already effected by God.

The clear teaching of the New Testament and of the Church from earliest times has been that confession of sin and confession of faith in Jesus Christ are two sides of the same coin. I will not restrict my position to Scripture ALONE. The Church wrote the Bible, and it is her task to preserve it and to interpret it. As Peter reminds us, nothing is for private interpretation.
The Apostolic message, this side of the cross, is that through faith in Jesus Christ your sins ARE forgiven!!! This message Rome’s Episcopate (from the Pope down to the local priest), as well as some Protestant clergy, refuse to believe and lead others down the same road of unbelief.
Ozzie, I challenge you to show me how the forgiveness of sins via the means Jesus has given us in any way contradicts the fundamental truth of forgiveness through the Blood of his Cross.
. . . The righteous man of faith lives out his life knowing that ALL his sins are forgiven because he put his faith in God the Father who sent His Son into this world to be the sin-Bearer.
How about you? Will you turn from your unbelief to belief in Him? Will you believe the Word of God or trust the word of unbelieving men? It’s your choice! If you believe the Word of God your sins are forgiven. If you believe the word of men, your sins are retained.
You seem to understand that the Body of Christ is an ‘institiution’ of unbelieving men. This is so patently at odds with the witness of the early bishops and martyrs, men trained by the apostles themselves, that it constitutes an accusation that the early church preached a fraudulent Gospel, that it deliberately distorted and perverted the work of Christ. You are saying that those men, most of whom died as martyrs for Jesus Christ and his Gospel, created and imposed upon the faithful a structure of their own invention. When Paul tells the early Christians to obey their leaders and submit to them, whom do you think he meant? Since the Catholic Church has a clear historic line back to the apostles and to Christ himself, and since she has the promise that “the gates of hell will not prevaile against her” – I’ll stick with the Church.

Your “re-baptism” was merely a bath!​

I could state my first baptism was only a sprinkling~I don’t believe that however,
I happen to believe it was not valid as no one followed through with further teachings, so I felt the need to be re-baptized.

Your “re-baptism” was merely a bath!​

I could state my first baptism was only a sprinkling~I don’t believe that however,
I happen to believe it was not valid as no one followed through with further teachings, so I felt the need to be re-baptized.
Well, if it was a Catholic baptism, you were not “sprinkled” unless you were in a neonatal intensive care unit or there were some other restraining factor. Catholics “infuse” (pour) as a rule, with immersion becoming more common.

And I hope you now understand that however you felt about your baptism, it WAS valid. It is not validated by how you felt about it.

But I know whatcha mean. When you undergo a deep conversion experience you hunger for the experience of baptism, even if you KNOW your baptism is valid and cannot be repeated.
Your “re-baptism” was merely a bath! 🙂
Actually, Mickey, it was a sacrilege of the first order. It is a big time no-no to reject your baptism – which is what re-baptism does.
You remind me of the Pharisees (religious leaders) who said, *"…search and see that no prophet arises out of Galilee" *(Jn. 7:52). They couldn’t have been more wrong! You’ll always have it wrong, Dennis (probably to your grave). You claim that the Word of God must be proved by the word of men, but in truth, the word of men must be proved by the Word of God. Who will you believe, Dennis? God has left that choice to you. And that choice truly does have eternal consequences.
Wow, harsh words!

I never said the Word of God has to be proved by the words of men. I have stated that the Word of God both oral and written has to be properly interpreted through the Authority Christ established–His Church!

What is funny is that you come here and give us YOUR interpretation of Scripture and expect us to believe you. You are in essence commiting the same “sin” as you claim of the Church, except there is one HUGE difference–you have no Authority. You are historically cut off from the truth and you don’t even know it. You have no regard for history and see all those who came before you as horribly decieved. Again, show me a Christian like yourself in the first 1600 years of Christianity and I will give what you say some consideration. If not, you are just making irrelevant noise.

I totally agree with mercygate’s statement regarding your position,

“You seem to understand that the Body of Christ is an ‘institiution’ of unbelieving men. This is so patently at odds with the witness of the early bishops and martyrs, men trained by the apostles themselves, that it constitutes an accusation that the early church preached a fraudulent Gospel, that it deliberately distorted and perverted the work of Christ. You are saying that those men, most of whom died as martyrs for Jesus Christ and his Gospel, created and imposed upon the faithful a structure of their own invention. When Paul tells the early Christians to obey their leaders and submit to them, whom do you think he meant? Since the Catholic Church has a clear historic line back to the apostles and to Christ himself, and since she has the promise that “the gates of hell will not prevaile against her” – I’ll stick with the Church.”

ACTS 10:43 “Of Him all the prophets bear witness that through His name everyone who believes in Him receives forgiveness of sins.”

ACTS 13:38 “Therefore let it be known to you, brethren, that through Him forgiveness of sins is proclaimed to you,”

ACTS 26:18 “to open their eyes so that they may turn from darkness to light and from the dominion of Satan to God, in order that they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who have been sanctified by faith in

COL 1:14 in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.

When an unbeliever truns from unbelief to *belief *in Jesus Christ he receives forgiveness of ALL his sins. Forgeiveness of one’s sins is based on Sacrifice, not sacraments, redemption not rhetoric. It is through Christ, and Christ alone, the “Sin-bearer,” that ANYONE ever receives forgiveness of their sins.

Forgiveness of sins has nothing to do with being Protestant or Catholic. If a Protestant has not put his personal faith in Christ Jesus and what He accomplished FOR HIM on the cross, then he has not received forgiveness of sins. If a Catholic trusts in sacraments, rather than the cross of Christ only, then he has not received forgiveness of sins.

Please read John 3:14-18.

There is no other Biblical message.
These are *Your *interpretations(opinions). Where did you get your biblical scholarship from? How long have you beeen studying theology? What about all the other things(binding) that possibly precede these that you mention/ What if you’re wrong?:o How do you know for certain you’re correct in all that you interpret? Is the Holy Spirit telling you what everything means. Why is he telling me something different? What does it mean to you(please don’t quote scripture, just this once?)when you say you trust in the cross of Christ. How has this changed the way you live? Feel free to be explicit. As a Catholic, I actually look at :eek: Jesus crucified when I pray. It stays with me longer, forcing myself to look at Him on the Cross. It’s the only reason Catholics live(Jesus crucified, it’s in The Creed). Now if I’m wrong about all this Catholic muddle, do you think I will lose my salvation? If you’re wrong, Catholics don’t think you will be necessarily damned to hell, but what if you are wrong.? We have 2000 years of the same teaching, you have your opinion. Have you ever been to a Catholic Mass? Do you go to Church? What does binding and loosing of sins mean in the old testament and then in the new? Was there a priest invilved in the old? What about John 6? Explain to me what this whole discourse means. Why do you put constraints on our Lord’s teaching to fit your pride? Catholics take the whole Bible as Word of God (after all we put it together) not just what suits our personal belief. We even read it extensively at Mass. I bet you didn’t know that. And we sing wonderful hyms and partake in the Eucharist(just like in the Bible, every day if we want!) Do you? What if you are wrong?

Peace and Love my brother
He is All in All for All
I am nothing
Indeed. The Catholic position fully encompasses the message of preaching forgiveness of sins and provides – by the very authority of Christ himself – a concrete way of delivering that forgiveness.
Actually, the “Catholic” position circumvents the message that was “delivered” to the world by the Apostles in their day. Your position completely avoids their message and instead sets up its own sacramental system through which sins are forgiven.

ACTS 10:43 “Of Him all the prophets bear witness that through His name everyone who believes in Him receives forgiveness of sins.”
ACTS 13:38 “Therefore let it be known to you, brethren, that through Him forgiveness of sins is proclaimed to you…”
a concrete way of delivering that forgiveness.
Based on the Scriptures quoted above, they did not “deliver” forgiveness of sins, but declared forgiveness of sins through faith in the One who bore them; the One on whom our sins were laid; who took upon Himself our judgment in our stead - and died (“the wages of sin is death”). What was *once for all *laid on the Savior cannot be laid back on the sinner. Can you show me anywhere in Scripture where any of the Apostles were instructed to “deliver” forgiveness of sins? They were God’s messengers.
Your position leaves out the ordinary means.
Ordinary? “…let it be known to you, brethren, that through Him forgiveness of sins is declared to you.” This IS the “ordinary” way - through faith in what Christ accomplished FOR you, in your stead. There simply is no other way. Rome’s way has no Apostolic or Biblical support.
Why should only the Apostles proclaim the forgiveness of sins? Aren’t we all called to spread the good news of the Gospel?(/QUOTE]We were speaking in context of the Jn. 20:23 passage. The “good news” message was first entrusted to Christ’s chosen Apostles. They’re the foundation of the Church, Christ Jesus being the corner stone (Eph. 2:20-21). And we are not to change that Divine message entrusted to them by Christ, supplementing it with a religious sacrament.

The apostolic charism is not merely to preach but to deliver that forgiveness.
And yet you NEVER read of them exercising such an alleged “charism” in Scripture, do you? Nor does Jn. 20:23 mention ANYTHING about “confession” of sins to those men, does it? Where is it stated that anyone at anytime confessed their sins to them? You anachronistically read that doctrine INTO the passage. None of it’s there!!!
Ozzie, how do you account for Jesus’ words: “whose sins you retain, they are retained?”
I answered that already. It was based on the power of the message of faith entrusted to them. Similar to what Jesus said, "I said therefore to you, that you shall die in your sins; for unless you believe that I am He, you shall die in your sins" (Jn. 8:24). The message of the cross was first entrusted with the Apostles.
Ozzie, “my friend,” I’m not trying to ugly but you sound like a Southern-fried hacking televangelist when you say things like that.
But I’m not asking for any money (grin). And my heart is pure when I say to you that you can trust in the Apostolic message that your sins are *forever forgiven *through faith in Christ alone. No man (Pope, Prelate, Priest or Pastor) has the power or the “charism” to forgive sins. Nor is there is no power to forgive sins in a sacrament. Only through personal faith in Christ are sins ever personally forgiven. If you will turn to Christ by faith then what Paul states below will be true of you too:

COL 2:13 "And when you were dead in your transgressions and the uncircumcision of your flesh, He made you alive together with Him, having forgiven us all our transgressions,

COL 2:14 having canceled out the certificate of debt consisting of decrees against us and which was hostile to us; and He has taken it out of the way, having nailed it to the cross."

You can trust God’s Word.
Catholics see in that statement the implication of a confession.
Well, that what “Catholics” are told to see. But in truth, confession of sins is not even implied, and you know it.
They can’t on two counts. (1) They personally had no power to forgive sins anyway, and (2) NOWHERE did they ever instruct the people to confess their sins to them to be absolved. They’re message was to BELIEVE in Jesus Christ and ALL their sins ARE forgiven - including all of them, excluding none of them (Col. 2:13-14).

Part of the “context” is something you undoubtedly reject: the actual practice of the Apostolic and subapostolic Church.
I’ll ask you AGAIN: Where in the N.T. Scriptures do you find anyone ever confessing their sins to the Apostles to have them declared absolved by/through them?
Jesus said “As the Father sent me, I also send you.” We see Jesus directly forgiving sin.
You’re on dangerous ground if you’re going to take that parallel, mister! The Father sent the Son to be a sacrifice for sins. Are you telling me that the Apostles were also unblemished Lambs, sacrificed for the forgiveness of our sins? That there is more than one Savior? Jesus was merely saying, as He was sent into this world by the Father in His Name, He now is sending them out into the world in His Name.
The clear teaching of the New Testament and of the Church from earliest times has been that confession of sin and confession of faith in Jesus Christ are two sides of the same coin.
Then it should be pretty easy to show me the other side of the coin that proves faith plus confession in N.T. Scripture. However, you have not flipped that coin yet.
I will not restrict my position to Scripture ALONE.
And that’s the ONLY way you can hang on to your position - it’s extrabiblical. No Scriptural support, no Apostolic support.
Ozzie, I challenge you to show me how the forgiveness of sins via the means Jesus has given us in any way contradicts the fundamental truth of forgiveness through the Blood of his Cross.

Show me in Scripture where Jesus

gave you your means of forgiving sins. I have clearly shown you that your sacrament of penance (confession) is diametrically opposed to the Apostolic message of the cross and personal faith in Christ for the forgiveness of ALL sins. You simply refuse to believe that message and accept those Scriptures. I fear this could be true of you: Jn. 8:24.
Hi Isidore, And which prayer do you think God prefers? Personally I believe He wants the one from the HEART. 👍 God Bless.
Spoken,when you pray the act of contrition you pray it from the heart:rolleyes: And please stop attempting to read others hearts and the mind of God it is unbecoming.Come Home Spoken:crying:
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